ASMR BL female high-school student KU100 m office lady sadist SM SP strong, brawny man over-satisfied tits spanking elder sister buttocks bath gulp service whisper anal lovey-dovey masturbation support masturbation masturbation device that mimics female genitalia euphonic change of pronunciation countdown kiss clitoral torture cunnilingus cool (i.e. fashionable, attractive, etc.) very sadistic binaural paisley pants fellatio massage person (usu. female) with an unhealthy romantic obsession (has a connotation of mental instability) head-over-heels in love lotion underwear intravaginal (anal, etc.) ejaculation nipple nipple licking nipple torture bass used after the name of someone who is an older brother figure teacher senior (at work or school) virgin ejaculating into someone's mouth sigh confession heavy breathing whisper attachment metamorphosis service pregnancy my betrothed used after the name of someone who is an older sister figure envy conception school Heian-period student of government administration stopping just before little girl older younger childhood friend sitting posture younger brother enforcement her younger people lover love hand job finger-banging (manual stimulation of female genital organs) restraint everyday juice lewd indecent language sleeping together doting tide female ejaculation forcibly teasing snoop (i.e. a detective, a spy, etc.) sweet (taste, fragrance, etc.) indulging (e.g. in alcohol, women, etc.) living healing male virgin ear licking leg torture in which the victim is bound and gagged with words breaking (animals) continual climax

List of Contributors

Mirage Dragon/He's going to take you away.

00:00 00:00

Mirage Dragon/He's going to take you away.



Listening 1

Come in. Come in.

Welcome, my friend. We've been waiting for you.

Oh, by the way, you called him by the name of the president.

Wouldn't you be suspicious if you were suddenly summoned by the name of a man you don't know?

I'm Lagoon.

He is a subhuman dragon, although he now uses his abilities to match his human appearance.

You, don't you watch the Diet broadcasts?

I'm sitting in the front, so I'm sure the camera will see me well.

You've seen my face at least once, right?

I'm a member of Congress.

You, you had a medical checkup the other day, didn't you?

With that result, I know you're my turn.

That's why I'm here to pick you up.

I'm aware that you have a girlfriend.

Therefore, I don't mind if he refuses, but he has already given his approval.

Yes, now that you're here too.

Let's check again.


I'm glad you're conveniently out of the picture.

I will replace her.

You'll tell him what's going on, won't you?


He wants to talk to you.

Oh, uh. Me, but.

It doesn't matter.

I got bored with you, and it was just the right thing to do.

You know, you're dealing with a dragon tribe.

It's not every day you get to be discovered by such an amazing person.

So, take the story.

Actually, I'm getting a promotion, too.

So I don't think I'll ever see you again.

Well then, I wish you all the best.


Now there are no barriers to dating me.

No more reason to turn me down, huh?

I have the company's approval to take you out.

You'll need time to get to know me.

Let's go on a road trip in my car.

Mirage Dragon/He's going to take you away.

Listening 2

Please. Don't resist too much.

What if his promotion, which has just been decided, is canceled?

Society, you know, is driven by power more than you can imagine.

Nothing special.

I just gave him a talking-to.

May he and his family live prosperous lives.

Also, your family.

When I found out that your father's factory wasn't doing well, I couldn't leave it alone.

I've introduced you to a major business partner who, of course, took your debt on his shoulders, and he's happy to see you cry.

Why do they pallid?

It should be normal to go and say hello.

The human males will give you their daughters, won't they?

I was just imitating them.

Unfortunately, that's a wish I can't hear.

Don't do it.

If you keep shouting louder, it will only hurt your throat.

Mirage Dragon/He's going to take you away.

Listening 3

As long as you obey me, I guarantee everything.

Everything you want to protect, everything you want to protect.

All I want is to have you.

Now, can you reach such a pace?

Move with the intention of squeezing the seed out of me.

You can hang on to me.

Can you do that?

What a skillful use of the hips.

Keep up the good work.

The resistance the other day was a lie.

She straddles me and shakes her hips lewdly.

If you in the past saw you now, you might have a stroke.

You're really healthy and brave.

I love you like that.

Mirage Dragon/He's going to take you away.


All I have to give you is love.


You are an ordinary office worker.

One day, he was summoned to the company's reception room to meet with the congressman, Lagoon.
He will tell you on the spot that you are his turn.
Then, without knowing why, I was taken out to the lagoon and led straight to the car.

This is how the warped relationship between you and Lagoon began.

Lagoon (apparent age: 30 years old/actual age: over 500 years old)
He is a member of the long-lived Dragon Clan and a member of the National Assembly.
He is a relatively moderate and friendly man, even in this world where conflicts over humans and subhumans are prevalent.
Those who know him well say he is also ambitious.

Although he claims equality for human beings from his position as a legislator, he really looks down on them.

Office worker in her late 20s.
Although I have a long-time boyfriend (human) at the same company, things had not been going so well recently.
He is called out of the blue by Lagoon and also cut off by the man he was dating.
His parents run a factory in a small business. The business is not doing so well here either.

****Tracklist (approx. 93 min.) without SE included***.

01_You are my turn(03:57)
Now there are no barriers to going out with me. Now there's no reason for you to turn me down, is there?"
 One day, you were summoned to the company reception room.
 Waiting for him there was a face he had seen on TV and elsewhere - the lagoon of a member of the National Assembly.
 Without pausing for breath, he tells her, 'You're my turn,' but she denies that she has a lover.
 Then, Lagoon suddenly picked up the receiver and dialed somewhere.

02_Education seems to be needed [Ear licking, kissing, lewdness (usually genital)] (23:50)
I have to let them know what it's like to be my turn."
 You are taken out to the lagoon and placed in a limousine without understanding the situation.
 You can only be silent, unable to appreciate the luxurious atmosphere you are accustomed to.
 Perhaps annoyed by your attitude, Lagoon forcibly tried to seal his lips.
 When he saw your resistance, the words "his promotion" came out of his mouth...

03_How are you feeling now? Aphrodisiac, rushing, ear licking, kissing, begging sex](22:05)
"- Humans are no match for subhumans. Being a good boy is a wise choice."
 The limousine ride was short-lived, and you were brought straight to Lagoon's house.
 What was said in the car reduced my will to resist, and I could only turn over in the room I was given.
 Then Lagoon comes and feeds you the fruit left over from your meal.
 Then, I felt my heart jump, and my whole body became hot - and then....

04_What you should not know(04:30)
"Oh, I've never seen you like this before, have I? Am I scary?"
 You were reading a book in the library, unable to leave the lagoon mansion.
 As I was absorbed in reading, I suddenly heard Lagoon's voice.
 You drop it in surprise, and the binding comes off and the pages fall apart.
 Lagoon picked up one of the pages and opened it with a nostalgic pout.

05_I won't stop until I crush you in my arms [Aphrodisiac, child-bearing hard sex, deformed sex organs] (21:40)
The dragons' dicks have a bumpy shape to fill the vagina of their number without gaps.
 Determined not to let go of you as his number one, Lagoon forces you to drink the juice of a rut-inducing fruit.
 And your heart leaps, your whole body heats up, and you are conscious only of the deformed rod of flesh in front of you.
 Lagoon, smiling with satisfaction at the sight of this, and the two of them lay on top of each other like beasts....

06_Live with me [cock slapping, fellatio, hard sex] (11:53)
Aren't you happy? I can dominate you, control you, and give you plenty of love and pleasure.
 Your ego has been distorted by the fruit and you can no longer live without the lagoon.
 You follow your desires and devour the dragon's favor today.

Extra_Free Talk_Haru Kairo-sama(04:26)


Mirage Dragon/He's going to take you away.


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