ASMR BL female high-school student KU100 m office lady sadist SM SP strong, brawny man over-satisfied tits spanking elder sister buttocks bath gulp service whisper anal lovey-dovey masturbation support masturbation masturbation device that mimics female genitalia euphonic change of pronunciation countdown kiss clitoral torture cunnilingus cool (i.e. fashionable, attractive, etc.) very sadistic binaural paisley pants fellatio massage person (usu. female) with an unhealthy romantic obsession (has a connotation of mental instability) head-over-heels in love lotion underwear intravaginal (anal, etc.) ejaculation nipple nipple licking nipple torture bass used after the name of someone who is an older brother figure teacher senior (at work or school) virgin ejaculating into someone's mouth sigh confession heavy breathing whisper attachment metamorphosis service pregnancy my betrothed used after the name of someone who is an older sister figure envy conception school Heian-period student of government administration stopping just before little girl older younger childhood friend sitting posture younger brother enforcement her younger people lover love hand job finger-banging (manual stimulation of female genital organs) restraint everyday juice lewd indecent language sleeping together doting tide female ejaculation forcibly teasing snoop (i.e. a detective, a spy, etc.) sweet (taste, fragrance, etc.) indulging (e.g. in alcohol, women, etc.) living healing male virgin ear licking leg torture in which the victim is bound and gagged with words breaking (animals) continual climax

List of Contributors

Pure love with a complex female office worker? Nakadashi sex

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Pure love with a complex female office worker? Nakadashi sex [110 yen for one week only! KU100



Chapter1 "I've got a junior colleague" Trial version

Um, am I correct in assuming that you are the girl who will be working part-time here starting today? I'm Yukino Shiki. I'm going to be your instructor, so it's nice to meet you. The seat is available next to mine, or there is a computer.

I hope it's okay. At any rate, I can use a computer and all that, right? Can I ask you to do the typing of this document? This is the software we use, and it would be fine if you could type it in as you normally would.

I know there are many things you don't understand, so please ask right away. There is no shame in asking about things you don't understand. When I first started, I didn't know what I was doing, so I asked around to my seniors.

Is it done yet? What's next, really, I'll check one out. Even though it's just typing, there's a lot of stuff I need to look at, and I didn't think it would be that quick...yeah, it's done.

What? I can't believe you can make such a good looking document for the first time. It took me about a month to be able to do it. You seem to be very talented.

I was thinking I'd finish this job today, so I guess I'll wait a bit until I'm ready for the next one. I'll call you as soon as I'm ready. Don't play around just because you're free.

Well, I guess this is how I feel today. How was your first day of work? It may have been tough because of all the things that happened, but looking at you, it seems like you're doing fine, and I'm sure you'll get used to it soon.

See you tomorrow. I'll see you tomorrow.

Pure love with a complex female office worker? Nakadashi sex [110 yen for one week only! KU100

Chapter2 "My first time, I gave it to you" Trial version

Thanks again for your hard work today. Are you getting used to your job? You've been doing great lately, even without my help, haven't you? So, since you seem to be getting used to your job and I can go home now, I thought we could have a welcome party.

I was so flabbergasted when I just joined that I didn't even end up having a welcome party. No? I don't have any plans today, so you said let's go? I'll make reservations at a restaurant, and meet you in front of the station when the time comes. See you then.

Sorry to keep you waiting, you are right on time, great great great. There's a good restaurant around here, isn't there? Let's see... I think it's supposed to be around here.

Well, this is here, and this is how it's supposed to be, so what? Show me the map, yeah. How's that? Understand? Mm-hmm. This is the corner here, and if you turn here... oh, there it is. You did it. This is the place everyone said was good. Let's have fun today.

You are really good at what you do. You don't have to be so modest. My boss said it would be great if you could become a full-time employee.

Me, on the other hand. When I joined the company, I couldn't work at all. It took me at least a week to input documents, and other work was really slow. I was really depressed at the time. My peers around me were getting ahead of me.

I feel like I'm the only one left behind. What am I saying? I'm sorry. It's a welcome party, right?

You're popular, aren't you? What's the matter with you, you're blowing it all out of proportion. I don't want to hear your excuses. So, how are things going? Don't you ever talk about school or anything like that? I don't want to hear that kind of honor student answer.

So, what do you think? How about girls and stuff? You're lying. Are you sure she's not there? I don't give a shit, I'm asking about you. I'm already in the market. I have no shortage of men in my life.

Oh, what, are you okay? Do you have a stomach ache? If you're not feeling well, I'll take you home. Oh, no? No? Eh? There's someone you're interested in, but he dumped you before you could confess? What, you have a cute side too. I'd like to hear more about that. I'd like to hear more about it.

When was that? High school? Junior high? Before that? Now? Right now. What? Now? I don't know why you're rejecting me, but you and I are the only ones here. And the conversation we were having earlier was about me.

Hey, wait a minute. Don't blush like that. What does this mean? I mean, uh, uh...? What? Don't be so formal. Are you sure you want me? I'm a dork, I'm not good at my job, I make the younger guys look good, and I have breasts. And I have breasts.

Just calm down, hmm. You're surprisingly aggressive. Hey, I just want to ask you one question. Are you sure you want me? That's a quick answer. Well then, let's get going. We still have time after this, right?

Pure love with a complex female office worker? Nakadashi sex [110 yen for one week only! KU100

Chapter3 "Reward, I gave it to you" Trial version

Do you have any plans for today? I was wondering if you could keep me company for a while. It's something I can only ask you to do. I'm really asking you.

Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry you had to work overtime. I understand that the client is being reckless. I got a very urgent job. Everyone around me is on a tight schedule, so I had no choice but to ask you to do it.

Of course I'll pay you well for the overtime, and I'll do whatever extra I can to get it done. If I don't get it done by first thing tomorrow morning, the client will.

Because complaining won't help. Really, please. I'll do anything for you. Huh? Yeah, I said anything. Wait a minute.

I'm scared of his face. My nose is breathing hard. Yes, stop. I'll do that after work. Right?

Let's see, this is what's happening here, so this is what's happening here, and these numbers are wrong here. Yeah. If you do this, it means this is what happens.

Hey, hey, hey. Now you're being serious. My armpits are weak, don't tickle them like that. Wait, really, wait.

Hey, don't touch me like that. Not my breasts. Nipples, don't be so s-s-s-so. That's enough, that's enough.

If you keep doing this, you'll never finish your work. I really have to finish this job today.

Well, after a short break, I'm back to work. Well, work, work, work. Did I say too much earlier? I went out of my way to ask you to work overtime this time.

Maybe it's okay to do a little something for them. Yes, a little bit. At least a little. Here we go. It's a little cramped under the desk, isn't it? I told you to go ahead and do your work. I'll let you relax a little.

Pure love with a complex female office worker? Nakadashi sex [110 yen for one week only! KU100

Chapter4 "I Caught a Cold" Trial Version

I did it. I shouldn't have done that. I would have caught a cold. I ended up doing it until just before everyone arrived at the office. And maybe I shouldn't have done that without going to bed, but I did.

But, you know, I had to reward them. They were both in such a good mood.

It was late at night to begin with, and I was sure I was going to have to stay the night. Thanks to Mr. Byte, we finished the job earlier than we had expected. When I showed the finished work to the client, the reaction was great.

It's nice to have a little perk like this. I don't have any work to do right now, and the director says I can take a break. For now, I'll just have to take it easy and rest.

But Byte-kun, you are really cool. He does the kind of work that took me a long time to learn, and he does it without a hitch. He is very considerate and finishes his work on time.

In fact, his face and also, well, his cock was so big, and the thickness and length were perfect for me, and it was hard and hot, and yet it hit me right where I felt good, and the callus gouged me well, and it was a cock that really penetrated me.

Gacha? Uh, yeah. What are you doing here? Let me summarize a little. When you came to work, I was in bed with a cold. And you were worried about me, so you got my home address from the manager and came to take care of me.

So he heard me saying things, and he couldn't get into the room and was fidgeting. Well, I'm really sorry for making you worry.

Well, my cold is almost gone, and I'll be fine as long as I take my medicine and rest for the day, just in case. You don't need to worry about me or take care of me.

Yeah, you heard me, right? Let's see. Yeah. Earlier, you know... I don't know what to say, you know. That was you being, you know... I'm your, uh... Nope. I'm sorry, I pulled you away, didn't I?

It's just weird to hear such a retarded, older person say such a thing. Yeah. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.

It's a real donkey's ass. You're not happy to have your penis praised by this old hag, are you? No, I'm not happy to be complimented on my penis by this old hag. To such an ugly old woman, no.

Suddenly what? What? You look so scared. You're breathing really hard. Your eyes are bloodshot... let's calm down. Let's just calm down. Let's just take a deep breath.

Have you calmed down? Am I calm? No, I'm not. When did you take off those clothes? Your penis is getting really big. Don't look so scared. Hey, hey. See?

I have a cold, and it would be bad if I catch a cold. Right? Right? Come on, get your penis away from me like that. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Nmm. Nm.

You're being too pushy, okay? Have you calmed down a bit? Doing it without the girl's consent, wow. Are you still so erect? Your veins are so prominent.

Wow, okay. Okay. Okay, let's just calm down. Don't look so scared. Smile, smile, smile.

Pure love with a complex female office worker? Nakadashi sex [110 yen for one week only! KU100

Chapter5 "I'll Make Out, I'll Do It" Trial Version

Thanks for your hard work, part-timer. Let's go home on time today. Work is going well and the evaluation is good. It's great, isn't it? The manager was very complimentary of you just now.

He said it was rare to have such a hands-off subordinate because he worked fast and was polite, so there were few retakes, and if there were any, they were quickly corrected.

It's been a long time since I've seen Chief in such a good mood. Oh, no? Maybe for the first time? It's all thanks to you. We really are a great team, he said.

Yeah? Of course I'm excited. It's not every day I get a compliment like this. Plus, you're with me now, right?

Well then, let's go home. I'm home. So, what's for dinner today? Couldn't stand it any longer? Yeah, it's fine. I just wanted to do it too.

I might not be able to hold out until bed either. Come on, let's kiss. Kiss me when I haven't even taken off my shoes.

You've been watching me all day. All through work and break time. Everyone would have noticed if you had stared at me like that.

I don't dislike it. I've been watching you, too. I've been watching you all day. I watched you think, I watched you work hard. I also loved the way you were taking a little break.

I'm with you. I've always wanted to watch you, the one I love so much. You wanted to watch me too, didn't you?

Your penis is already getting bigger. After all, it's always big when I look at it. But I'll make it even bigger.

Pure love with a complex female office worker? Nakadashi sex [110 yen for one week only! KU100


Point of Interest

Polar Bear Soda! New items on sale!
A complex lady and her lovemaking with a complex man!


KU100] Pure Love with Complex Office Lady? Nakadashi sex [Shirokuma Soda].

Character Introduction

Name: Yukino Shiki
Age 27
Occupation OL
Personality: plain, complex about her body (poor breasts)
Description: A 27 year old woman who is about to get out of wedlock. Her face is not bad, in fact it is one of the better ones, but she grows her hair to hide her face. She has a massive complex about her body. When she confessed to a boy in her class in high school, he told her that he liked girls with big tits, which traumatized her and she developed a complex about her body.
After that, my complexes got so complicated that I never had a boyfriend and never fell in love, until now.


KU100] Pure Love with Complex Office Lady? Nakadashi sex [Shirokuma Soda].


 Yukino is a 27-year-old office worker who feels complex about her body, traumatized by the fact that when she was in high school, the person she fell in love with dumped her because of her poor breasts.
One day, a part-time boy comes into Yukino's office. This boy, a first-year college student, has a baby face and tickles her maternal instincts.
Yukino becomes an educator for a boy. Yukino's heart is shaken by the boy's honesty, but she is unable to take the first step because of her complex. She is curious about the boy, but is worried about herself, when the boy asks her to teach him about women.
At first Yukino refuses, but her moist eyes make it impossible for her to refuse, and she ends up teaching him about "women.

Track List

KU100] Pure Love with Complex Office Lady? Nakadashi sex [Shirokuma Soda].

Chapter1 "I've got a junior."

 A new part-time boy (listener) comes into Yukino's life.
Yukino, who has become Byte-kun's instructor, has a hard time with the man at first, but they gradually open up to each other.

Chapter 2 "I gave it to him for the first time.

 They finish work. Yukino invites Mr. Byte to a drinking party as a welcome party.
At a drinking party, Yukino, nervous about being with a boy and drinking too much, digs deep into Byte-kun's love life.
In the process, Byte-kun confesses that he likes Yukino.
Yukino and Byte-kun continued on their way to the hotel.

Chapter3 "I gave him a reward.

 One day, Byte-kun is asked by Yukino if he has time. He was a little excited, but was asked to work overtime.
While the two of them are working late into the night alone, Yukino tries to reward her part-time worker-kun for working overtime.
Yukino, as a reward, gets under Byte-kun's desk and offers to serve him with her mouth.
Yukino continues to play pranks on the part-timer, who is scared to death by the oral sex, but patiently continues to do her job, thinking he is cute.
And it was Yukino who gave Byte-kun a real treat in the office for finishing the job.

Chapter4 "I caught a cold.

 Yukino has been feeling ill after working late night overtime last time. She has been absent from work for three days.
Then the chime rings. There stood Mr. Byte.
Yukino is a little embarrassed by her careless outfit, but Byte-kun's momentum pushes her into the house.
I recognize my feelings for him again when I see Byte-kun tidying up his room, cooking, and otherwise taking care of him.
Yukino grabs Byte-kun by the sleeve as he is about to leave, having finished cooking and cleaning up.
"I miss you, will you stay home for me ......?"
Yukino and Byte-kun then lay skin to skin.
I also put in a suppository.

Chapter5 "I'm going to make out with you.

 Yukino and Byte-kun have come to be known as the best tag team in the workplace.
At the same time, they had become a good private couple.
They came to live together and made love from the moment they entered the room.

Contents of the work

KU100] Pure Love with Complex Office Lady? Nakadashi sex [Shirokuma Soda].


■ Format

All binaural recordings [KU100].
File format WAV, mp3

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