ASMR BL female high-school student KU100 m office lady sadist SM SP strong, brawny man over-satisfied tits spanking elder sister buttocks bath gulp service whisper anal lovey-dovey masturbation support masturbation masturbation device that mimics female genitalia euphonic change of pronunciation countdown kiss clitoral torture cunnilingus cool (i.e. fashionable, attractive, etc.) very sadistic binaural paisley pants fellatio massage person (usu. female) with an unhealthy romantic obsession (has a connotation of mental instability) head-over-heels in love lotion underwear intravaginal (anal, etc.) ejaculation nipple nipple licking nipple torture bass used after the name of someone who is an older brother figure teacher senior (at work or school) virgin ejaculating into someone's mouth sigh confession heavy breathing whisper attachment metamorphosis service pregnancy my betrothed used after the name of someone who is an older sister figure envy conception school Heian-period student of government administration stopping just before little girl older younger childhood friend sitting posture younger brother enforcement her younger people lover love hand job finger-banging (manual stimulation of female genital organs) restraint everyday juice lewd indecent language sleeping together doting tide female ejaculation forcibly teasing snoop (i.e. a detective, a spy, etc.) sweet (taste, fragrance, etc.) indulging (e.g. in alcohol, women, etc.) living healing male virgin ear licking leg torture in which the victim is bound and gagged with words breaking (animals) continual climax

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Hypnotic ASMR - Rationality on the Sand

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Hypnotic ASMR - Rationality on the Sand



Hypnotic ASMR - Rationality on the Sand (Crossfade Sample)

The House of Amber. Welcome to the Sand Room. This is a place where you can enjoy a little bit of the extraordinary. It is a mysterious store that appears only in front of those who desire it.

Smooth. The buried place becomes warm gradually. Warmth slowly rises from the palm of my hand. A comfortable heaviness grows. Crunch, crunch, crunch. Crunch, crunch, crunch.

The sand gradually dissolves as it is rubbed in to caress the belly. Shari-shari. Slurping. The belly slowly gets hot. The stroked part also becomes hot.

I'll scrape it off. Slurping and slurping and slurping. It feels good just to have your reason scraped away. I can't move, and my head is being gouged.

You are an embarrassing pervert with sensitive nipples. A tongue that crawls around. Sucking lips. Even the sound of saliva feels good. Oh, it feels so good.

Hypnotic ASMR - Rationality on the Sand (Restful Sleep Edition)

The House of Amber. Welcome to the Sand Room. This is a place where you can enjoy a little bit of the extraordinary. It is a mysterious store that appears only in front of those who desire it.

This is a mysterious store that appears only in front of those who wish to experience a little bit of the extraordinary. Brother, haven't you been holding back on a lot of things lately?

If you have arrived at this room, it probably means that you have. I think you have a lot of desires that have been disturbed by your rational mind. You want to feel refreshed, don't you?

Then today, I will melt all of your consciousness like this sand. It is the same as giving a massage to your stiff shoulders.

It's a place where you can let go of your desire, which has been held in place by reason, and let it dissipate. This is a special place where you can do that. Amber House is a place where you can be free.

Well then, let's get started. After you take off your clothes, please lie on your back on this sand bed. Excuse me. There we go.

Well then, let's first get used to the sand bed. This bed of sand will snuggle up to your brother's body and receive him, enveloping him and making him comfortable.

It is made to look like a slightly warm sand bath, so when you lie down, your back will feel nice and warm.

It's silky and warm. It's kind of like a sandy beach in summer, isn't it? Please take my treatment with the image of lying down and relaxing on a sandy beach.

Sand has an interesting variety of textures. The feeling of sand spilling between your fingers and falling. When you walk on a beach, you feel as if you are sinking a little. The sensation of melting and flowing away from the soles of your feet when standing in the surf.

All the same feeling of sand. It's silky, elusive, and very free. Your brother's consciousness is more like sand or a stone. Let's take the time to unwind now.

Now, let's start with a change of mood. Take three big deep breaths on my cue, just three will be enough to relax you. The important thing is to take deep breaths with an awareness of the exhale.

Take a deep breath as if you were exhaling something you don't want with the air. Then let's go. Take a deep breath in. Breathe out slowly. Take a deep breath in. Breathe out slowly. Big breath in. Breathe out slowly.

It feels very good. So then, from now on, keep breathing deeply at your own pace. Keep breathing as deeply as you are comfortable doing.

And you can relax and be aware of my voice or the sound of sand, whichever you like. The sound of sand is nice, isn't it? The sound of sand is nice. Or the crunchy sound as if you poke it with your fingertips. The sound of squeezing it. And the sound of releasing it.

They all sound very nice. Among them, I like the sound of sand spilling out of the palm of my hand like this.

As I watch the sand in my hand spill down between my fingers, I hear this light sound. I feel as if all the extra things in my head are flowing away along with the falling sand.

Let's play this sand sound in your brother's head, too. Here. Dry, dry, dry. Smooth, smooth, smooth. I like playing with sand like this.

That's why the bed is like a sandbox. Please feel comfortable in the very soothing sand bed today.

As I listen to the sound of falling sand, my breathing takes on a calmer pace and the extra strength drains from my body. Smooth, smooth, smooth. Smooth, smooth, smooth.

You've just relaxed a little bit, just a nice silky smooth feeling. Now let's unwind your body, shall we?

This bed is made like a warm sandbox, so I'm going to warm your brother's body by pouring sand on his body. I'm going to warm him up like a sand bath.

Well then, let's start with sand on the right foot. The silky sand piles up from the toes of my right foot to my ankle. The ankle buried in the sand becomes slightly warm. The ankle is enveloped in a comfortable weight as it gradually gets warmer.

Warm sand piles up from ankles to knees and thighs. Comfort piles up. Warmth climbs up as my feet are buried in the sand. The warmth slowly climbs up.

My right foot becomes warm and heavy. It buries itself in the sand, which feels good. So much for the right foot.

Next, I'll fill in the left foot. The silky sand builds up from the toes of your left foot to your ankle. My ankle, buried in the sand, becomes slightly warm. It gets warmer and warmer, enveloped by a comfortable weight.

Warm sand piles up from ankles to knees and thighs. Comfort piles up. Warmth climbs up as my feet are buried in the sand. The warmth rises slowly.

My left foot becomes warm and heavy. I get buried in the sand which feels good. My left foot is warm. The right foot is warm, too. Both feet are buried and warm. Heavy and heavy. Both feet are heavy.

It is a feeling of security, like when you are covered with a heavy blanket. Both legs relax and become dallied.

Then we will continue to fill in the arms as well. I will cover it with sand starting from the left hand. From the fingertips to the wrist and elbow, the area buried in the sand becomes warmer and warmer.

Slowly from the palm of your hand.

Warmth rises. A comfortable weight piles up. The warmth rises from the elbow to the shoulder. The warmth spreads from the left arm to the whole arm. A comfortable heaviness spreads.

Left arm is heavy. Heavy all the time. It feels nice and heavy and warm. The left arm feels good, too. Then the last step is to fill in the right arm. I'm going to put sand on the right hand.

From fingertips to wrists to elbows, the sandy ground gets warmer and warmer. Warmth slowly rises from the palms of my hands.

A comfortable weight piles on. The warmth rises from the elbow to the shoulder. The warmth spreads to the entire right arm. A comfortable weight spreads.

My right arm is heavy. Heavy all the time. It feels heavy and warm. Both arms are heavy. Both legs are heavy. The sand piled up on my limbs is heavy, warm and reassuring. Limbs are heavy, heavy, heavy.

Now you've got your hands and feet in the sand. It feels nice and warm and heavy and fuzzy. I want to stay in this comfortable state forever. This bed. It's warm and comfy.

Many people fall asleep because their backs get warm too. If you feel sleepy, just go to sleep. Good night.


Hypnotic ASMR that makes you feel good with "The Sound of Sand".

Let's let the sound of the sand wash over your brother's head, too."

I will fiddle around in your brother's head ...... until I am satisfied."

Come on, let's continue our pleasant sand play."

This work is a hypnotic experience while listening to the pleasant "sound of sand",
The "Sunaon" is a very attractive and comfortable music.

The awareness disappears without a trace, reason crumbles, and desire overflows.

Then they wash your head with special sand and make you feel good .......

Recommended for those who like hypnotic audio, ASMR, nipple torture, and ear licking.

who played the role of the museum's sister,
This is Chuka Yohkohai, who has appeared in Mizune Iro and Mimetic Pavlov.

This work will also be a studio recording for men,
This was the first time for a hat shop to use KU100.

The "acting" and "sound" were both excellent.

Hypnotic inductions are available for beginners utilizing sand sounds.
It is a work that can be enjoyed just by listening to it, as it contains ASMR elements in a storytelling style.

All parts have some kind of "sound" in them,
It is also recommended for those who have trouble with imagery in hypnosis audio, such as .......

One week from the start of the DL sales, you can apply for a chance to win an autograph by Shiho Saakura (signed by Kyuka Yomukai) just by RT.
present campaign on Twitter.


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