ASMR BL female high-school student KU100 m office lady sadist SM SP strong, brawny man over-satisfied tits spanking elder sister buttocks bath gulp service whisper anal lovey-dovey masturbation support masturbation masturbation device that mimics female genitalia euphonic change of pronunciation countdown kiss clitoral torture cunnilingus cool (i.e. fashionable, attractive, etc.) very sadistic binaural paisley pants fellatio massage person (usu. female) with an unhealthy romantic obsession (has a connotation of mental instability) head-over-heels in love lotion underwear intravaginal (anal, etc.) ejaculation nipple nipple licking nipple torture bass used after the name of someone who is an older brother figure teacher senior (at work or school) virgin ejaculating into someone's mouth sigh confession heavy breathing whisper attachment metamorphosis service pregnancy my betrothed used after the name of someone who is an older sister figure envy conception school Heian-period student of government administration stopping just before little girl older younger childhood friend sitting posture younger brother enforcement her younger people lover love hand job finger-banging (manual stimulation of female genital organs) restraint everyday juice lewd indecent language sleeping together doting tide female ejaculation forcibly teasing snoop (i.e. a detective, a spy, etc.) sweet (taste, fragrance, etc.) indulging (e.g. in alcohol, women, etc.) living healing male virgin ear licking leg torture in which the victim is bound and gagged with words breaking (animals) continual climax

List of Contributors

Hirotaro, a new graduate who keeps making mistakes, is attacked by a senior employee of the company to punish him... [BL].

00:00 00:00

Past voice two years ago!
This is Hirotaro's first BL audio work.

Homota senior...
It was my first time offering my butt and it hurt, but it was very memorable...
A new Hirotaro is about to be awakened...
Please enjoy Hirotaro getting beaten up by BL.

Click here for full voice
Click here for the first half voice
Click here for the second half of the voice


Chapter 1

Ah, I'm done with work today!

It's already been a little over two weeks since I joined the company, and it's been tough working at a job... I was happy to join Hirotaro Co., Ltd. which I had longed for, but it's not easy. I was happy to work for my dream company, Hirotaro, but it's not easy...I've started living alone from Ishikawa in the countryside, so it's hard to get used to it, and I'm sure my parents are worried about me...I'm really busy...I'm in a conference room from morning till night, taking materials called training, taking lectures, practicing taking calls, being told to learn some materials, tests...I have to compete with my peers... I have to compete with my's really tough....

And I'm scared of the older guys in the training program, they're scary and gangly!

I'm afraid of Mr. Homoda, my senior... Well, okay, today is another kaero.


Ah, yes, what is it? Ah, Mr. Homota. Thanks for your hard work. What? What is it?

Hirotaro, I think you've been a little slack lately, just because it's been two weeks.

No, I don't think so...

Um, I think I'm doing my best to train them properly.

Really? Have you been forgetting to write things down in your notepad lately?

Oh, sure, I could do a little something, and I thought I didn't have to write it down... I did.

At first, I thought it was OK because I heard it once....

Where's the... if that's what the perfect guy would do, but you're making a mistake, aren't you?

Well, um...yes....

I was wondering if I could do it, but I thought I could make up for it after I made a mistake....

You shouldn't make mistakes in the first place, right? If a working person makes a mistake, you'll get in trouble with the company, don't you understand? Hirotaro. Aren't you a little naive?

No, yes, I thought I did my best in my own way, but... well, let's just say that I was a little less than two weeks into my career and I wasn't aware enough. .... Yes, I'm sorry.


You really, really, really, really need to get your shit together, or I'm going to lose my reputation as your trainee.

Yes, sorry, Mr. Homota.

Yes, um, Mr. Homota. Yes, that's right. I'm going to do my best so as not to ruin the reputation of my seniors....

You really know what you're doing, don't you? Well, then hang out with me for a bit after this.

Um, let's talk about men and men over a meal, or maybe a drink.

Oh, I have plans today...

You got plans? Yes? Yes? Yes?

Then let's go to Homota-senpai.

Oh, Hirotaro. I'm going ahead of you, so come to this store.

Okay, I'll see you later.

I'm so tired, I thought I'd go home early again today, cuddle with Sora-chan, and go to bed...

Well, it's true that I've made mistakes, and I forgot to take notes. I guess I've gotten used to it after two weeks...or maybe I'm just getting used to it...? I seriously wasn't aware of it, but from my senior's point of view, I guess I'm not ready yet....

But what can I say? I have learned that the internal relationship with seniors is also important.

Well, let's go out to dinner...I lived alone and had a little money, so maybe they can give me a treat...

I'll just do it here then.

Well, I'll take care of it first.

Is this the restaurant that Homota told me about?

We're going to go all the way...

Oh, thanks for your help, Homoda - I'm sorry I'm late.

Oh, Hirotaro.

This is my recommended barbecue restaurant. Come on, eat today. Drink. Let's talk over a drink.

Ah, yes, thank you. I was a bit of a barbecue lover myself, so thank you.


Homoda-san, your beer is delicious!

Oh, yeah? The beer here is a little different, you know? It's first-squeezed, after all.

I don't know the difference between the first and second squeezes, but they are very good.

Mr. Homota, you are a stone's throw away.

Oh, Hirotaro, you know your stuff, don't you?

Ah, Homoda, when you get drunk, that's it, you get a lot of body touches.

Hmm, what's going on? When did you get next to me?

Hirotaro, are you straining your shoulders?

That's why you miss. Here, let me give you a little rub.

Oh, thank you, Homota.

Oh, oh, it's a little bit good, senpai. Ah, it might feel good.

Oh, Homoda-san, your massage is very good.

Oh, that's right, I'm always touching his body...oh, I don't mean that in a weird way. Oh, I mean, I have a massage parlor at my house, so I get that thing. I do it to my dad a lot. Me.

Oh, that's right, ah, thank you. That feels good.

Oh, I'm starting to feel hoity-toity because there's some alcohol in my system.


Ah, Mr. Homota, did your hand just hit a little bit in a weird place?

Ah, I see, Hirotaro. Eh, I heard something about lymph here, though...

Oh, but did you feel a little bit of a tug on your chest, or did you feel a little bit of a tug on your nipples, which is fine because you're a guy?

I didn't mean to, but my dad taught me that stiff necks and shoulders tend to accumulate lymph in the nipples and such.

Oh, really? But we're both older guys, so I'm not really into that kind of thing...

Hirotaro, what are you talking about? It doesn't matter that we are both men. It's just a massage. Don't you think you're being weird?

Oh, no, well, I another massage okay? Oh, I'm sorry, I misunderstood you. I'm sorry.

Yes, yes, you know what I'm talking about. I'm just saying, you know, that's why I'm massaging your stiff shoulders, and I heard it's good to start with the nipples on the chest, and then you can do a little stiffness, a little stiffness, a little stiffness, a little stiffness, a little stiffness, a little stiffness, a little stiffness, both stiffness, a little stiffness.

I'm saying nipple, nipple, nipple, nipple, nipple, nipple, nipple, nipple, nipple, nipple, nipple, nipple, nipple, nipple...

Hey, senpai, hey...ah....

An, what? Senpai...senpai, your nipples...are a

You have weak nipples, your lymphatic system is weak here, you need to work on it, this is where you make mistakes at work. Here's a little nip on the nipple.

Oh...oh, no, senpai.... Oh, I'm going crazy.

I'm dizzy....after drinking the sake.

Hey, Hirotaro, are you okay? This is a bit of a mess, can you make it home?

Senpai, hey, I might not make it home. I'm a little dizzy... I'm drunk...

Wow, tough luck. Hirotaro, let's go to the hotel for a minute then, let's go to the hotel. Follow me.

Please give me the bill.

What? Is it a hotel? Let's go to a hotel. ....

Hmm? Oh, did I sleep? What is this place?

After work, Mr. Homoda invited me out for dinner... and we went out for dinner, and we had yakiniku, and the beer was delicious, and then I got massaged by my senpai, and it felt good... but my head hurts! Ugh!

Hmm? A hotel? Why not? Two people? Hmm? Didn't you go home? Hmm, Huh? I hear the shower.

Huh? Hmm? Is this Mr. Homota's bag? Huh?

Are you coming to a hotel with Mr. Homota?

Oh, wait a minute, I think I heard that Mr. Homoda is, uh, gay...did you mean to say that you went to a hotel with him? What?

Hirotaro, are you going to get attacked?

Chapter 2

Let's see, let's see, let's see, let's see, let's see, let's get the information straight. Let's see, after work, I had dinner with Homota-senpai, we had drinks, he massaged me, and I got a little too drunk, so he brought me to a hotel, and Homota-senpai is taking a shower right now....

Oh, this is not good, I think I should away.

Well, what time is it? Well, the last train is just around the corner, if I run now, but... my senpai is there, and I don't think I should go home without asking him.

But I'm afraid for my safety, so this is a little, um... I don't know what to do.

I'll send you an email tomorrow, well, I'll just say hi.

All right, then, pack your bags and your Ateka clothes. Put them on properly and put your jacket on too.

He said, "Quickly put on your tie and pack your bag. Okay, OK.

Let's just leave a note for Mr. Homota.

Dear Senior Homota

Thank you very much for today. I'm going home.

Okay, here we go,

Solo, sneakily.

method of selling random in-game items in mobile games (similar to how capsule toys are sold)

Oh Hirotaro, oh what's going on?

Ah, ah, ah, Homota-senpai, good evening. My parents called me to ask if I wanted to go home...

You lived alone, didn't you Hirotaro?

Um, yes, that's right...

interjection expressing surprise, pain, fear, or disgust

Oh, come here, come here. Here, Bette.

Eh, wait, senpai. Homoda-senpai...what are you doing? Eh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa...

Wait a minute...

Stop it, please... What?

Hey, Hirotaro, I was a...a homosexual. Not just a name, but actually a homosexual. Ever since Hirotaro joined, I've been a little concerned about him.

What, hey, hmm... I mean...wait, no, please don't do that... .... He's got a lot of power: ....

I was on the rugby team in college, and I used to bench press 500 kg.

And he's very powerful, too. Hirotaro, I'm not going to let you get away with it today.

But Homoda-senpai... he's a good kisser... ah... wait, wait, wait, I can't rebel...

Oh, the kissing...oh, and eh, he even touched my nipples...hey, Homoda-senpai, you're good at touching nipples too. Ah...

I've eaten numerous men.

Oh, Homoda-senpai, I feel... no...

Oh, I'm out of energy, I'm sober, and I'm a little... ah, a little senior: ....

Oh...oh no...I really don't want to...

I can feel my nipples and I can't get into my...

What? Your pussy reacted and got bigger? No, wait, Senpai, it's not like that... ah, ah, you touch my Hirotaro's Hirotaro... ah, eh?

I wasn't interested in men, but your hands are very're used to it, you're used to touching me...ah, you're a man, so does that make you feel good? Oh, well, I'm sure my dick feels good...but if you fuck me, it feels good...oh, no, no, no...oh, but...uh...

...I like to belch while getting a hand job, but I never thought a guy would do that to me...

I'm coming...I'm coming...don't stop...

I don't want to cum... you want to cum?

No - I don't want to cum,

Hey, senpai, in your mouth...oh, no, no, no, not in my mouth...senpai, no, no, not in my mouth...senpai, no, no, no, I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming! I'm cumming, I'm cumming, I'm cumming, I'm cumming, I'm cumming, I'm cumming, I'm cumming... I let it out, I let it out into a man's mouth......ugh....

What? Why? I thought I let it out, but it's still bouncing... what? What? I'm just a weirdo who gets off on being fucked by guys? Was I some kind of pervert who gets off on being fucked?

Maybe I was a homosexual too?

What? You still want to do it? Oh? That's a big deal.

Eh, seniors, as expected h .... What? I'm a senior in my butt...Oh, a senior's big, such a big thing doesn't go in there. .... Definitely. .... What? What?

No more? I can't take it anymore, so you're gonna let me in? Because you have lotion?

Oh, but no, that's just as well. .... Damn! ....

Senpai, I've never touched my buttocks.... Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch..... I can't go in like that, it's so forced, ouch ouch ouch.... Oh, it's in the back....

Slowly, slowly, all the way in... ouch, ouch, ouch...

Hmmm, I saved my butt for the first time. ....

But it doesn't feel good...

Nipple shikoshiko...handjob while being poked in the ass...this...could be bad........ It feels so good....even though I'm a senior and it's early........ Why, why, why, why, why, I feel it.... I'm not going to do it, but when he handjobs me, I'm going to come again, I'm going to come again, I'm going to come again, I'm going to come again, I'm going to come again, I'm going to come again, I'm going to come again, I'm going to come again, I'm going to come again...


What, I'll play with you again?

Senpai, I'm already....poppp.....

Hirotaro's SNS

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I would like to request a completely custom-made voice from Hirotaro!

I want to get more intimately involved with Hirotaro! Maybe we could even have a phone call...!


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