ASMR BL female high-school student KU100 m office lady sadist SM SP strong, brawny man over-satisfied tits spanking elder sister buttocks bath gulp service whisper anal lovey-dovey masturbation support masturbation masturbation device that mimics female genitalia euphonic change of pronunciation countdown kiss clitoral torture cunnilingus cool (i.e. fashionable, attractive, etc.) very sadistic binaural paisley pants fellatio massage person (usu. female) with an unhealthy romantic obsession (has a connotation of mental instability) head-over-heels in love lotion underwear intravaginal (anal, etc.) ejaculation nipple nipple licking nipple torture bass used after the name of someone who is an older brother figure teacher senior (at work or school) virgin ejaculating into someone's mouth sigh confession heavy breathing whisper attachment metamorphosis service pregnancy my betrothed used after the name of someone who is an older sister figure envy conception school Heian-period student of government administration stopping just before little girl older younger childhood friend sitting posture younger brother enforcement her younger people lover love hand job finger-banging (manual stimulation of female genital organs) restraint everyday juice lewd indecent language sleeping together doting tide female ejaculation forcibly teasing snoop (i.e. a detective, a spy, etc.) sweet (taste, fragrance, etc.) indulging (e.g. in alcohol, women, etc.) living healing male virgin ear licking leg torture in which the victim is bound and gagged with words breaking (animals) continual climax

List of Contributors

An idol who had no interest in me suddenly pushed me down and had sex with me by making me do things I didn't want to do!


An idol I wasn't interested in suddenly pushed me down and made me have sex with her [Lacelle].


An idol I wasn't interested in suddenly pushed me down and made me have sex with her [Lacelle].


An idol I wasn't interested in suddenly pushed me down and made me have sex with her [Lacelle].
An idol I wasn't interested in suddenly pushed me down and made me have sex with her [Lacelle].


An idol I wasn't interested in suddenly pushed me down and made me have sex with her [Lacelle].
An idol I wasn't interested in suddenly pushed me down and made me have sex with her [Lacelle].

57:46 An idol I wasn't interested in suddenly pushed me down and made me have sex with her.

  1. Confessions of an Idol" (nipple torture, cunnilingus, going out in normal position with raw penetration) 15:51
  2. Calling, then forceful sex" (clitoral torture, ear licking, normal position, raw penetration outing) 11:50
  3. What I want to achieve with my future" (ear licking, back penetration, clitoral torture from behind, Nakadashi) 12:49
  4. Forbidden lovemaking with the idol in charge" (ear licking, nipple torture, cunnilingus, normal position, cum inside) 16:22

Detailed track listing *Includes spoilers

0 Track 1 "Confession of an Idol" (nipple torture, cunnilingus, going out in normal position with raw penetration) 15:51
You pick up Jin, who had fallen down after drinking too much, and when you drop him off at home, Jin pushes you down, and he gets excited and masturbates on your breasts. Since you had not had sex for a long time, too, you feel it as he licks your nipples and pubic area. Jin is happy to see this and inserts himself into your wet vagina. Her hips couldn't stop from feeling so good, and she went out once. But his erection doesn't stop and he immediately inserts himself again to start the second round.
Jin is one of our idols and has a future ahead of him, so please don't do this. I've loved you for a long time," she confesses as she shakes her hips. After going out for the second time, you finally calm down and apologize.
'Me, I have no regrets. I don't care if it's selfish, please use this as an opportunity to go out with me".
You, who were only aware of him as your idol, leave his room as if you were running away.

0Track 2 "Calling, then forceful sex" (clitoral torture, ear licking, normal position, raw insertion outing) 11:50
After the next job, you order Jin to stay. The two of you are alone in the office. You know why Jin called you here, don't you? He asks. He asks and apologizes to you. But... the manager felt good too, didn't he? She blushes and says, "But... the manager felt good too, didn't he? She then whispers, "I fell in love with you after you took charge of me, but I've loved you since you came to see me at lessons when I was little." He then pushes you down and rapes your clitoris in a 69 position. You were soaking wet, and he said, " erotic. Without giving you any time to get up, he inserted himself into you in the normal position.
If you don't want to be my lover, then I'll just be your body! But you refuse, saying that you don't want to ruin your future and that you don't want to have such an impure relationship with him. He asks you to go on a date with him, but you refuse, saying, "You're my idol, you can't do that! You are reluctant to go on a date with him. You go out and finish the date, a little annoyed at his attitude, even though your body is honest.
Jin leaves, saying, "If you don't give me a date, I'll fuck you like this the next time I see you."

0 Track 3 - "What I want to achieve over the future" (ear licking, back penetration, clitoral torture from behind, Nakadashi) 12:49
Over the next few days, you met Jin several times at the office, but you had been avoiding him. Finally, Jin gets impatient and says, "I need to talk to you about our future," and the two of them decide to stay in the office alone.
Why are you avoiding me? If you don't like me that much, please say no clearly", Jin says. You have no choice but to say no, "Jin is just addicted to sex right now. (In truth, you are becoming attracted to Jin as a man, not as the idol he belongs to.) Jin grabs her, saying, "I don't want my feelings for my manager to be misunderstood that way. After a question and answer, he pushes her down from behind and inserts himself into her from behind without foreplay. You are in pain.
You get wet right away when she puts her arms around you and plays with your clit while you're in the back. She then starts to get wet and she starts to cum inside you.
You, who cries after being ejaculated inside, finally confesses, "I'm attracted to Jin. But we are too different in age and you are our idol. She apologizes when she realizes that she has hurt you without knowing your feelings, but she is told to leave and has no choice but to leave.

00Track 4 "Forbidden lovemaking with the idol in charge" (ear licking, nipple torture, cunnilingus, normal position, cum inside) 16:22
(A few days after track 3) Jin came to your office to apologize again. She had been sick since that day and had been coming to the office less and less. She earnestly and sincerely broke her back and apologized, saying, "I'm really sorry for forcing my feelings on you without knowing how you feel about your manager. But I'm not lying about my feelings for the manager." "I really like the manager." He confesses again, "I really love my manager.
You are also struck by the "I'm older than you, okay? Are you sure?" But she replied, "I don't care if you're older than me or what your position is. I love you because I'm your manager. I like the manager's confidence.
Hey, I want to hold you gently... can I go to bed?" and lovemaking in bed.
I'm going to keep working hard. Please watch me. and whispered in my ear.