ASMR BL female high-school student KU100 m office lady sadist SM SP strong, brawny man over-satisfied tits spanking elder sister buttocks bath gulp service whisper anal lovey-dovey masturbation support masturbation masturbation device that mimics female genitalia euphonic change of pronunciation countdown kiss clitoral torture cunnilingus cool (i.e. fashionable, attractive, etc.) very sadistic binaural paisley pants fellatio massage person (usu. female) with an unhealthy romantic obsession (has a connotation of mental instability) head-over-heels in love lotion underwear intravaginal (anal, etc.) ejaculation nipple nipple licking nipple torture bass used after the name of someone who is an older brother figure teacher senior (at work or school) virgin ejaculating into someone's mouth sigh confession heavy breathing whisper attachment metamorphosis service pregnancy my betrothed used after the name of someone who is an older sister figure envy conception school Heian-period student of government administration stopping just before little girl older younger childhood friend sitting posture younger brother enforcement her younger people lover love hand job finger-banging (manual stimulation of female genital organs) restraint everyday juice lewd indecent language sleeping together doting tide female ejaculation forcibly teasing snoop (i.e. a detective, a spy, etc.) sweet (taste, fragrance, etc.) indulging (e.g. in alcohol, women, etc.) living healing male virgin ear licking leg torture in which the victim is bound and gagged with words breaking (animals) continual climax

List of Contributors


00:00 00:00


No live performance! A store for adults specializing in foreplay (tits)

FEVER!FEVER!~Onee-san's tits, I'm going to adore you a lot today~ [AreaS].

Today, many adult entertainment establishments for women have opened in the nightlife district, leading women living in today's stressful world into a world of healing, warmly, gently, and sometimes stimulatingly.

FEVER! FEVER!" is a new reverse o-pub store that has just opened in a corner of Japan's largest entertainment district in ■■■ town, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, offering special services for the upper body--especially the breasts--for adult women.

It has been raining since morning and the town is sparsely populated tonight. They find you looking somewhat tired.

Welcome to FEVER!

FEVER!FEVER!~Onee-san's tits, I'm going to adore you a lot today~ [AreaS].

FEVER! FEVER!" is a "Reverse Tits Pub" that has just opened riding on the wave of the recent female-oriented sex store boom - a store specializing in "breast massage" for our customers.
It is not a private room, but a flirtatious type of restaurant where you receive service while relaxing and drinking on the sofa.
Of course, the lighting is dark, the background music is loud, and there is a blindfold curtain between you and the sofa next to you, so you will never see each other.
One time is 60 minutes, during which time three of our cast members will take turns sitting next to you.
For first-time customers, we will recommend our best cast members, so please ask them how to play this store from them first. ......♪


FEVER!FEVER!~Onee-san's tits, I'm going to adore you a lot today~ [AreaS].

Welcome! I am Yuki (CV: Rito Hayami), a boy in our store.
Have you decided on your choice for today?

A friendly, mockingly cute little devil cast.
In fact, I am a fresh host-type cast member with good nipple sensitivity myself.
She is the most popular cast member with more love for boobs than anyone else.

Our cast of unique personalities will satisfy your desires and curiosity. ......♪

  • ◆Kazuma Sakae (CV. Haruka Himesaki)
    She is a friendly and friendly person who is not afraid of anything. She is the mood maker and popular cast member of "FEVER!
    At first, he worked at a boys' bar, but quit because he was fed up with the quarrels among the cast members, and after experiencing several sex stores, he settled down at his current store.
    He is the type of person who breaks down walls to customers without fear, which sometimes makes those around him nervous, but in reality, he is skilled at reading the atmosphere and is smart enough to sense exactly what the other person really wants or does not want him to do.
  • ◆Shishikura Shute (cv. Kappagari)
    A bright and honest new cast member of [FEVER!
    He joined a strong adult league team in soccer, which he had been playing since elementary school, but he was injured and gave up on continuing to play for the team as before.
    Half out of desperation, I saw an ad for a night job, and I had an interview to work at [FEVER!
    She has been with the company for 2 months and has had a fair amount of experience with women in the past, but has no experience with the water business or sex industry.
    Although curious by nature and quick to swallow, she is still struggling to learn the manuals she has been taught, and sometimes forgets about service and indulges in play.
  • Ryusei Agatsuma (CV. Wataru Mitsuhashi)
    The overwhelmingly popular and number one cast member of FEVER!
    Rather than putting his or her own character forward, this type of person is favored for his or her keen observation skills, understanding the preferences of others and providing the best hospitality.
    He is a legitimate second-class person, but when he takes a step forward, he is humble and shy.
    He has been in the water business for a long time and is highly professional. He always keeps his work and private life separate, and few of the staff at the restaurant know about his private life.

Main program approx. 2 hours 45 min + Cast talk

Welcome to track 1 FEVER!
On a rainy night, you are on your way home through the entertainment district when you are approached by two men, Kazuma and Shute, who say they are catchers for a brothel. ......

track 2 playtime 1_Kazuma 26:10
The system is explained to you, and you are quickly led into the restaurant to enjoy yourself.
First Reverse Pussy Pub Experience with Popular Cast Member Kazuma: ......!

track 3 playtime 2_shoot 22:06
After enjoying playing with Kazuma, comes the second cast shot.
I was playing with the optional item recommended by Chute, the "melted lotion (honey flavor)",
You may have noticed that Chute's nipples are sensitive: .......

Track 4 Playtime 3_Lyusei 25:53
You are gradually getting over your nervousness and are ready to enjoy this extraordinary experience.
The boy who arrives tells him that the last cast member, Ryusei, is the most popular and number one cast member at the restaurant.
He has a surprisingly humble personality, but he is a do-gooder in front of Ryusei, who is very good at closing the distance between first encounters.
The optional items "eye mask" and "collar" are used for the first tit-fucking ......!

Track 5 Fun times fly by. ...... 02:13
You are a little tired after enjoying your playtime, and a boy comes to pay your bill.
Surprisingly, you are relieved at the amount of money that seems to be readily available for you to visit again.
Yuki, the boy, also told us that if we accumulate "visit points," a "special menu for regulars" will be released. ......

track 6A farewell_If you choose Kazuma 04:42
You have chosen Kazuma as your final "farewell" cast member. You and Kazuma go outside the restaurant to say goodbye for the last time.

track 6B If you choose "send-off_chute" 03:30
You have chosen Chute as your final "send-off" cast member. You and Chute walk outside the restaurant to say goodbye for the last time.

track 6C send-off_If you choose ryusei 03:24
You have chosen Ryusei as your final "farewell" cast member. You and Ryusei go outside the restaurant to say goodbye for the last time.

EXtrack1 Special Backstage Menu for VIPs A 37:40
30 visit points achieved! You have been released the back menu for regulars and you are now available at ......?
Kazuma & Ryusei, FEVER! FEVER! FEVER!

EXtrack2 Special Backstage Menu for VIPs B 33:31
????? course (route, trail, course of action, course of study, course of study)

*This time we are talking about "stores" where people enjoy "play other than insertion".
 Please note that the film does not depict any production or the development of a romantic relationship.

*"No in-store BGM ver." is included in the package.
 Please enjoy it in your favorite version.

Cast comment 1_Mr. Wataru Mitsuhashi 06:47
Cast comment 2_Himesaki Haruka-sama 11:46
Cast comment 3_Kappagari-sama 04:21
Cast Comment 4_Rito Hayami 05:25


This work is a work of fiction. It is not related to any real person, organization, or incident.
*This work contains profanity, lewd language, and direct language.
*This work is recorded with binaural microphones. Use of headphones or earphones is recommended for viewing.
The volume is adjusted a little high, so please listen to it after adjusting the volume on each playback device.
*Please do not reproduce, upload, or otherwise use this work in whole or in part without permission.


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