ASMR BL female high-school student KU100 m office lady sadist SM SP strong, brawny man over-satisfied tits spanking elder sister buttocks bath gulp service whisper anal lovey-dovey masturbation support masturbation masturbation device that mimics female genitalia euphonic change of pronunciation countdown kiss clitoral torture cunnilingus cool (i.e. fashionable, attractive, etc.) very sadistic binaural paisley pants fellatio massage person (usu. female) with an unhealthy romantic obsession (has a connotation of mental instability) head-over-heels in love lotion underwear intravaginal (anal, etc.) ejaculation nipple nipple licking nipple torture bass used after the name of someone who is an older brother figure teacher senior (at work or school) virgin ejaculating into someone's mouth sigh confession heavy breathing whisper attachment metamorphosis service pregnancy my betrothed used after the name of someone who is an older sister figure envy conception school Heian-period student of government administration stopping just before little girl older younger childhood friend sitting posture younger brother enforcement her younger people lover love hand job finger-banging (manual stimulation of female genital organs) restraint everyday juice lewd indecent language sleeping together doting tide female ejaculation forcibly teasing snoop (i.e. a detective, a spy, etc.) sweet (taste, fragrance, etc.) indulging (e.g. in alcohol, women, etc.) living healing male virgin ear licking leg torture in which the victim is bound and gagged with words breaking (animals) continual climax

List of Contributors

Yuzuki Akari / Koyama Haru] [ASMR specialized store] Cure Sounds - Kyohana & Hanakanade

00:00 00:00

ASMR specialized store] Cure Sounds - Kyohana & Hanakanade



Track1. "I remember you..." Trial version


Welcome to CureSounds.

I see you are here again. Thank you very much.

Yes, of course I remember.

You are a customer who has previously appointed Mr. Hananade, right?

I remember it well because I was the receptionist then as well.

Besides, I was the one who recorded Aftercare Hot Springs with her when she was in training.

Do you finally remember?

Yes, I am that Hibikana.

At the time, I was doing it because I felt I had to mentor them as a senior, so I gave them a scary image, didn't I?


I am glad to hear you say that my voice and image fit perfectly.

No, no, no, that's too much praise.

I feel embarrassed when people say that much....

Customers are already good at giving compliments, aren't they?

ASMR specialized store] Cure Sounds - Kyohana & Hanakanade

Track2. Relax by listening to nature sounds Trial version

Thank you for your patience.

I feel like I'm already well prepared.

Because when you open the door, the customer is sleeping.

Did you want to get the procedure done so quickly?

I understand your impatience, but there is no need to panic, we will provide you with the best service.

Yes, please put on these headphones.

Can you hear me?


I will now do the microphone test.

I'm right in front of it now, so I'm going to keep going and gradually to the left ear.

Yes, you have arrived at the left ear.

What do you think? Can you hear my voice?

It looks okay.

Well then, let's move from the left ear directly in front of you, and now....

This is the sound of the forest.

Birds chirping, trees swaying in the will hear a variety of sounds.

Because you can hear the gentle sounds of nature, different from the hustle and bustle of the city.

It will surely heal you.

Please relax and let the sound envelop you.

Then before you know it, you'll feel like you're there.

Let's walk a little.

In the forest, the sound you make when you walk is a bit of an accent.

The sound made when stepping on dead leaves and twigs, and the sound of stepping on soil.

What we normally do without thinking about it can sound surprisingly good when we listen to it.

You know what this sounds like without having to ask, don't you?

Yes, it's the sound of the insects that color the autumn nights.

If you live in the countryside, you can hear these insects boiling all night long, but in the city, it's hard to hear them.

ASMR specialized store] Cure Sounds - Kyohana & Hanakanade

Track3.Water sound and bathing role play ASMR treatment trial version

Now, how about the next sound like this?

What do you think?

The sound of water dripping.

Isn't it surprisingly comfortable?


I heard that Hanakana-san used to play the sound of water during his treatment, so I tried to incorporate it.

It is different from the sound of water because it does not echo the sound of dripping, but this is what makes it tasteful.

I like it a lot too.

Now, next.

The sound of stirring water is also unusual and interesting.

I'll continue and clean up your body.

The only thing to do after taking a bath is to wash your body or shampoo.

So, please, customers, turn your backs and stay put.

Yes, so let's go ahead and clean from the shoulders to the palms of your hands.

Excuse me.

Sifting through. Sifting through.

The hairs get tangled around here and make a distinctive sound.

It is interesting that it is slightly different from when I shampoo.

Dear customer, it has been a long time.


Kyoka-senpai told me that I had a visitor, so I came too.


In fact, I had them come to this other room earlier and wait for me.

We hope you will take the opportunity to be healed by our two therapists.

Um, did I mention that I am now washing customers' backs?

If so, then I should stick closely to Kyohana-senpai from the opposite side.

Ehehe, is this how it's supposed to be?

Well then, Ms. Hanakana, shall we both clean the customer's back?

In the summer, the air conditioner gets cold and hands and feet get cold.

As it happens, I am actually cold myself.

When it gets cold, it's like no more.

Indeed, in winter, Hanakana-san's hands are as cold as ice.

When he touched my back, I couldn't help but scream.

I tend to do this because of the cute reaction of Kyoka-senpai.

He is already angry at my mischief, but he is already concerned about me by handing me a warmer.

That wasn't anything...I just gave it to you because I didn't want it to get too cold and interfere with your work. I just gave it to him.

If you are too naughty, I won't listen to you next time.

I guess that's about it.

Hanakana-san, it's time to end this and I'm going to take a shower to wash off.

Yes, then I will remove the remaining foam by hand.

ASMR specialized store] Cure Sounds - Kyohana & Hanakanade

Track4.Clay earpicking and carbonic acid ear torture ASMR treatment trial version

Now, let's move on.

Oh, well, I guess the waiter will take it from here.

Are you sure you're okay with this?

Yes, the client has left it up to me to decide what kind of sound I want to make this time.

So it's a big responsibility for us.

It's true, you've made them feel so relaxed, but if you make them listen to strange noises, it will ruin the experience.

What shall we do?

Customers are usually so much more than just a favorite sound search.

I still think it would be better to show you a slightly different sound here.

I see. So, since our ears are accustomed to a variety of sounds, we want to scare them with fresh sounds.

That's what I mean.

So, this is the kind of thing I'm going to use this time.

Well, is this clay?

And a carbonic acid pack! I feel like it's a combination I don't understand...

Wow, when you rub clay with a cotton swab, it makes this sound.

And it's more like an earwig due to the tools you're using.

What can I say?

Clay ear buds?

You can call it whatever you want, and look, Hanakana, you can do it from the other side.

You must feel sorry for your customers if you have to keep only one of them.

Well, yes. I'll leave you then.

After cutting the clay into small pieces with a spatula, little by little.

It's gradually sticking together and the clay is coming off.

The rest is in the back....

It's hard to see and hard to do in the back.

I guess this is the area.

Sorry if I made too much noise.

I don't think it's realistic to put carbonic acid packs directly on the ears, so we have to let the customers feel it as a pseudo-experience.

Quintessential sound explorer. Kyoka Senpai does things differently.

I didn't think that far ahead.

What's with that second name?

This is not normal when you think about healing for the customer.

Come on, stop chattering and let's get started.

It's amazing. The sound of the bubbles spreading in my ears and the squishy feeling of the carbonation is fresh and resonant.

Customers seem to feel very comfortable.

Then I will, too, ei.

ASMR specialized store] Cure Sounds - Kyohana & Hanakanade

Track5. ASMR treatment trial version with mouse sound and ear kissing

I'll be in charge of the left ear, and you, Hanakana-san, take care of the right ear.

Yes, I'll take care of this one.

Excuse me.

Customers used to fall asleep listening to kisses and lip noises in their ears, and now we will both be listening to those sounds again.

This is a customer who likes this particular sound.

It looks like you will soon be traveling to the world of dreams.

Well, here we go.

As expected of Kyoka-senpai. I can't help but admire the way she's so into her feelings even as she bites down sweetly.

I have to do my best, too.

All right, all right. Good boy. Let's have a good sleep.

I'm a smart boy, aren't I?

She is a good girl who listens to her sisters.

Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep.

I will be there for you.

Sis Kyohana and Sis Hanakana will watch over me.

ASMR specialized store] Cure Sounds - Kyohana & Hanakanade

PR voice (Akari Yuzuki)

Hello, I am Akari Yuzuki, who plays the role of Kyoka.

Since this is a PR video, I'd like to talk about some of the highlights.

First of all, I think it has been a very long time since Kyoka-san has appeared in your work.

This work shows a different side of Hibikana than we have seen in the past.

Also, the dialogue with Hanakana-san is very cute, so I would be happy if you could check it out as a highlight of the show.

Perhaps this is being released along with the trial version?

I know that some of you have listened to the song immediately, and I would love for you to hear it in full length in the main version.

I have not yet heard the finished work or the sound effects at this stage, but my impression from reading the script is that there are some very unusual sounds in it, so I hope you will pay attention to them as well.

Well, I'll leave it at that.

Thank you for listening so far.

See you in the main part of this article.

I was Akari Yuzuki, who played the role of Kyoka.

Thank you very much.

ASMR specialized store] Cure Sounds - Kyohana & Hanakanade


What is the Cure Sounds series?

ASMR specialized store] Cure Sounds - Kyohana & Hanakanade [Diblest].

◆The newest addition to the "Cure Sounds" series, which specializes in ASMR, focuses on "Kyoka," a veteran clerk, and "Kanade," who has grown up from a rookie.
At first, she nominates Kyohana, who is at the reception desk, to receive her services, but to her surprise, Hanakana joins her...?

What is the Cure Sounds series?
This series aims to provide healing to the listener through ASMR treatment, a sound-based treatment.
Just like the characters in the film, you can listen to the music while wearing headphones or earphones, and enjoy various sounds and voice actors' voices while you sleep.

◆Features of this work
Various healing sounds
Nature sounds of forest, nature sounds of autumn night, dripping water, bathing role play, body washing by two people
ASMR treatment using a variety of sounds such as clay earpicks, carbonic acid ear torture, mouse sounds, ear kissing, ear huffing....

The first interaction work in Cure Sounds!
In the past, DL bonus voices have included a dialogue voice between Kyohana and Hanakana as in this work, but this is the first time it has been used as the main voice.
Enjoy their voices and sounds from your left and right ears.

Character Introductions

Yuzuki Akari / Koyama Haru] [ASMR specialized store] Cure Sounds - Kyohana & Hanakanade | Boisurabuzu
  • Kyoka CV: Shuri Yuzuki

    Veteran clerk working at Cure Sounds.
    She has beautiful black hair, a soft manner, and a gentle, enveloping voice.

    He is closely related to Hanakana, having served as her educator.
    Hanakana's friendly personality can throw you off kilter....

    This time, the receptionist handles your visit to the store, but she is unable to hide her surprise at your sudden appointment.
Yuzuki Akari / Koyama Haru] [ASMR specialized store] Cure Sounds - Kyohana & Hanakanade | Boisurabuzu
  • Kanade Hana CV:Haru Koyama

    Female clerk working at Cure Sounds.

    She has a cheerful and flirtatious personality and likes to give treatment while watching the customer's reaction.
    Although she has a mischievous side, she is good at creating a healing atmosphere during the treatment, and she is attracting more and more repeat customers.

    I admire Kyoka as a respected senior.
    He learned a lot during his training period, and now he often plays with them in private.

    He has a history of being appointed by the main character when he was officially able to serve as a clerk.

Track Introduction

Track 1. I remember you, my customer...](03:55)
You have not visited the ASMR specialty store "Cure Sounds" in a while.
The receptionist there was Kyohana, who had previously handled our aftercare voice.

I only knew her by her voice, but she was exactly what you imagined...or rather more than that.
You hadn't decided who to appoint for today's treatment, so you decide to ask Kyoka...?

[Track 2. Relax by listening to nature sounds] (23:41)
As usual, Hibikana wears a blindfold and headphones and prepares for the treatment.
He immediately notices your eagerness to receive the treatment as soon as possible, but, like a seasoned veteran, he calms your distracted feelings.

First, we will perform ASMR treatment mainly with environmental sounds to relax them....

★ASMR Treatment
Environmental sounds in the forest, environmental sounds of walking in the forest, environmental sounds of autumn night, environmental sounds of walking on autumn night path

[Track 3. Water sounds and bathing role play ASMR treatment] (35:21)
What was heard continuously was the sound of water echoing with a quiet atmosphere.
It seems that Kyohana had been listening to the sound of the suikinkutsu in consideration of her preference for the sound of the suikinkutsu when she had received Hanakanade's treatment previously.

As you are feeling comfortable with the sound of dripping water, you suddenly find yourself in a mixed bathing situation with your girlfriend...?

★ASMR Treatment
Sound of dripping water, bathing role play, body washing by two people, shower

[Track 4. Clay earpicking and carbonic acid ear torture ASMR treatment] (23:14)
From this point on, we will listen to the sound you dared to leave to the clerk, not the sound you specified.
While Hanakana is nervous about the responsibility, Kyoka prepares clay and carbonic acid packs...?

★ASMR Treatment
Sound of clay being stuffed into ears, clay ear buds, carbonation of ears with carbonation packs.

[Track 5. ASMR treatment with mouse sounds and ear kissing] (20:57)
The end of the treatment is the sound you like best - the sound of the treatment.
Yes, it is a mouse sound type of sound, such as lip noise and ear-sweetening.

It is still my favorite sound, which was also the most thrilling sound when I had the Hanakanade treatment in the past.
This time it will be held with Kyoka, so expectations are undeniably high...?

★ASMR Treatment
Lip noises, ear biting, ear kissing, ear puffing


Playback Time
Approx. 1 hour 47 minutes + extra voices

File Format
mp3 format, WAV format, JPEG, PNG

Character Voices
Ms. Akari Yuzuki, Ms. Haru Koyama

■Illustration production
Dear Go-1

Logo production
Ofudon Ayu

■Planning, editing, scripts

ASMR specialized store] Cure Sounds - Kyohana & Hanakanade


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