ASMR BL female high-school student KU100 m office lady sadist SM SP strong, brawny man over-satisfied tits spanking elder sister buttocks bath gulp service whisper anal lovey-dovey masturbation support masturbation masturbation device that mimics female genitalia euphonic change of pronunciation countdown kiss clitoral torture cunnilingus cool (i.e. fashionable, attractive, etc.) very sadistic binaural paisley pants fellatio massage person (usu. female) with an unhealthy romantic obsession (has a connotation of mental instability) head-over-heels in love lotion underwear intravaginal (anal, etc.) ejaculation nipple nipple licking nipple torture bass used after the name of someone who is an older brother figure teacher senior (at work or school) virgin ejaculating into someone's mouth sigh confession heavy breathing whisper attachment metamorphosis service pregnancy my betrothed used after the name of someone who is an older sister figure envy conception school Heian-period student of government administration stopping just before little girl older younger childhood friend sitting posture younger brother enforcement her younger people lover love hand job finger-banging (manual stimulation of female genital organs) restraint everyday juice lewd indecent language sleeping together doting tide female ejaculation forcibly teasing snoop (i.e. a detective, a spy, etc.) sweet (taste, fragrance, etc.) indulging (e.g. in alcohol, women, etc.) living healing male virgin ear licking leg torture in which the victim is bound and gagged with words breaking (animals) continual climax

List of Contributors

I'm whispering to you, Mr. Tsukamatsu. -Well then, would you like to take off the mask and listen to the "real" voice? -Mr. Tsukamatsu.

Mask society - it's a world where "sensitive information" is revealed by one's true face. The love life of Reiwa is chaotic.

I'm whispering to you, Mr. Tsukamatsu. -Well then, would you like to take off the mask and listen to the 'real' voice? - [delusional laboratory]

I can say that our youth was with masks.
Friends from the same middle school, classmates who became friends with him after he went on to higher education, teachers, and girls he fell in love with all wore masks.
In this day and age, you can't even see the real face of the girl you like. Because a real face is "sensitive information.
It was embarrassing to show my true face - that was the norm.
So it must be natural for me to have a 'voice fetish'.

Some people have been taking off their masks in recent years, but my favorite girl was still wearing a mask.

"It can't be helped. I'm wearing a mask."

My favorite person, my classmate, Tsukamatsu-san.
Mr. Tsukamatsu has a small voice.
Mr. Tsukamatsu is wearing a mask, making it even more difficult to hear him.
Mr. Tsukamatsu's voice is so quiet that he is often overheard.

But I like Tsukamatsu's voice like that.
I like the gesture of whispering with my face close to his in order to be heard.
I love the small but colossal and expressive voice that is so recognizable even through the mask.
I love the voice of a genius who hates to lose and wants to mount up right away, yet can make me feel happy.
I love the way his big eyes widen and narrow when he smiles or is surprised, which I can see through his glasses.
I love the way the shadows of the long lashes created by the sunlight streaming in through the window move in a flurry just by blinking.
He is curious, and when he doesn't know something, I love the way his eyes sparkle and he desperately begs me to teach him.
I also like the seamless way he tries to be alone with me in a quiet place, saying "I can't hear you" when it's noisy around us.
I don't know his real face ...... but I like Tsukamatsu's voice anyway.
I love Tsukamatsu-san - I love him.

Ah, how nice it would be to hear his voice directly instead of through a mask.
How happy I would be if I could see Mr. Tsukamatsu's true face and hear the sounds emitted from his expressively moving lips.
Just once, I would like to see their real faces.
I would like to see the expression on his face when he smiles cheerfully, just once.

Ah, Mr. Tsukamatsu.
I don't want many ......
So, if you can have a conversation with me like this even if you can't see my true face,
It's not bad to remain in just such a good relationship.

I thought so.
As usual, I was only secretly getting an "erection" by listening to the whispering voice.

"So, ......, do you want to take off the mask and listen to a live voice?"

With that, Mr. Tsukamatsu removed his mask and smiled.

The No.1 "Guess Voice" out of 580 students in the school! Both her face with the mask off and her facial expression when she speaks ...... are too cute! (angry)

I'm whispering to you, Mr. Tsukamatsu. -Well then, would you like to take off the mask and listen to the 'real' voice? - [delusional laboratory]

Mr. Tsukamatsu, a member of the broadcasting club, took me to the broadcast room.
In front of me was the face of my favorite child, unmasked.
He was embarrassed, his mouth was smiling and his cheeks were slightly reddish,
Her nose is small and pouty, and her lips are thin and slightly pink. Is her face too cute?
Why do you keep hiding this face with your big glasses and mask all the time!

'Seriously. I'm ...... glad I have a complex about my voice, ......"

He speaks with his mouth agape and mumbling.
The fact that this voice was really emanating from Tsukamatsu's mouth was moving.
I mean, the way she talks is too cute. That colossal voice was born from his expressive mouth....

I am exasperated to see the true face of my favorite child, Tsukamatsu-san.
But above all, I was most happy to know that in this world, where people's true faces are considered "sensitive information," they were willing to show their true faces to me.

The girls were overjoyed to see their real faces and hear their "guess voices," and their chubs were stiff and warped.
Tsukamatsu-san stares at his hogtied crotch with a well-dressed face. ...... U, close. ......

"I can't believe it's going to be this ...... ugh, eww ......"

I run my palm over the back of the cock as if to check its size.
I got to see Tsukamatsu-san's true face up close and personal, and he whispered with his mouth close to my ear,
He leaned down to embrace me in his arms and ...... Oh, Tsukamatsu-san's tits are soft ...... and quite big, aren't they?

While rubbing the thickest part of his cock with his finger ring,
Thanks for telling me you like my voice."
He looks at me with a slightly troubled and sad face.

I've been too happy for a while now. ...... I just want to do everything.
 I want to do everything. I want to do everything that makes you happy."

He observes my facial expressions, my voice, and my cock's reaction as he studiously changes the number of fingers and the length of his strokes.
The immorality and happiness of being whispered to in a "guess voice" and given a gratuitous hand job while there are still people in the school is too much .......

Tsukamatsu-san lifts his hand, curious to see semen for the first time, and happily observes it stringily and viscously dripping down.
Stop, don't compare your face to mine. ......
Viscosity is not proportional to the degree of comfort or excitement. ......

"Did you just ejaculate so much, you lost it?"

............ Yes.
It was the ...... worst and happiest thing I've ever done to be honest and spoil my classmates' girls.

Tsukamatsu-san, the "No. 1 voice of all students," was also "No. 1" in the "All Student Pussy Weakness Championship." ......?

I'm whispering to you, Mr. Tsukamatsu. -Well then, would you like to take off the mask and listen to the 'real' voice? - [delusional laboratory]

Tsukamatsu-san became more and more aggressive after I told him that I had a voice fetish and that he was the voice of my guess.
Today we had a "secret sharing" - a meeting where people bring their own H toys.
I mean, does Mr. Tsukamatsu have any toys? Is this pink rotor and white stick a vibrator?
You're tiny, aren't you?" she looked like she was denying that she was a dirty girl.
Heh, this is what Tsukamatsu-san has in her belly: ....... ...................

I just looked at your belly. Where are you comparing it with?

No, you'll see it. ......
In return, he tries to unfold the masturbator and mumbles, "Uh-oh."
Oh, he compared my face to his. He's at .......
So, let's exchange toys and use each other's toys right away.
Wow, your pussy is so soft. ......

Don't say it's soft, don't say what you think of it. ......!"

No, because seriously, this place ......... is too responsive to Mr. Tsukamatsu.
If I take action, they instantly respond in a cute voice, which really gets to my dick. ......
I'd like to go out with Tsukamatsu-san if I could,...... but I'm sure I'm the only one who can hear his voice.
This is practically like dating.
That. What's wrong with him, clinging desperately to my arm.
I can't understand anything if all I say is 'that, that, that'. ......

「ぁゃばぁっぃくっ♪ ……ィクィㇰィㇰッ……♪♪」

Tsukamatsu-san muttered in a mosquito-like voice in my ear and began to wobble and shake.
............ No, no way? Because it hasn't even been a minute.
How can I listen to the "guess voice" just by pressing down on it?

"Oooooh, yeah, oooh... ......... ...... ......"

Once again, a popping squeal washes over my eardrums.
No, no, no. ...... seriously?
 Oh, I came again. ......
Yikes, it's a great self-esteem booster and makes my dick crack up.
This is almost like "mine." ......

I asked him, "Did you come? I asked him, his little mouth full of pouting, "It's easy to see that way," he said, rubbing the masturbator. ...... Oh, I came again.

No, when I hear Tsukamatsu-san's cumming voice, I feel like I'm going to get caught and cum. ......
I guess I'll be allowed to tut on the spur of the moment now. ...... Yoshi!

The most powerful formula ◀ Voice Gaman×Come Endurance=Low Acme! The first time we saw a woman with a rubber, we were surprised to find out that it was a rubber!

Since then, I have become even more captivated by Tsukamatsu's voice and facial expressions.
Tsukamatsu-san, who was already my "inferred voice," now that he is aware of his "inferred voice," gives me a confident expression with a smiling face, and when he makes fun of me, he uses a broad, implied tone. He also uses a wide range of words when he teases me.

The list of attractions is endless, but just a little thought is all it takes.

The part where he smiles wickedly and says, "What's the matter...?
The part where he lightly raises the corners of his mouth and gently squints his eyes to say, "Thank you.
The part where he looks a bit annoyed and asks me to do it for him.
The part where he pouted and looked unhappy, saying, "What are you doing?
When he gets sulky, he fights back like a small animal, saying "You're a small fish, aren't you?
When I use words, he imitates my voice with a low voice and says, "I happen to have a contraction.
When teased, he would get a little angry and say, "What a laugh! When I make fun of him, he seems to get a little angry and says, "What a laugh!
When he is about to lose, he raises his eyebrows and growls, "I'm the only one who's cheating, aren't I? when he is about to lose.
When the minutes are bad, he says in an obvious tone of voice, "Ummm, yes. Yes, right?" when you are in a bad situation.

The other day, he was giving me a hand job with a smug look on his face as he shuttled along,
Zako-zako-zako-zako-zako-zako." Don't be a small fry dick and don't be a small fry pussy," he said back,
On the other hand, he would say, "I love you so much. I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you.
When I presented Tsukamatsu-san with a clitoral suction toy to please him, he came wildly in my ear two or three times in the blink of an eye (within a few dozen seconds) while reviewing its use.
After that, he returned the favor by pulling out all over me with sweet words. (But when I came, he went out of his way to make me cum with a toy, and he is a real angel, Tsukamatsu-san. ......)

They have many different faces and many different voices.
All that, and I'm the only one who knows the real face.
I am the only one who knows about Tsukamatsu-san's ecology, as we barter for wanks.

 You'll be cumming inside in less than 20 seconds with a cock that's perfect for you,
 Little cunt Tsukamatsu-san makes me cum 7 times until I explode!

Today is the first time for me to go out with Mr. Tsukamatsu on a holiday. This is no longer a holiday date.
It's Tsukamatsu-san's personal clothes. ...... It's a girly look, and her hair is a little bit put together... Oh, she's wearing contacts today, isn't she?

"Once in a while, you know? Hehehe, they end up in the wardrobe."

The way she looks shy with nothing to hide her eyes is also endearing.
It even smells mind-blowingly good ...... perfume.
When I compliment her on her dressing up, she gives me a deh-deh-deh. But it is somewhat awkward.
He compliments my outfit poorly, as if I'm fooling him.
What is it? What's going on?
When he enters the private room of the comic book shop, he says shyly and downcastly, "I had a present for you.

I don't know. It's amazing to know.
But I'm sure you'd be interested. I know all the things you like."

......What. What.
A palm-sized sole was removed from a messenger bag.
The ends are jagged for easy opening.
I picked up a small sole with both hands and held it up in front of my eyes, trying to hide my face with the sole, but I could not hide my face at all.
Mr. Tsukamatsu, that means .............

I'd like to try it on again at ....... ......?
 Yes, one time, only ......1 times."

He proposes by holding up his index finger and giving a lame wink.
You say, "I want to be allowed to wear it," but Mr. Tsukamatsu,...... this is a perfect invitation,.......

We kissed as we slumber in each other's fluffy air, then took off our underwear and lay down on the sheets,
"...... I've played with my toys enough, I don't think it'll hurt."
Mr. Tsukamatsu laughs. It was the best he could do.
I appreciate this atmosphere very much.

Tsukamatsu-san's entrance was narrow, but he kept twitching and contracting as if he was trying to swallow my cock, inviting me deeper and deeper.
Ms. Tsukamatsu's voice slowly changes to a lustrous voice with no sense of power to match the depth of the insertions.
When she reached the baby room in the back, she puckered up her mouth and pleaded with moist eyes, "Don't groan, don't," she said.
...... Mr. Tsukamatsu. I already know what's behind your words too, Tsukamatsu-san. I know everything you like.

It was tight, but it accepted my cock very easily, and I moved it a few times with a vaginal movement that could not be described as an extraction, which I felt no resistance at all.
The wall of flesh undulates and contracts with the slightest movement, as if it were overjoyed.
I looked at Tsukamatsu-san's face and he seemed to be holding something back by pulling his chin back. Does it hurt ......?
and .........

I'm going to go to ......, I'm going to go to ............, I'm going to go to ......."

Instantly, he squeezes my shoulder and his body shakes.
The inside of my cock is contracting and squeezing my cock sweetly.
Tsukamatsu-san comes with a small squeal.
I came inside. ......
It was the first cock I had ever put in her, and after only a light extraction, she came easily, like twisting a baby's hand.
I wondered if Tsukamatsu-san could come inside, and he said in a bad mood, "I've never been able to come inside, even with toys. ......
Are you trying to tell me that you and my dick are perfect for each other...?
I've only rubbed in it "a few times" and I'm not naturally good at it. ......
Does that mean my cock is really good? I asked her, and she shook her head and said, "I don't know," in a spoiled child's tone of voice.
No, it's definitely chemistry.

Â"......ya, it's not good,Â" he said.Â
 Oooh ...... destiny... don't let me feel it... ......♪"

If you're ......, don't get my hopes up using words like "destiny".
I know you'll be moving your hips extra hard to make me believe in things like fate and miracles, but ......!

If you keep moving, she will come again, letting out a sweet, coreless squeal.
If you shake her to crush the "lump" she feels in the back of her vagina, she will climax with a dirty and charming voice that you have never heard before. She climaxes with a dirty and charming voice that you have never heard before.
If you screw it to the deepest part and make your cock whimper, the stimulation alone is enough to make you muddle your voice,


And I come with a roar.
What's this ...... that makes me come easily with the right movements. The euphoria is too exhilarating.
I love her too much. Tsukamatsu-san, who easily yoga on my cock, is so cute.
Tsukamatsu-san, who gave us all those lovely voices, is ......
I was so disorganized that I couldn't keep myself together, and my voice was low and dirty. ......
The first time I heard the voice of my "guess", I was not willing to be in a comic café, but I moved my hips to a greater extent and grinded my hips to the back and ejaculated into the rubber.
Tsukamatsu-san writhes with her eyes squeezed shut at the sensation of being ejaculated deep inside her vagina while pressure is applied to her portio.
I felt the climax forcefully inside my vaginal canal, and was desperately trying to hold back from being caught and coming again when I was reminded of my orgasm.

I ...... now, that was bad .......
 If this place wasn't a network cafe, I'd have ...... been so excited............."

He makes outrageous confessions with a goofy laugh.
Mr. Tsukamatsu,...... you say things like that that make me look forward to the next time. ...... don't you think this is the end of the story?
Mr. Tsukamatsu, please ...... one more time ...... one more time .......


"...... is really a sweetheart, ......."

Yay! Tsukamatsu-san's sex! Great!
I thought he agreed with me, but then Mr. Tsukamatsu started to laugh again.

Actually, I've been practicing at home for a little while. I've been practicing at home for a bit. ......"

He mopes with a poorly made-up smile.
What's that? I asked, "The spider cowgirl ......?" I said, "Spider Riding ? ...... hmm?
You look like you know what I'm talking about. You look like you know what I'm talking about, but I do. ...... You're talking about staking cowgirls. ............ What? Tsukamatsu-san. What? Really?

He laughs, "Don't get your hopes up. ......," but of course you would expect it. I mean, will it work ......? I mean, can it move? Can you move ...... with such a fucking fishy pussy?

Despite our concerns and expectations, Tsukamatsu-san gazed with amusement at the rubber that had formed a sperm pool.
Oh, that reminds me, I think the rubber I brought was one ............?
Dear me?

Well, eh .......

Track Listing and 35 Situational Listings

I'm whispering to you, Mr. Tsukamatsu. -Well then, would you like to take off the mask and listen to the 'real' voice? - [delusional laboratory]

Untold Story of Production

==== file format ====

Fat file format
 MP3 - 48kHz/320kbps
 FLAC - 48kHz/24bit

Fat recording time
 *SE no trucks are not included in the package.

┃Stage theme "Mask Society x School Life

My daughter doesn't want to take off her mask outside of the house.
 I've never taken one off, even in front of my boyfriend."

Year 2022. A long-running program in Kansai aired this episode.
She is dating a classmate without exposing her true face to anyone but her family. Moreover, she does not even know her boyfriend's true face.
I was shocked by values that were unthinkable in my student days.

These days, masks are also metaphorically referred to as "face pants." [1]
In the program, the girls also said that they were afraid to take off their masks.
If I show them my true face, they will be disillusioned."
This is the love life of middle and high school students in 2025: ......!

But I know how this girl feels. I think I understand.
However, I have never actually experienced such sweet and sour anguish since I became a good adult. Today, I just look at my computer, pick my nose, and laugh...tasteless.

What do you think of this girl's story?
Pity? If only it weren't for Corona? Pity?

I am not. Quite simply, I shouted from my heart: 、、、、、 "I envy you!!!" And.
Conflict. Anguish. Frustration. Pain. Sweet and sour.
I fainted so much that I scratched my throat in agony in front of my youth, which I would never be able to experience again with this parched and depleted body.
The Corona disaster would have forced them to live a different kind of youth from their normal lives. They must have also experienced the pain of a life of self-restraint.
But I envy you ......!!! A truly selfish, selfish and inconsiderate sensibility, but my dried up heart just envies it......!!!

So I decided to create one. In order to simulate the romantic love of 2021, he turned his hand to creation.
Yes, I have the skill of creativity.
Then let's create a love story for 2021.
And let's savor the youth of 2025.

┃What "proclivities" have made a breakthrough in the "masked society x school life"?

In the Edo period, the people of Edo were inconvenienced and affluent, and suffered the hardship of losing their possessions to the fires that ravaged the city every year.
But they seemed to have a look of happiness on their faces that surprised the visiting Westerners.
It is said that they were just poor but happy, feeling many "small happinesses" such as the blue sky, seasonal changes, fashion according to the time of the year, and eating seasonal foods.

The same must be true for the middle and high school students of the "Mask Generation" who are in the midst of the Corona disaster. They must have found happiness in something.
So what exactly did they find their "little happiness" in?
I think of it this way.

"To see the real face of the girl I'm interested in."

For today's teenagers, a bare face is no longer a source of shame.
The shameful part is "what you want to see!" before "what you want to hide" ...... It is.
Being able to see their true faces is not far from hitting a "lucky break" such as a pantywaist.
In addition, exposing one's true face to the other person should not only imply a special trust, but should also be an act of "hoping for the development of a relationship with the other person".

For teenagers who spent their youth in the Corona disaster, "mask-wearing school life" is the norm, but I think that's why they really wish to see the other person's true face. [2]

The catchphrase of the film, "Well, let's take off the mask and listen to the 'real' voice. was inspired by this idea.

The concept of "I want to be outburst by the voice of my guess.

Have you ever had the experience of "coming out unexpectedly, even though you weren't about to cum at all?
I have. That was when I was watching the live feed ...... sorry let's not do this outburst talk.
Now, why did hearing a girl come lead to an outburst? There are several possible reasons.

 It's simply naughty.
 I had a mysterious sense of superiority and self-esteem from the fact that the girl came.
 Because I felt strong sympathy for the girl's climax.

I would like to recommend that I have a strong sense of empathy.
In particular, if we take into account the recent trend in audio works of "emotional representation," it seems to me that when a girl lets out her voice, it is as if her voice is linked to our emotions, and we feel as if she is expressing them to us, which causes us to chase after her and make her come (outburst).
From this experience, a desire (concept) was born: "I want a girl who has a weak pussy and comes easily to frequently let me hear her come and encourage me to have an outburst.

Once again, the work was created with the support of many people.
We look forward to welcoming you to the new "School Series"!

[1]-As 61.41 TP3T of teenage women agree with this statement, masks are becoming more than just a tool to protect health and hygiene for young people with sensitive emotions.
[Japan Information (2022) "-Reading the current prolonged life with masks: Survey on awareness and behavior of mask-wearing"].

[2]- Among all generations, the highest percentage of both male and female respondents who answered that they would prefer their partner not to wear a mask was in their teens. Conversely, however, the percentage of respondents who answered that they "would like to continue to wear a mask" reached 52.0%, the highest among all generations and genders, among "teenagers/females," and the percentage of respondents who answered that they "would like to continue to wear a mask" was the highest among both genders. The percentage of women aged 18 and 19 who responded that they "want to show their true face" was 70.01 TP3T, the highest among all generations and genders.
[Japan Information (2022) "-Reading the current prolonged life with masks: Survey on awareness and behavior of mask-wearing"].
[Japan Information (2022) "How far will the life of mask wearers go - Survey on awareness and behavior of mask wearing"].
[Biglobe (2023) "Survey of Young People's Attitudes Toward Wearing Masks"].