ASMR BL female high-school student KU100 m office lady sadist SM SP strong, brawny man over-satisfied tits spanking elder sister buttocks bath gulp service whisper anal lovey-dovey masturbation support masturbation masturbation device that mimics female genitalia euphonic change of pronunciation countdown kiss clitoral torture cunnilingus cool (i.e. fashionable, attractive, etc.) very sadistic binaural paisley pants fellatio massage person (usu. female) with an unhealthy romantic obsession (has a connotation of mental instability) head-over-heels in love lotion underwear intravaginal (anal, etc.) ejaculation nipple nipple licking nipple torture bass used after the name of someone who is an older brother figure teacher senior (at work or school) virgin ejaculating into someone's mouth sigh confession heavy breathing whisper attachment metamorphosis service pregnancy my betrothed used after the name of someone who is an older sister figure envy conception school Heian-period student of government administration stopping just before little girl older younger childhood friend sitting posture younger brother enforcement her younger people lover love hand job finger-banging (manual stimulation of female genital organs) restraint everyday juice lewd indecent language sleeping together doting tide female ejaculation forcibly teasing snoop (i.e. a detective, a spy, etc.) sweet (taste, fragrance, etc.) indulging (e.g. in alcohol, women, etc.) living healing male virgin ear licking leg torture in which the victim is bound and gagged with words breaking (animals) continual climax

List of Contributors

Nono is a good healer.

00:00 00:00

Nono is a good healer.




Hey. You there. Would you like to talk about it? Yeah, yeah, yeah. You seem like a nice person. That's right. Of course it's you.

I think he'll listen to me. Oh, uh-oh. Zubari, you're tired, aren't you? Oh, wow. You don't have to say it, I can tell. You want healing. No, you want it.

I knew it. You look tired. I'm not here for that. I don't want to be here. Let's talk about the rest in the study in the back, or rather, in the room.

Now, this is my castle. This door is heavy, so be careful. My name is Nasuhara Nonoka. I am a specialist in healing. Feel free to call me Nono.

That, ei. I will be frank with you. Let me heal you. Oh, no. I will get paid for it. I will use aromas and tools to heal you. I'll use whatever else I have in this room.

It's like, "Earwaxing and stuff. I'll leave it to you. Then please just wait for me to get ready before you change your mind.

Yeah. Thank you for waiting. I'll explain the tools I brought when I use them. Let's get started, shall we?

Nono is a good healer.

Aroma candles and ear candles

Let's get to the healing world right away, shall we? With this, we will light an aroma candle. It is a little different from an ordinary candle.

Right? If you light a fire, you get it, right? The wick is made of wood, and it crackles like when you're making a bonfire. The flickering flame. The sound of burning.

On the candle connection, shall we do ear candles? You put a special candle in your ear and light it.

Put ear candles in your ears. Then light it. It looks good. When your ears are warmed up, finish the ear candles.

Nono is a good healer.

Aroma diffuser, facial shaving

The next healing is this. This is an aroma diffuser. Pop it in. Hmmm... Here it comes out. Steam comes out from the vent like this.

First, let's use the diffuser to moisten the laying hair to make it easier to shave. Then we will apply steam from the ears.

You will find it easier to shave your laying hairs. Please do not move as we will gently shave the hair growth. Let's start with the ears. Jiggle your earlobes.

Yeah, how was it? I think you felt refreshed, didn't you?

Nono is a good healer.

Ear and face massage with ice glove

Massage the ears and face with an ice glove. Let's stroke them as soon as possible. Then, let's begin. It will feel cold at first, but you'll get used to it. Pito.

Let's keep going deeper. Hi. It looks like it cooled down well.

Nono is a good healer.

Ear warming/Konjac sponge

Just put it over your ear like this. Slowly put it over your ear. Pop it on. The cup is cold as it is, so pour hot water into it to warm it up.

No, no, no. You won't get burned. It's okay. Here, let me pour hot water. I'll pour it in here, too. There we go.

Open like this. Have you ever seen a konjac sponge? Use this to massage your ears and cool down.

Yes, this is ok.

Nono is a good healer.

Ear warming/Konjac sponge

As a preparation before ear waxing, I'm going to unwind my ear canals. Make sure you get a good feel for it in your hands. It may feel cool at first.

It will cut right into your ears! There you go. Choo-choo-choo. It seems you were healed, too.

Nono is a good healer.

Oil cotton swab, cotton swab, Braden

Shall I oil the entire ear first? Please do not move. Gently, I'm going in. The sound of the oil gently pressing against your ears is a strange sensation, isn't it?

When I say cleaning, there doesn't seem to be much earwax, so I kind of scratch the whole area while extending the oil. Gently, I go in.

And the finishing touch is Brahma. Fluffy.

The end.

Nono is a good healer.


Good morning. You slept well. Your sleeping face was so peaceful. I was thinking of waking you up, but I couldn't if you showed me your face.

I told you that my motto is to bring healing to those who are tired. So, I don't have the time to compete with those who are energetic. Please go home quickly.

There you go, there you go. Please stand up. You're going home that way. Be careful with the door, it's heavy.

Oh, um. Thank you very much for today. As a matter of fact, I learned a lot from you. I hope we can meet again on a tiring day. Yes, I will. Please feel free to do so then. Well, bye-bye.

Nono is a good healer.



You are walking slowly on your way home.
A woman's voice came out of nowhere. When I listened to the voice, it seemed to be calling out for me.
You were tired and decided to listen....

This time, we will heal your tiredness with plenty of ASMR elements and ear-piercing!

track list

01 invitation 09:28
02 Aroma Candle / Ear Candle 32:34
03 Aroma diffuser and face shaving 28:42
04 Ear and face massage with ice globes 24:23
05 Ear warming/Konjac sponge 41:42
06 Ear canal massage/finger earring 45:25
07 Oil swab, cotton swab, Brahma 51:45
08 Sleep onset 08:50
09 send-off 04:36

Total: about 4 hours 7 minutes

Sound, sound, sound ministry

Nono-san, a good healer [Crescendo].

This work makes the most of binaural recordings!

The greatest strength of binaural recording is that it is as if you are there.
A three-dimensional sound where you can tell where things are and where sounds are coming from.

The entire work has a sense of realism by taking advantage of the binaural recording, so
You will enjoy Nono's healing as the protagonist of the work.

I also enjoy the interaction with Mr. Nono!

The point is not only the sound but also the conversation with Nono!
Nono, who shares her healing knowledge with us, is a confident but somewhat lovable person.
It is sure to make you cringe!

It's not difficult, so you don't have to worry even if you accidentally fall asleep.

Enjoy the unusual sound!

Nono will heal you with her collection of healing goods to make you feel special.
Lots of sounds you don't hear in everyday life because it's a special healing experience!

You can be healed by unusual sounds and tools,
On the other hand, when you listen to a familiar sound again, you may feel comfortable and sleepy.

You may find a new "like.

Character Introduction Nonoka Nasuhara (voice: Shichipo)

Nono-san, a good healer [Crescendo].

Nonoka Nasuhara

A girl who heals you.
She tends to look a little younger than her actual age. She has a slightly younger look than her actual age.

His personality is confident and he makes no attempt to hide it.
However, when he is praised, he is shy and says, "Dehehehehe.

Hobbies are healing people and collecting healing goods and books
He loves collecting goods so much that he often runs out of money after buying new goods.

Because healing is his hobby, he tends to give lectures when it comes to healing goods and healing.
He seems to be aware of this, and he also suppresses some parts.

By the way, he is a working man.

The sound of the film is delivered in high quality WAV format!
Uncompressed wav sound source for a more realistic experience.

MP3 included
In addition to WAV, MP3 is also included in the package, so you can listen to it according to your preference.

Try it on YouTube!
You can also try the Circle's YouTube channel.
We have posted many free works, so please ask.

This work is a sound fetish/ASMR work focusing on sound effects.
All sound sources are produced using binaural recordings.
Please use earphones or headphones.

High quality illustrations are also included!
Illustrations are included for one point only, with no title or name.

Nono is a good healer.


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