ASMR BL female high-school student KU100 m office lady sadist SM SP strong, brawny man over-satisfied tits spanking elder sister buttocks bath gulp service whisper anal lovey-dovey masturbation support masturbation masturbation device that mimics female genitalia euphonic change of pronunciation countdown kiss clitoral torture cunnilingus cool (i.e. fashionable, attractive, etc.) very sadistic binaural paisley pants fellatio massage person (usu. female) with an unhealthy romantic obsession (has a connotation of mental instability) head-over-heels in love lotion underwear intravaginal (anal, etc.) ejaculation nipple nipple licking nipple torture bass used after the name of someone who is an older brother figure teacher senior (at work or school) virgin ejaculating into someone's mouth sigh confession heavy breathing whisper attachment metamorphosis service pregnancy my betrothed used after the name of someone who is an older sister figure envy conception school Heian-period student of government administration stopping just before little girl older younger childhood friend sitting posture younger brother enforcement her younger people lover love hand job finger-banging (manual stimulation of female genital organs) restraint everyday juice lewd indecent language sleeping together doting tide female ejaculation forcibly teasing snoop (i.e. a detective, a spy, etc.) sweet (taste, fragrance, etc.) indulging (e.g. in alcohol, women, etc.) living healing male virgin ear licking leg torture in which the victim is bound and gagged with words breaking (animals) continual climax

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Electromagnetic torture training for no-hand ejaculation

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Electromagnetic torture training for no-hand ejaculation




Welcome. Thank you for nominating me today, brother. My name is Yuzuha Yurien of Club Dominance. To thank you for nominating me, I'm going to plant an embarrassing masochistic habit in your brother today as well.

Then, today, I'm going to give you an electric massage course. This course is an electric massage, using an electric massage device to vibrate your penis and make you feel good.

Only perverted older brothers who want to ejaculate without shimmying, please come to me. I will teach you how to ejaculate in a way that is appropriate for your brother.

I'm going to teach you a new way to masturbate. So please bring a reasonable amount of preparation. Now then, I look forward to seeing you at the store.

Electromagnetic torture training for no-hand ejaculation


Welcome. Thank you for choosing me today. Heh. Did you choose the electric massage course today?

He wants to feel good by pressing a vibrating electric ball against it.

Hey, I wonder what it feels like. I'm a girl, so I don't have a penis attached to me, but I use an electric horn a lot.

When I press it against my crotch and shake it, the vibrations resonate deep into my belly button, and I come right away.

I'm getting aroused too when I remember. Does your brother also want to make a woman like that come, masturbating like a girl?

Expectation. I can't lie about your penis. Your brother's cute. It's okay. Your brother is a boy, too, so it's natural that he's interested in sex.

Rest assured. This is your brother's today, too. I'll tease you a lot. I'll put you to shame a lot. Oh, she's already debauched even though I just used a few words on her.

Hey, it's just you and me now. So it's okay if you don't want to be the cool brother.

Hey, I know. I know that your brother is a masochist. That he is a masochist who takes pleasure in being bullied. I already know that.

Your brother doesn't just want to do electric masturbation. What your brother really wants to do is masochistic ejaculation. Masochistic ejaculation after being teased by me.

Yes, it is. Isn't it? The masochistic ejaculation you do after being verbally teased, made to inch and inch over and over again, and made to cry until you are desperate to ejaculate, hold back, and weep until you are a wreck.

You like to squirt semen while you writhe and writhe in pleasure, don't you? Hey, Marzo. Hey, Marzo.

OK. Today, naughty things that your brother doesn't know. I'll teach you how to do it. I will draw out your deepest desires that you are not even aware of, and twist your sexuality to my liking.

I'm going to masochize your brain even more, so get ready, Marzo. Then let me enjoy watching your brother writhe and suffer today.

Electromagnetic torture training for no-hand ejaculation



The theme of this work.
This work uses an "electric massager" that vibrates and bloops.
It is an audio work for perverted masochists who are made to do [no-hand ejaculation] without touching their penis at all....

Why don't you try "miserable masochistic ejaculation" while being laughed at and ridiculed by Yuzuha-sama?
I'll teach you a "new way to masturbate" that your brother deserves...
(This work can also be enjoyed on its own...)


Welcome to CLUB DOMINANCE today.
Thank you very much for choosing Yurizono Yuzuha.

We like to be blamed by women or to be laughed at by women.
This is an exclusive members-only club for your favorite perverted masochist.
All of the girls in this store are very dossy,
Please do not use our restaurant with a half-hearted attitude.

The training you will receive today is the "Electromassage Course".

Customers are asked to use an electric massager... "electric masturbation" to get pleasure from "vibrating masturbation".
Just vibrate it, and it will be trained into a "masochistic ejaculation-only penis" that climaxes without touching even a finger,
Please be aware of this before coming to the store.

This course is
...I want to have the most perverted and twisted sexual experiences at the behest of women....
I want to feel good with the vibration of the "electric massage".... I want to get pleasure by other methods than shiko shiko....
...I want you to take me to the "heights of masochism" that I can never reach alone....
I want to come without touching my penis at all... I want to try "no hand ejaculation"...
This course is designed for such people.â


 "Here are some notes on using club dominance.

Today's "Electric Massager" that vibrates with a buzzing sound.
 ...Do you want to feel good with an electric dick pressed against your penis?
 I'm expecting it. I'll humiliate you a lot...

3_Preparation for shikoshiko & electric massager♪(*Use electric massager)(09:42)
'See~~~ before I make you blubber with an electric horn...'
 Finger masturbating and making your cock erect?
 Hey, you know what? If you like your hands so much... why don't you become a lover? Why don't you just make love to me?

4_Vibrating masturbation with an electric masturbator...(08:49)
"Please vibrate the electric guitar... and try to apply it to various places...
 The back muscles, the glans, the pole, the balls... where is your brother's "weak spot"?
 The vibrations echo deep inside your cock, filling your entire groin with sweet pleasure...
 Please find your own most comfortable place. Please find your own most comfortable place.

5_Thickness endurance game♪(13:41)
Poor Mr. Penis!
 I can't believe I have such an erection and they won't even touch my fingers lol.
 Shall we play a game? ♪ The tinkle patience game ♪
 If you beat me... I will reward you... so don't give up so easily. I'll give you a prize.

6_Continuous shikkaku torture...keep enduring...(16:56)
I'll make you cry with a gruesome stop.
 Vibrate the electric horn hard.... Keep it on your penis until I give you a signal....
 Until I give you my permission... you're going to have to keep going back and forth, inch by inch, over and over again, aren't you?
 ...your soft cock... now I'm going to torture you and torture you and torture you and torture you and torture you and torture you..."

7_Conditions for ejaculation(03:13)
Hey? Do you want to spit out your thick milk... your pent up male lust...?
 Okay... I will allow you to ejaculate... but only if you keep your promise... don't have a right to refuse, okay? I'll make you forget how to ejaculate properly.
 (For more information about [the promise], please see the full story.)"

8_No hand ejaculation ♪(12:49)
'Well done...' Here's your reward... mmm~squeeze... (kiss)
 I'll give you a taste of ejaculation that feels so good you'll fall off your back....
 I'll "kiss" you until I get it all out... every last drop...?
 Come on... go! Come on, come on, come on! Ejaculate without touching me! Come on!

Total playback time: approx. 1 hour, 10 minutes, 51 seconds

Electromagnetic torture training for no-hand ejaculation


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