ASMR BL female high-school student KU100 m office lady sadist SM SP strong, brawny man over-satisfied tits spanking elder sister buttocks bath gulp service whisper anal lovey-dovey masturbation masturbation device that mimics female genitalia euphonic change of pronunciation countdown kiss clitoral torture cunnilingus cool (i.e. fashionable, attractive, etc.) very sadistic binaural paisley pants fellatio massage female proprietress (of a bar, etc.) person (usu. female) with an unhealthy romantic obsession (has a connotation of mental instability) head-over-heels in love lotion underwear intravaginal (anal, etc.) ejaculation nipple nipple licking nipple torture bass used after the name of someone who is an older brother figure teacher senior (at work or school) virgin ejaculating into someone's mouth sigh confession heavy breathing whisper attachment metamorphosis service pregnancy my betrothed used after the name of someone who is an older sister figure envy conception school Heian-period student of government administration stopping just before little girl older younger childhood friend sitting posture younger brother enforcement her younger people lover love hand job finger-banging (manual stimulation of female genital organs) restraint everyday juice lewd indecent language sleeping together doting tide female ejaculation forcibly teasing snoop (i.e. a detective, a spy, etc.) sweet (taste, fragrance, etc.) indulging (e.g. in alcohol, women, etc.) living healing male virgin ear licking leg torture in which the victim is bound and gagged with words breaking (animals) continual climax

List of Contributors

Divine Punishment: A Ritual to Make Lost Souls Understand with Divine Guidance "This is a ritual to make them regret being human and to make them understand their sins." Maitreya Bodhisattva

■ Synopsis

Divine Punishment: A lost soul is guided by God to understand "This is a ceremony to repent for having been a man and to make him understand his sins." Maitreya [Lacelle].

■Character Introduction

Divine Punishment: A lost soul is guided by God to understand "This is a ceremony to repent for having been a man and to make him understand his sins." Maitreya [Lacelle].

Recommendations & Track List & Icon Description

Divine Punishment: A Ritual to Make Lost Souls Understand with Divine Guidance "This is a ritual to make them repent for having been human and to make them understand their sins" Maitreya Bodhisattva
Divine Punishment: A Ritual to Make Lost Souls Understand with Divine Guidance "This is a ritual to make them repent for having been human and to make them understand their sins" Maitreya Bodhisattva
Divine Punishment: A lost soul is guided by God to understand "This is a ceremony to repent for having been a man and to make him understand his sins." Maitreya [Lacelle].

■Buyer Specials & Early Purchase Discounts & Review Campaigns

Divine Punishment: A lost soul is guided by God to understand "This is a ceremony to repent for having been a man and to make him understand his sins." Maitreya [Lacelle].
Divine Punishment: A lost soul is guided by God to understand "This is a ceremony to repent for having been a man and to make him understand his sins." Maitreya [Lacelle].
Divine Punishment: A lost soul is guided by God to understand "This is a ceremony to repent for having been a man and to make him understand his sins." Maitreya [Lacelle].

Divine Punishment: A Ritual to Make Lost Souls Understand with Divine Guidance "This is a ritual to make them regret being human and to make them understand their sins." Maitreya Bodhisattva

  1. Prologue Sanzu River Kabuto Rashiten 01:55 (Cv:aki) 01:55
  2. Track 1 Encounter (no R18 elements) 03:09
  3. Track 2: In the Milky Way...(visual rape, male masturbation, female masturbation ⦅ showing off⦆) 09:32
  4. Track 3: Aroused lust (masturbation show each other, caress with fingers ⦅ breast, clitoris ⦆ bare thighs) 12:10
  5. Track 4: Rescue from a nightmare (deep kissing, serious cunnilingus in bed) 10:18
  6. Track 5 Truth (no deep kissing or R18 scenes) 05:19
  7. Track 6 - And They Tie (Kissing, Breast Play, Handjob, Verbal Assault, Clenching, Face to Face 18:15

■Track Overview

Prologue Sanzu-no-kawa Kabuto-ritsu-ten 01:55
Bridging the gap. Surprised at the destination.
I used to give it to you here quite a long time ago. ......
(*From the Heian to the Sengoku period, there was a popular belief that one should pass away in Kabutoshiten (heaven) where Maitreya Bodhisattva resides and practice Buddhism with Maitreya to be saved).
"Are you a nun or something?" I ask.
No, you don't have to answer. It seems there are a lot fewer people now. ......"
Now, here we are. This is ...... Kabutoshiten."

Track 1 Encounter 03:09
You find yourself in a place that looks like a wilderness. You walk and walk and walk, but you don't see anyone or anything, and then you fall down.
Are you okay?"
Someone offered water to the fallen heroine and spoke to her.
My name is Maitreya. I am in training now, and I am traveling to save many people in this world.
Smiling, Maitreya speaks.
You are also the one who needs the salvation sent by Amida Buddha to me.
Maitreya explains about this place to your blank stare.
This place is called Kabutokuten, a place of ascetic practice to attain enlightenment to become a Buddha. I have finally approached the 51st level of enlightenment, which is one step before the Buddha's enlightenment. ...... Still, it is said that it takes 570 million years to reach another level of enlightenment."
You have lost your memory and don't know why you are here, Maitreya says
Do you have no memory ...... then why don't you travel with me until you remember something?"
I invite you to join us.

●Track 2: In the Milky Way...(visual rape, male masturbation, female masturbation⦅showing each other⦆)09:32
You set out on a journey with Maitreya. Eventually you reach a large river (the Milky Way).
This river is called the Milky Way. This water is the river that leads to the world of the Buddha... Purifying oneself is necessary to approach the Buddha..."
For those of you who want to bathe in the water yourself,
I'd better be off then. Please let me know if you need anything."
You bathe by the river alone, but you are startled by a snake by the river and scream loudly.
What's wrong?
A startled Maitreya jumps out and freezes at the sight of the naked you.
"Oh ...... snake, is it? It doesn't have poisonous fangs, but it's ...... ominous, let's leave it over there ......"
Maitreya catches the snake and releases it far away.
You are then offered a cloth, which reminds you that you are nude. You hurriedly cover your body with the cloth you were given.
I'll go bathe on the lower shore."
and Maitreya. I leave her and immerse myself in the river, but,
White skin, red berry breasts...oh, no. I can't do it. I can't help thinking about her beautiful figure...'
"If I don't get rid of this affliction... how can I get rid of this affliction?"
Should we console ourselves?
He begins to masturbate fearfully, but is seen by you, who is worried that he is late getting home.
I'm sorry, I'm such a disgrace to you. ......
You shook your head that this was not true. Her face was flushed and clearly lustful.
Did you... see me like this and feel it too?"
You nod your head in shame. It is forbidden to touch women, but they are eager to see you in a different way and show each other their masturbation.
"Touching is forbidden, but the Bodhisattva precept says that if you do not have illicit sexual intercourse..."

Track 3: Aroused lust (masturbation show each other, caress with fingers ⦅ breast, clitoris, bare bottom⦆12:10
After that day, they began to show each other their masturbation every night.
You came to me in order to accumulate merits. And yet, I still have so many unlimited vexations.
I can't take my eyes off of you as you look at me, blush, and gently place your hands on my chest and down below."
You are the one who begs to be touched, not just looked at.
This is an act of redemption for her who seeks salvation..."
"Just touch ...... for ......"
Maitreya fearfully reaches out his hand to your breast. Since it's been so long, she doesn't know how to do it, so she makes it harder and harder.... Maitreya's manhood becomes hard as he touches her. You want to comfort him in his rage.
"Are you saying that you are the one to clear this affliction? Just when I thought you were on your last legs, I bailed you out, and you wanted to thank me in return?"
They decided to comfort each other with bare legs.

Track 4: Rescue from a nightmare (deep kissing, serious cunnilingus in bed)10:18
Maitreya is anxious about her life of daily indulgence in lust.
"No, this makes you look like the beautiful and skilled daughters that Mara sent to Buddha..."
You say, "No, I just wanted to be useful.
I hear that the Buddha did not give in to numerous temptations. But I, in your presence, will surely be ruined, unable to overcome these vexations..."
Maitreya is troubled and you wonder if you should leave him. No answer is given and you decide to rest for the rest of the day. Maitreya talks to herself as she watches you sleep.
Have you fallen asleep? ...Are you a demon who prevents me from enlightenment, or are you a goddess sent by Amida Nyorai Buddha to save me from the torment of my still-suffering afflictions?

Gaze at your sleeping girlfriend and gently reach out to her...
'No...I'm also troubled by the thought of staring at you asleep.'
I have accepted you as a disciple of the Buddha who needs to be trained like me, but I have begun to love you so much..."
I hear you moaning in your sleep...
She is again seeking relief in her dreams, in her vexations...we need to relieve her of some of that suffering in the dream world, don't we?"
Reach out your hand and reach from your chest to your pubic area.
You may be a manifestation of Amida Buddha's compassion... the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara."
Slowly open your legs.
I've heard that if you can loosen the chakra of the female hidden chakra of a woman with special abilities to let wind into the central vascular system and deliver it to the heart chakra, you can also release the root consciousness of the suffering in dreams..."
'At least in my dreams I can release her suffering.
Maitreya gently put her tongue to her vagina and
I bail you out now."
and begins to lick your pubic area. You (though awake) do not raise your voice, but breathe hard and
With his eyes closed, he shakes his body.
'Your open secret jar is filling up with nectar...your breath is calming down.
I watch you until your breathing calms down...
I hope you feel a little better."

Track 5: Truth (no deep kissing or R18 scenes)05:19
The day after he consoles her, Maitreya has a dream. It was her half life. It turns out that she was only trying her best to live until she lost her life due to illness, and that she was sent to this place to be Maitreya's companion by God and Buddha because they felt sorry for the shortness of her life.
You are a blessing sent to me, a tin can to help me go on. You have given me back this feeling that I had lost before I knew it.
The Buddha's teaching also says, "Walk alone, but if you have a friend, walk with him. If you have a friend, walk with him. If your friend is a woman, why hesitate to love each other? If your friend is a woman, what is your hesitation in loving each other?
I used to think that the word love was not lustful love, but compassionate love.... Now I feel that you are indispensable for me to ascend to the Buddha. Will you please walk with me?
You answer, "With pleasure.

Track 6: And then they are tied (kissing, breast play, handjob, verbal abuse, clenching, face to face 18:15
Maitreya and you, who have exchanged feelings for each other in the clear. They have sex as it is.
I wanted to comfort these bright red nipples to the fullest with my tongue."
Maitreya caresses her breasts and clitoris with her tongue to the fullest. She says that you, who are easily felt, are lovely.
After bare thighs, she inserts herself for the first time. Maitreya is about to be taken just by putting it in. Unable to resist, she shakes her own hips and says, "You are beautiful, you are so nasty..." and Maitreya thrusts into her from below.

Icon Concept
0Rassel's idea of a happy ending
A happy ending is one in which both parties accept the other with a sense of happiness, and the people around them can congratulate them.

0Rassel's idea of a merry bad end.
Even if both parties accept the other, an ending in which one of them has health problems or social problems and does not receive the blessing of those around them is considered a merry bad ending.