ASMR BL female high-school student KU100 m office lady sadist SM SP strong, brawny man over-satisfied tits spanking elder sister buttocks bath gulp service whisper anal lovey-dovey masturbation support masturbation masturbation device that mimics female genitalia euphonic change of pronunciation countdown kiss clitoral torture cunnilingus cool (i.e. fashionable, attractive, etc.) very sadistic binaural paisley pants fellatio massage person (usu. female) with an unhealthy romantic obsession (has a connotation of mental instability) head-over-heels in love lotion underwear intravaginal (anal, etc.) ejaculation nipple nipple licking nipple torture bass used after the name of someone who is an older brother figure teacher senior (at work or school) virgin ejaculating into someone's mouth sigh confession heavy breathing whisper attachment metamorphosis service pregnancy my betrothed used after the name of someone who is an older sister figure envy conception school Heian-period student of government administration stopping just before little girl older younger childhood friend sitting posture younger brother enforcement her younger people lover love hand job finger-banging (manual stimulation of female genital organs) restraint everyday juice lewd indecent language sleeping together doting tide female ejaculation forcibly teasing snoop (i.e. a detective, a spy, etc.) sweet (taste, fragrance, etc.) indulging (e.g. in alcohol, women, etc.) living healing male virgin ear licking leg torture in which the victim is bound and gagged with words breaking (animals) continual climax

List of Contributors

Kanokozu] Deroko Sweet Sis: Deep Snow Sis who Pampered You with Ear Licking and Nipple Blame!

00:00 00:00

Deep-sweet sister - Deep-sweet sister who pampers you with lots of ear licking and nipple torture.



1 Sis's sleeping with her ear licking hand job sample

It's been a while since we slept together like this. Wasn't it annoying? Suddenly your sister crawled under the covers. Really? Hey, hey, remember when you were a kid and you couldn't sleep and your sister used to lick your ears?

Deep snow sis, you were so cute when you begged me to sleep with you, saying you couldn't sleep. Sleep with me, Sis. She told me to pet your ears again. Do you remember? I remember you well.

It's my precious, precious little brother. You've become a big boy, but your ears are still cute. Hey, do you want me to do it again? Hmm? You loved it, didn't you? Licking your ears, big sister. Your ears are red.

Did I get too hot in anticipation? We need to cool him down. How's it going? Is it calming down? Your left ear is getting hot too. Well, then, you can straddle the top. Okay, now you can move to both ears.

Left ear too. I'll do this ear, too. How's that? Can't I get rid of the hot ear? Do the right ear again. Is your breath warm? Did it surprise you? It's so cute that your ears are still red.

Ears, you want more, don't you? More pleasurable stimulation. I want you to lick my ears with your tongue more than just ear kisses. Good. Your left ear is getting greedy, too.

What do you think? Right ear, is it the one you want? I knew it. They both want it. So cute. The ears are delicious.

Hey, what's wrong? You're floating on your hips. Hey, why. Hmm? You want to tell me?

Why does this happen?

Do you react when your sister licks your ears? Are you having trouble sleeping? Back then, you said that having your sister lick your ears would calm you down. Have you become aroused when she licks your ears? You've become a bad girl, haven't you?

Has your ear become a sex toy? Then, I'll raise them for you. Sis, you already knew. Your penis is getting bigger.

I can tell when the bedding is lifted up like this. Did you lift up your hips and appeal to your sister? You noticed, sis. She noticed your penis is erect. What do you want me to do?

What do you want your sister to do with your cock? Can you say it properly? I want my sister to peel it for me. You're so honest and cute. I got an erection from my sister, so I can't help it.

Sis has to take the responsibility and pull it out. I'm going to make my big brother's erect penis, and I'm going to make my big sister squeeze it a lot.

It's okay. You can do it in front of your sister. I'll watch you ejaculate with pleasure. Let's be pampered by your sister a lot and have a happy cumshot. Stick it, stick it, stick it, stick it, stick it.

Deep-sweet sister - Deep-sweet sister who pampers you with lots of ear licking and nipple torture.

2 Sister's nipple torture ona support sample

You're my sister, and I'm aware of it. You were masturbating. That's easy to understand and cute. And when you came back from the bathroom, you awkwardly looked away from your sister, didn't you? Why? Hey. Did you use your sister as a wanker? Cute.

Hey, please. Let me see. Sis, I want to see my brother masturbate. Masturbation. Masturbation. Masturbate. I want to see my brother masturbate. I want to see my cute little brother masturbate. Please. Think of it as a favor to your sister, and show me your penis.

Hey, how about here? Nipples. Tap. Oh, I knew it. Sis, I thought you might feel it with your nipples. Tsun tsun.

Kari, kari, kari, kari, kari, kari, kari, kari, kari, kari, kari, kari, kari. Kari, kari, kari, kari, kari.

Oh, feel more. Kakari kakari kakari kakari.

Let's work on your ejaculation with your sister. My big sister will help you and I will support your brother masturbation while torturing your nipples. Kakari kakari kakari kakari.

Deep-sweet sister - Deep-sweet sister who pampers you with lots of ear licking and nipple torture.

3 Sister's Ejaculation Control Nipple Blame Handjob sample

From behind you, your sister's hands reached out in front of your breasts, index fingers standing up. Oh, where will these fingers touch me? Where will my sister's two fingers come?

Do they touch the little spot with the tip of their index finger? The two little protrusions on your chest that I feel so much. Yes. Nipples. I love it when my big sister caresses me, don't you?

Yes both nipples, the tip of my index finger is pitted. I'm still just touching them a little bit. I just put my fingertips on the nipples and hold them still. I wonder what will happen if I move this fingertip in small movements?

Hmm? Does it make you feel good just to imagine it? Then can I keep my fingers still? Because just imagining it makes me feel good.

Do you want me to move it? I can't help it if you beg me so much. It's fine. Kakarikari. Kakarikari kakarikari kakarikari.

Can you hold back your ejaculation until your sister gives you permission? If you say yes, I can ejaculate. Until then, let's hold back. Can you do it?

Yes good boy good boy. I'm so glad you're managing your sister's ejaculation. Kari-kari-kari-kari-kari-kari.

I'm going to keep tweaking your nipples like this and squeezing and squeezing and squeezing. I'm going to keep squeezing your penis.

Cock cock, cock cock cock. Glancing, glancing, glancing, glancing at the sensitive nipples.

Hmm? What? Sis, you haven't given me permission yet. Don't make such a clingy face. Kari-kari-kari-kari-kari.

Deep-sweet sister - Deep-sweet sister who pampers you with lots of ear licking and nipple torture.

4 Sis's punishment nipple torture hand job sample

No, I won't forgive you. I'm sorry, sis. You can't allow it. You must be corrected by your sister so that you don't develop strange sexual habits. I'm going to eat your nipples with my lips and tongue.

No? Hmm? What's no? No? Then I won't stop. It's such a nice place to be ruined, isn't it? I have to do more for you. I'll give you so much pleasure that you'll drown in your sister.

Yeah, good girl. Good boy, you can get an erection from your sister. I'm going to give you a nipple tease with my hand while I rub my cock. Nipple torture hand job makes you so happy.

I love you. I will teach you so much that it is my sister who can make you feel good. Here, I'm going to make your wanton nipples go krinkle, krinkle, krinkle, krinkle.

How does that feel? Does it feel good? Burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn. Stick, stick, stick, stick, stick. Hmm? What's wrong? Do you want to go? You want to do it with your sister, right? It's okay.

Deep-sweet sister - Deep-sweet sister who pampers you with lots of ear licking and nipple torture.

5 Sister's tipsy kissing and sucking sample

Shall we have another drink? Yes. Gulp it down. It's delicious. Sake with a lot of "sis" in it. I love it. I love it.

You want me to pull it out already, don't you? Then I'll pull it out with my mouth today. I'm going to wrap your entire cock in my mouth. You're bucking. Don't. I won't let you go.

Deep-sweet sister - Deep-sweet sister who pampers you with lots of ear licking and nipple torture.

6 Sister's immorality-inciting sex sample

Hmm? No? Do you really think so? Or does it excite you to think that way? Don't you want to feel immoral by thinking that?

It's immoral and pleasurable next to each other. You're doing something wrong. You realize that the thought that you shouldn't have sex with your sister turns you on even more, don't you?

Well, then, sister, I'll make you feel immoral, as you wish. Oh, no. You can't do this. I'm doing something very, very wrong. I'm sticking my cock in my sister's pussy. Sibling sex. Incest.

Do you know what the worst thing you can do with your sister is right now? My brother should never put his penis in his big sister. You are not allowed to fuck your sister.

Sorry. I was too mean, wasn't I? I won't say no more. You can have sex with me. You can stir my pussy all over the place. Let's have lots of incestuous fun. It's okay. It's so good to have my pussy fucked by my brother's penis.

Deep-sweet sister - Deep-sweet sister who pampers you with lots of ear licking and nipple torture.

Extra Track 1A Ejaculation incitement mix by sister's ear (with voice effects) sample

I'll caress you, I'll pamper you, I'll make your head tingle. I'll caress you a lot, spoil you, and make your head melt. Your penis is in pain. Leave it to your sister.

I'll make you comfortable now. I'm going to rub your cock while tweaking your nipples with my hands. I'm going to rub your cock. I'm going to make your little brother's erect cock squish a lot.

Nipple torture handjobs make me so happy, don't they? I love it. Crunchy, crunchy, crunchy. Show me. Hurry up and show me.

Testicle milk, spit it out fast. I love it when you cum in me, don't you? I'll make you cum. You can go ahead.

Deep-sweet sister - Deep-sweet sister who pampers you with lots of ear licking and nipple torture.

Extra track 2: Big sister's two ear licking sample

Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Nm. Mmm. Mmm. Nm. Nm. Nm. Mmm. Mmm. Nm. Nm. Nm. Nm. Nn. Nm. Nm. Ah. Nm. Nm. Nm. Mmm.

Deep-sweet sister - Deep-sweet sister who pampers you with lots of ear licking and nipple torture.


Kanokozu] Deroko sweet big sister: Deep snow big sister who spoils you with lots of ear licking and nipple torture.

Full-length track listing (total approx. 2 hr. 01 min.)

(WAV 48kHz 32bit float/MP3 48kHz CBR 320kbp, with/without SE *MP3 and SE are available directly under the folder)

1 Miyuki's hand job by licking her ears while she sleeps with her sister 17min 55sec
When I was a child, my sister licked my ears to put me to sleep when I couldn't sleep.
If you get an erection from licking your ears while sleeping with them for the first time in a long time,
Your sister will take the responsibility and pull it out.
(Ejaculation time: 15 minutes and 19 seconds)

2 Miyuki's nipple torture masturbation support 18min. 13sec.
She was teased when she was caught masturbating to her sister,
He begs to see his brother masturbate.
Her sister helps her masturbate by torturing her nipples.
(Ejaculation time: 16 minutes and 21 seconds)

3 Miyuki's Ejaculation Control Nipple Blame Hand Job 19 min 42 sec
Your sister won't give me permission to ejaculate until I say, "Okay."
After being rushed while giving me a nipple torture hand job, she calls me "good" and "fine" repeatedly.
(Ejaculation time: 17 minutes and 15 seconds)

4 Miyuki's punishment nipple torture hand job 19min 51sec
The older sister scolds the younger sister for having an echi-chi manga about her sister.
As a way to correct the "correct sexual habit" of rutting on his sister,
She receives punishment for ear licking, nipple licking, and nipple torture handjob.
(Ejaculation time: 16 minutes and 02 seconds)

5. Miyuki's drunken kissing and sucking 15min. 17sec.
The sister who kisses me after giving me a mouthful of alcohol.
He pulls out his erect penis by sucking it.
(Ejaculation time: 12 minutes and 07 seconds)

6 Deep snow big sister's immorality fueled sex 17 min 14 sec
Safe incest with her sister with a rubber.
She said, "You can't do this with your sister," while encouraging him to feel immoral,
At the end, they do a so-so eh?
(Ejaculation time: 14 minutes and 46 seconds)

7 Deep snow, big sister's sleeping together, ear licking, tucking in 13min 42sec
The big sister induces a good night's sleep with ear licking and good licking.
(Sound track)

extra track

(MP3 48kHz CBR 320kbps)
Extracted and edited in part from this volume, including duplications.
Sis's ear ejaculation agitation mix (voice effects/L/R) 11min 47sec
Alternate ear licking only: 13 min 49 sec, both ear licking: 6 min 51 sec


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