ASMR BL female high-school student KU100 m office lady sadist SM SP strong, brawny man over-satisfied tits spanking elder sister buttocks bath gulp service whisper anal lovey-dovey masturbation support masturbation masturbation device that mimics female genitalia euphonic change of pronunciation countdown kiss clitoral torture cunnilingus cool (i.e. fashionable, attractive, etc.) very sadistic binaural paisley pants fellatio massage person (usu. female) with an unhealthy romantic obsession (has a connotation of mental instability) head-over-heels in love lotion underwear intravaginal (anal, etc.) ejaculation nipple nipple licking nipple torture bass used after the name of someone who is an older brother figure teacher senior (at work or school) virgin ejaculating into someone's mouth sigh confession heavy breathing whisper attachment metamorphosis service pregnancy my betrothed used after the name of someone who is an older sister figure envy conception school Heian-period student of government administration stopping just before little girl older younger childhood friend sitting posture younger brother enforcement her younger people lover love hand job finger-banging (manual stimulation of female genital organs) restraint everyday juice lewd indecent language sleeping together doting tide female ejaculation forcibly teasing snoop (i.e. a detective, a spy, etc.) sweet (taste, fragrance, etc.) indulging (e.g. in alcohol, women, etc.) living healing male virgin ear licking leg torture in which the victim is bound and gagged with words breaking (animals) continual climax

List of Contributors

I wasn't expecting any naughty service since it's rumored to be a men's club with no nudity, but the therapist liked my dick and gave me some naughty service.

the characters (in a play or novel)

I didn't expect any naughty service because it's a men's club that's rumored to have no nudity, but the therapist liked my dick and gave me a naughty service [Kamoseiro].


I didn't expect any naughty service because it's a men's club that's rumored to have no nudity, but the therapist liked my dick and gave me a naughty service [Kamoseiro].

One day, a friend told me about a men's store in an apartment building about a five-minute walk from the station.
There is no nubile service, but the massage is very good,
He said that the therapists are all beautiful and stylish.

You are tired, and you visit the men's restaurant.
I didn't nominate anyone, so I wondered what kind of girl I would be dealing with.
When I went to the designated room with my heart pounding, I found "Arisa" and
A woman who identified herself came out.

A beautiful woman with big tits and a great style was going to be my partner.
You are excited.
When I actually got a massage, my hands were repeatedly hitting the wrong places,
I can't help but get an erection.

Arisa looks at you with a somewhat passionate gaze.

Don't tell the store."

And then he gently touched your penis--

I didn't expect any naughty service because it's a men's club that's rumored to have no nudity, but the therapist liked my dick and gave me a naughty service [Kamoseiro].
I didn't expect any naughty service because it's a men's club that's rumored to have no nudity, but the therapist liked my dick and gave me a naughty service [Kamoseiro].

track list

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Track01:Coming to the store(4:17)
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Are you sure you are the right person for the reservation?

Now, this way, please."

We are not a sex store and do not provide sexual services.
Touching the therapist is also strictly prohibited,
If we discover such behavior, we will discontinue the service.
We appreciate your understanding."

I'm sorry. It was very formal, wasn't it?
For our first time customers,
We have a rule that we give you our terms and conditions at ......."

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Track02: Massage (20:05)
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[Contents of play
Close contact massage, oil massage, groin massage


How's the power?
If there is any pain or if you would like us to make it harder, please let us know.
Feel free to tell me."

'Hmmm... ...... feels really good? Thank you.
Yes, we have many clients who fall asleep during the massage.
So, if you feel sleepy, you can go to sleep.

Please relax your body and stay relaxed.
N.........n.........n.........n.........n......... ...n.........
If you can feel my body temperature and the softness of my body, and feel comfortable,
I'm glad you're here. ......."

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Track03: Ecchi massage(18:52)
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[Contents of play
Close hand job, testicle massage, ejaculation


'Mmm, mmm, mmm... ...... that our customers feel good about themselves.
I'm most happy about it. ......
Please make my hand, your cock, feel so good."

'Hmmm ...... your penis is twitching so much!
Besides, when I see the customers tron,
I'm getting excited too. ......"

... "hmmm......... hmmm......... hmmm... ...hmmm......... hmmm...
Sir, if you want to cum, you don't have to hold back.
Please keep it up and let it out with my hands and feel good about it. ......."

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■Track04: From Massage...(16:50)
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[Contents of play
bare thighs, kissing, nipple torture


'Put your customer's ticking cock against my pussy: ......
Mmmm... ...... mmmm!
I can feel your penis getting hot even through your underwear."

"Haa...... haa...... sorry customer,.......
I kind of felt better first. ......

Nnghhhh...... ah...... ah...... ah...... ah...... ah... ...mmmm................................................ oh ...... oh ...... oh ......

Hah ...... Hah ...... if only the customer would be so kind. ......
May I take off my underwear and rub your cock directly on it?"

"My penis, it's so hot. ...... It's not only hot, it's ticking. ......
Ha, ha, the more it rubs, the more it rubs, the more I ...... mmmm ...... deep inside my body,
It's getting hot, hotter and more irresistible. ......."

"Nnhah ...... haha, haha ...... I don't think I'm going to be able to stop now .......
I want to feel more like a customer, is ......."

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Track05: I couldn't stand it any longer and went into production (22:25)
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[Contents of play
Cowgirl sex, deep kissing, vaginal ejaculation


"Deep inside my body, I'm tingling and aching and I can't stop. ......
Don't just rub it, make it feel good in your pussy ...... pussy ......."

"Oh, hmmm, ahhh, ahhh ...... hmmm, hmmm, ahhh ......!

Ha, ha, ha, customer, let me see your face feeling even better. ......
It just makes me, hmmm ...... so, so excited ......."

Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!
The customer's penis is so big, it hits the back of the room many times. ......
Unh......nnn...... ah, ah... ah... ah...... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ah... ...ahhh......
I feel better, mmmm... ......!"

'Ngh, hah, hah, hah, hah, I couldn't help it if I was kissing you.
I feel so good. ...... Mmmm, I'm about to come. ......
How are you doing? Are you about to cum?"

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Track06: End of massage (3:42)
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[Contents of play


I asked, "Um, ......, did I make you feel good about your customer?
Not only ...... massage, but also, you know, sex. ......."

I'm sorry to say goodbye to ....... I feel like I'm going to miss you very much. ......
This is the first time a customer has ever felt this way. ......

Could you please come back to ......?"

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Total playback time: 1 hour 26 minutes
*This work was recorded with a binaural stereo microphone [KU100].
 Therefore, we recommend wearing headphones or earphones for viewing.

wav data
mp3 data
wav data (with BGM)
mp3 data (with background music)
WAV data of voice only without SE
mp3 data of voice only without SE
High resolution package image