ASMR BL female high-school student KU100 m office lady sadist SM SP strong, brawny man over-satisfied tits spanking elder sister buttocks bath gulp service whisper anal lovey-dovey masturbation support masturbation masturbation device that mimics female genitalia euphonic change of pronunciation countdown kiss clitoral torture cunnilingus cool (i.e. fashionable, attractive, etc.) very sadistic binaural paisley pants fellatio massage person (usu. female) with an unhealthy romantic obsession (has a connotation of mental instability) head-over-heels in love lotion underwear intravaginal (anal, etc.) ejaculation nipple nipple licking nipple torture bass used after the name of someone who is an older brother figure teacher senior (at work or school) virgin ejaculating into someone's mouth sigh confession heavy breathing whisper attachment metamorphosis service pregnancy my betrothed used after the name of someone who is an older sister figure envy conception school Heian-period student of government administration stopping just before little girl older younger childhood friend sitting posture younger brother enforcement her younger people lover love hand job finger-banging (manual stimulation of female genital organs) restraint everyday juice lewd indecent language sleeping together doting tide female ejaculation forcibly teasing snoop (i.e. a detective, a spy, etc.) sweet (taste, fragrance, etc.) indulging (e.g. in alcohol, women, etc.) living healing male virgin ear licking leg torture in which the victim is bound and gagged with words breaking (animals) continual climax

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Bububu earfuls!

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Bububu earfuls!



01. Listening comparison of 8 types of ear licks

Let's start with ham-ham-ham. Here we go. Ready? I'm going to put plugs in my ears. Ready?

Next, I'm going to use the tip of my tongue. I'll take my time. Ready. Next, I'm going to give you a little suck. Ready.

KUNKUNKUNKUNKUNKUN. Doggy. It's the kind of licking that comes so close to you that it crushes your nose like a doggy. It tickles, but you have to endure it. Ready.

It was doggy play. Next time, do you want to do the squish in the ear thing? It's the kind that goes all the way in. Ready?

Next is the opposite, the one where you lick the entrance of the ear with the belly of the tongue. You can see the bumps and features of the ear. Here we go. Ready.

The next one will be the last. The next and last one is the one where you have to lick and lick and lick and lick and lick and lick. Your ears will get all wet. Are you happy? Then...

It's over. Soaking wet. I'll clean it up.

Bububu earfuls!

02. Chika's sexual processing hand job

There are things in a girl's pouch in case of an emergency. Like band-aids and lotions. You want to know what's in my pouch? I'll see you next time.

Thank you. That's great. That's why I wanted to reward you. Your brother is Kana-chan's favorite and also Chika's favorite, so it's special.

I'm proud of you for being able to show off your penis. You wanted to do more, didn't you? Yes, I did. You wanted to be. It's okay.

Chika is on her brother's side, so let's be more and more honest. Do you always make your penis bigger when you have Kana-chan do it to you?

I mean, it wasn't just a little bit bigger. You were pumping blood all over the place as if you were being enlarged.

Whenever my fingers would catch on the dimples, they would swell up. I always hid it with a smart face. That's good of you.

Listen carefully. What's the matter, brother? Look, look, you can hear it. I can hear such a loud sound. It's the voice calling out for Kana-chan.

What if I get caught? If the people at the store find out, I'll be banned from the store. What if the other girls find out?

Will they know? That's right. They're going to tell everyone. If we don't go soon, everyone will notice. I wondered what they were doing there. Maybe they are doing something strange.

Bububu earfuls!

03. Chika's comforting hand job

Maybe you are asking for comfort from Chika because nothing happened with Kana-chan? With Chika, something might happen that doesn't happen with Kana-chan.

Let's see, you've been a little too flashy lately, haven't you? The other day you were making a lot of noise.

I think the manager is a little suspicious of me and everyone else. It would be dangerous if I made too much noise.

Today, in the name of enjoying the sound, I was wondering if I could fake the tinkling sound. Can I try?

It's your brother's fault. The store has a weird atmosphere. It's the fault of your brother who is not satisfied unless you make noise like this. You should reflect on that.

I'm sure she wants to have a good time talking to you. But I guess I've become more conscious of your brother since then, and I think I've been afraid of him all the time.

But you know, she looks so happy when her brother's nomination comes. After working with him, she would come home with a big smile on her face.

The brother has since nominated Chika to comfort him. But it can't be helped. I'm going to have to talk a lot with Kana-chan and get to know her better, right?

If I suddenly showed him that I was completely in lust with Kana-chan at that time, he would have been very attracted to me.

If you show your true side to a girl who is not aware that she has the body to have a baby, she might not like you. That's why Chika has to subdue him.

What's wrong? Tell me. How can I get to know you better and have sex with you? Let's rip up your skirt. You can resist, can't you? You're an adult boy.

Let's hear it. Your brother's pleasant voice. Kana-chan, Kana-chan. Let's call Kana-chan and suck up the semen from her by accident.

Bububu earfuls!

04. Kana's first hand job

Yes. Droopy. I guess "zing" is a little different. It's like your shoulders go up.

It is my role to create a sound that the customer can feel that way about. Do you want me to drown it out? If it's not enough, please let me know.

ASMR tends to make you get used to the sound. The same person tends to make the same sound, and I think the audience is probably getting used to it by now.

The quickest way to do it is to get another girl to do the treatment, but that would be lonely, wouldn't it? That's why I'm making such a noise because nipples, that's where it feels good.

Your stomach is getting harder and harder. It's really stuck. Does it feel so good here? You are making funny noises, and I'm hearing a lot of them. It comes out on its own, doesn't it?

Did you bring an animal? Tsk tsk. I'm fine. Does it look like it's in pain? Is it in pain? It's fine. Let me see.

I like animals, so please take off. Here. Sir, take off your pants. Hello, penis. Nice to meet you.

Why are they so big? If you keep looking up, I won't be able to put on pants. That's a problem, isn't it?

All you have to do is listen to the customer's face and voice, right? All you have to do is ask the penis, right? There you go, reply.

You reply quicker than a customer. Sorry about that face. Your customers were also very expressive of their emotions.

That was a meow, wasn't it? Does it feel good? It feels good, doesn't it? Leave it to my sister. Wait for me. Put your hands on me.

Hold still. Nuri-nuri. It's getting slimy. I can't wait. I'll go slowly. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Don't make a sound. If other people see you, you'll be arrested.

You have also made a tender voice. Do you have a voice? It swells up when it feels good. I can't stop.

Can't stand it? Don't want to put up with it? Footsteps, footsteps, shhh.

Bububu earfuls!

05. Kana's sneaky oil hand job

Because it is so slippery, I can go up and down from the base to the tip all at once from the beginning. The tip of the customer's penis is so plump that if you squeeze the protruding part with your finger, it seems to pop off.

The droplets were coming out of the protruding part and staining the clothes of the customers and me. It was hard to get rid of the stain.

I mean, it's good. I am happy when I can make my clients happy, and I am happy when I can make them happy. I am happy to make them happy.

Please don't make that face. I want to see your face, that's what I want to see. Show me lots and lots of it. Make me feel good.

I feel sorry for you that you are so eager to get it out, but you can't get it out unless you feel a lot better.

But the more time it takes, the more comfortable you will feel. Even if you leave, don't you feel like you're wasting your time?

I might be able to have a tiny penis, though. Is it selfishness? Do you want to make your customers feel good for as long as possible?

Thank you very much. I feel like I can give them plenty today. The last time I squeezed this area, the client was in a panic and peed right away.

I'm going to aim here again today. You have a strong penis, so even so, it won't come out right away. Wrap it in the palm of your hand.

I'm going to writhe. Don't run away. How do you think my sister would feel if I was trying to do something nice for her and she ran away like that? Think about it.

You've been very mature about it. I don't want you to see too much of what I want to keep secret. You don't want them to know you're growing up?

It's big and stiff and powerful, but not at all embarrassing. You look so cool. You can show your sister how cool you are anytime you want.

Let's try something more pleasing. It's clear from the tip. I'm putting more and more. Do you want me to pee already? It's fine.

I have a handkerchief ready. Please put it out here.

Bububu earfuls!

06. Handjob Rifure by both of us!

Spit in's for both of us, so it's all at once. I'm going to move it slowly. You're so stiff. You like my spit?

I see. Then let's do that one more time. Let's have him do it again. Let's go deep inside the ear.

Your brother is a slut who feels when he gets his ears licked, right? Are your customers naughty? I'm not a naughty person. You were surprised because he said something strange, weren't you?

You're trusting me. Let's reveal that white pee is what babies are made of. You want to cum, big brother?

I lifted my hips. You were able to hold back your voice, weren't you? That's great, great. Only we can hear your dirty voice.

You sound embarrassed like a spoiled baby in body and soul. I want to hear your spoiled voice. Please do.

You've got a cute voice. Here, Kana-chan, let's look at your brother's face. Jeez.

Bububu earfuls!

07. Ear licking close proximity conversion

without audio

Bububu earfuls!


New store "Babu Ears Rifure! Introduction of the new store

Bubu Ears Rifure! [Mousou Kenkyujo]

❏ Staff Introduction

Bubu Ears Rifure! [Mousou Kenkyujo]
Bubu Ears Rifure! [Mousou Kenkyujo]

What is "bubbles"?

Once again, we produced this product after considering what 【Babumi 】 means.
Babumi" is said to mean "to have maternal feelings toward a girl.
I thought about how to incorporate that "motherhood" into the work.

● They are concerned about your physical condition.
  They are helpful. They are concerned about you.
Child and small animal friendly
  When talking to a child (ding dong), the gesture of speaking at the child's eye level.
● They give me food and gifts.
  They reward me (for my dick) when I have a hard time.
They are quiet and warm.
  I warmly welcome the silly stories and attitudes of men (dicks).
Scold in an admonitory manner rather than in an emotional manner.
  Even scolding (the cock) makes them feel motherly.

We also thought that since the male creature is a chronic infant, it would be preferable to treat him the same way we treat children.
We also looked at the proper way to treat children.

Encourage the client to imagine the feelings of the other party.
● Sympathize with feelings
  The important thing is the emotional link. By teaching them that "the word for this kind of mood is ◯◯," we nurture their emotions.
Parroting and coaxing
Ask about the situation
Demonstrate a willingness to support
● Acknowledgement, affirmation

However, since men are boys before chronic toddlers, we thought it was important to give our listeners the characteristics of boys.
Daring to mess with it leads the girls to accept boyishness.

● Active and unable to sit still
● Curious and easily fosters a sense of adventure and exploration
Prefer competition
● Highly focused and prone to seeing only one thing
Paces himself and doesn't listen to others

So what is the key to raising boys?

● Not too much scolding and praise
  Once a boy is upset, it takes time to comfort him.
● Watch over them so that they do not over-interfere
  Even if they know they will fail, they dare to leave it to their own initiative. (But when they fail, they get depressed on their own.)
Let them spoil you.
  Important: !!!!!!
● Stimulate competitive spirit
  The so-called "Never lose, but..." spirit. spirit.
● Not to hurt your pride
  Men are creatures who live off their pride.

How can we put the above into practice in "Babu-earifure! into "Babu-mimi Rifure!

Penis flailing → pleased (emotional transformation/sympathy)
I'm floating my hips → I'm so happy!
Voice is produced → "It feels good..." (emotional transformation, empathy)
You look like you're having a hard time... → It's okay to spoil them...
Hard time? → Reward with an ear kiss...(present for hard times)
Shyness → It's cute♪ (not to hurt your pride)
What do you want me to do? (Listen to the situation, be kind to the child, look at it from the child's point of view)
What's it like? → Do you want to go a little faster? (Ask about the situation.)
I won't stop, I'll do it until I'm satisfied (shows willingness to support).
Can you hold your voice? → Will I scream? Then, why don't you just give him a kiss and he won't make a sound? (Don't scold too much)

This work is for those who "want to be affirmed by a younger girl",
And for those who "want to be boys forever" and "want to be spoiled because they are boys", we packed a lot of stuff in there!
There were many words and lines of dialogue that I wanted to add, which may have made the scene development redundant.
Recommended for those who want to sit back and enjoy the show. Please enjoy.

One major element "ear licking" and characterization

Fat: "Ear Reflex! When I say "ear reflexology", I mean this! Ear licking!
JK Ear Reflex! To make it a work of the same lineage, we studied the ear licking part very carefully and thoroughly.
The number of types of ear licking has also gone up from "6 to 8 types.
They come up to the ear from afar and "hapu", twist their tongues to cover it, and poke and smooch it,
Lick and lick with plenty of nasal breath, make them squirm with saliva, or reduce the amount of inverted saliva and make them listen to the unevenness of the tongue,
I just lick and lick and lick in the dark! and licking around.
Forget the nonsense! Listen to the sample!

=====The Holy Mother "Kana" who is neither flirtatious nor defiled =====

What makes Fat Kana so appealing
Kana's charm is its "innocence.
Chika also has innocence, but Kana has a simple 'innocence' that is appealing.
The best part is that they are based on simple ideas.
Accompanying this is a volunteer spirit that thinks "for others before myself.
I also very much like the fact that they don't have the idea of "hating people."
It's not born out of a desire to be liked,
It is also an important element in the way that if you treat people without hating them, they will like you without your permission.

Characteristics of ◯kana: "The boundaries of polite language (honorifics) are unclear."
Kana is not 'using polite language as a customer service person,' but rather 'using polite language because I am younger.
In other words, I am not using polite language (honorifics) out of "respect for the older generation,
He begins to speak easily and in a rough tone when emotions are running high or in situations where he is distracted.
I still get the crushed speech that comes with age.
It is girlish to be easily broken up when you let your guard down.
I speak from the child's perspective to the cock, though,
However, I am aware that "dick = customer (sharing with my body)",
Inevitably, I sometimes drag out the broken tone to the cock and bring it to the customer.
Usually, when this happens, it is when I am happy with the response of my cock and I am relaxed.
I show my true colors when I'm happy.

"So, but ....... I'd like to stop you, but... .......
 My dick says I don't want it to stop. ......
 I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. ...... ♪
 I'm on the side of the weak ...... penis...
 I can't even say things clearly, but my opinion is like a ...... puppy that is desperately trying to appeal to me,
 It's important, because it's ...... ♪
 I'm sorry, I'm sorry, ...... I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Characteristics of Fatty Kana: "Calling it 'penis' and 'cock'"
For Kana, "penis call" is a polite term. Basically, it is "penis call".
And Kana is treated like a child when it comes to cock. The tone of her speech is like a nanny's,
Often it is contagious when talking to customers.
In the same vein, we sometimes call our customers "dick" as well.
Regardless of this, we sometimes call them "dicks" for "wordiness.
Take for example the dialogue from track 7, "Dick can be tiny...".
And if "O" is added here, it somehow makes the word rhyme one tempo extra and makes it sound bad,
The dialogue here is in line with the feelings of the dickens (from the child's point of view in terms of the nuance of "chichi-chi"),
It's a line addressed to the customer, but it's a "dick call".

The tip of my cock is shiny and slimy and ...... bright red, and it's very sensitive..."
 I remember the last time I squeezed it, the customer was in a panic and white pee leaked right out, didn't it?
 I'm going to aim for this place.
 I'm not going to be able to get out of here anytime soon. You have a strong penis, so even so, it won't come out right away."

====== actually a kind-hearted "Chika" ======

What is attractive about Fat Chika?
Chika is a girl who thinks "grown-up men are a piece of cake" and says things that sound very old-fashioned,
The charm is the understatement of 'second best is fine.
You have the knowledge to play with adults, and you can act like you are more mature than anyone else,
We have the kindness of heart to properly hand over to others.
I am also a very grandmotherly child. And my grandparents love me very much,
I also do something for my grandparents. I don't think about using them or anything.
He taps her on the shoulder and says, "I can't believe you're so happy about something so simple.
Sometimes they don't want something in return, they just want to please.
There is a section where she is playing with a grown man, but she does it because she "doesn't want to".
She's really just a girl who genuinely wants to do what makes people happy. ......

I'm patient with you, and I'm devoted to Kana-chan.
 ...... giggle, so I thought I'd give you a little treat!
 Oni-san is Kana-chan's bikini,
 Nippi ♪ "Chikano! It's also my bikini, so it's very special!"

Fat Chika's characteristics "About Chika's 'bubbliness'"
If you look at the characterization and the first scene in which she appears, she is a template for a female child with a young ear,
As soon as they get into the act, the petulant agitation goes silent and comes in a pampering mode.
This is partly for the meta-reason that "bubu-mi" is the theme of the work,
Another reason is that Chika himself has no desire to "offend or provoke the other person.
If you think about it, you can see that they may have encouraged sexual desire in the first place, but not in a way that makes them look petty and foolish.
Chika is a good and understanding friend of her brother. She is a kind-hearted girl who will not deny but affirm and speak for her brother's feelings.
Just a little incendiary way of speaking on behalf of the people...!

...... "I'm so excited..."? I'm so excited....
 Well, I don't blame you then. ......♪
 When boys feel a thrill, they want to have a baby, right?
 So the moment Kana-chan was about to find out,
 I just wanted to spit it out with my baby..."

===== file format and credit =====

○○ File format
 MP3 - 48kHz/320kbps
 FLAC - 48kHz/24bit

Fat recording time
 *SE no trucks are not included in the package.

Bububu earfuls!


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