ASMR BL female high-school student KU100 m office lady sadist SM SP strong, brawny man over-satisfied tits spanking elder sister buttocks bath gulp service whisper anal lovey-dovey masturbation support masturbation masturbation device that mimics female genitalia euphonic change of pronunciation countdown kiss clitoral torture cunnilingus cool (i.e. fashionable, attractive, etc.) very sadistic binaural paisley pants fellatio massage person (usu. female) with an unhealthy romantic obsession (has a connotation of mental instability) head-over-heels in love lotion underwear intravaginal (anal, etc.) ejaculation nipple nipple licking nipple torture bass used after the name of someone who is an older brother figure teacher senior (at work or school) virgin ejaculating into someone's mouth sigh confession heavy breathing whisper attachment metamorphosis service pregnancy my betrothed used after the name of someone who is an older sister figure envy conception school Heian-period student of government administration stopping just before little girl older younger childhood friend sitting posture younger brother enforcement her younger people lover love hand job finger-banging (manual stimulation of female genital organs) restraint everyday juice lewd indecent language sleeping together doting tide female ejaculation forcibly teasing snoop (i.e. a detective, a spy, etc.) sweet (taste, fragrance, etc.) indulging (e.g. in alcohol, women, etc.) living healing male virgin ear licking leg torture in which the victim is bound and gagged with words breaking (animals) continual climax

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 Yankee maid is a hot and slutty girl!

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Chapter 1

Don't apologize. I got you all worked up and made you big, didn't I? I'm sorry for being so opportunistic. I've made up my mind, so I'm going to serve you.

First of all, it's that tutu. Close your eyes, man. Let's go.

What do you think? First kisses are no big deal. Just because I fell in love at first sight doesn't mean I'm that naive. Then, let's start with the master. Hey, give me your arm.

What are you doing out of the blue, you idiot? You put your tongue in my mouth and licked it. I don't mind. One more time? I can't stop.

Shut up. I can still do it. I won't let you do whatever you want anymore. I'm going to make you sorry you caught me by surprise.

Yankee maid is a hot and slutty girl!

Chapter 2

Cock, it's such a racy stiff already. Is a maid hand job, where the cock is the best part, really that good?

Dick-first chu-chu-chu-ko, that's the best. It's okay. Master is the best and the coolest here.

Shikoshiko chuko chuko. I'm so absorbed in making the white, sticky substance come out. I can't think about anything else. His face is so crisp and manly. He's so cool, master.

Yankee maid is a hot and slutty girl!

Chapter 3

And here, earphones. Put them in your ears. It's okay. Here. Don't move. I don't have any experience. I'm just trying to make a difference.

Master, can you hear me? Again. Uh-oh. Master, I'm recording this so I can make your cock feel good. I'm going to masturbate myself now while whispering in your ear. That should help your cock a little.

How's it going? Does the volume seem okay? Fella, I don't know if I can do it right. I thought it might keep you occupied.

Touch your fingers like this, there, and your pussy. Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss.

Yankee maid is a hot and slutty girl!

Chapter 4

I'm in. That's weird. Flap, flap, flap, flap. I love it when my hips move in time with my cock, and my pussy gets messed up.

I'm not coming. Don't stop your cock. That's good. More. More.

Yankee maid is a hot and slutty girl!


*Please note that approximately 5,000 DL of the total number sold were sold in the 10 yen sale.

I like 'eh, egotistical Yankee girls'.
A strong girl's cute and naughty voice that only you, her favorite girl, can hear...
I love you so much that when I choo-choo, all I can think about is you... ♪
For those who want to melt and enjoy the ideal of 'echi-yankee girls', which is super appealing to those who are into it.

Yankees, and maids.
So I can have you, my master, stand first as a male... ♪
I want to be affirmed as a man, I want to own a strong woman while enjoying gentle, sweet flirting...
No worries. Please feel free to fulfill such selfishness in its entirety.

This is the fourth in the series of maids who just make out with maids of maximum likability!
In addition to healing and practicality, this work includes plenty of pleasing gasps to the ear!
Both the scenario and illustrations are handled by Kokopeppan Saundo, a circle specializing in ama ama/ruburabu!

Please listen to the trial version first! We have not spared any effort to show you the sample, but we have sampled the parts we thought were important here!
If you are at all curious about the trial version, you will be very pleased with it!

◆"I won't lose to a cock!" →I'm not going to let you beat me with your cock!
You are the master of a house where many maids work.
Your only job is to spend your free time at the mansion...

One day, Luna, an apprentice maid who has just arrived at the house, is chosen as the maid in charge of taking care of her personal belongings.
Not long ago, she was the head of the Yankee girls, and she was mischievous.
While she has no experience in love or maids, she works very hard to serve you!
...but I'm not sure if I'm serving him properly since he's so echo-staggered.
In fact, she is a kind, honest and troubled maiden...
Please bring out the honest feelings of such a Yankee maid, Luna♪

0There are 5 tracks in total! All have H-scenes!
0CV Narumi Aisaka-sama! You can enjoy both yankee voice and yoyo girl voice♪
The performance of the girls' voices shaking with so much pleasure when they are doing sex is a must-listen for all the fans...!
0 left/right reversal, no SE, lightweight version of MP3 is included!

[track structure and lines].
01. I ain't gonna lose to no cock (handjob) (100% yowowness) (21:55)
I've never flirted with a guy...I've never done anything that slippery. I've never flirted with a guy in my life... and I've never done anything that slippery."
"I'm not gonna let your dick beat me... I'm gonna get a grip... an'...
Oh, heat, hot...I'm so hot...I'm so hot, I'm so hot...I'm so hot, I'm so hot...I'm so hot, I'm so hot..."

02.Cute or Yuna (ear licking hand job) (120% yowowness) (25:19)
"Dick, it's getting tighter and tighter...
Mmm, Master's big cock, hard and thick, male cock."
"It's no wonder... no matter how hard you fight, you can't win,
All maids would be like this if they had their master's big cock sticking out of them."

03. I don't feel it when you gobble (blowjob/whispering in my ear) (150% yowowness) (20:52)
Big cock, rubbing against my belly....
Mmmm... okay, okay, okay, I lose... mmmm."
"Master, I'm recording this...
I'm going to make you feel so good about your cock...
I'm going to masturbate myself now while whispering in your ear..."

04.So I like you (the real one) (200% yowayowa degree) (22:32)
Don't look at me while saying you love me..."
"Oh, no, I can't get away from you... keep, keep, keep, do, do, do, do, do, do, do..."

05. Honest Feelings (Production/Ear Licking) (Yowayo Degree ∞%) (22:22)
I'm telling you, I'm not a drifter, and I'm not a sucker for eroticism.
Just a little bit, just a little bit... cock, I'll make you feel good."
"Hm, from now on, when you do something, you have to give me a kiss.
Keep squeezing after the sex, all the time, all the time, all the time.
Mmmm, mmmm, mmmm~... Puah, hah, hah..."

*This work adopts the degree of lowness for each track so that you can see how lowness it is.
It starts out at 100% of the max, and from there it goes through the limits and becomes even more wobbly.
*This work, we call her an exclusive maid, but the meaning is the same as the maids in charge in past works.

Total duration: approx. 1 hr. 53 min.
Voice: Narumi Osaka
Illustration :Niude@Kokopeppansaundo
Package/Logo design by Amano Amane

Sound Effects :.
Diblest, "100 Various Sound Effects"
a little louder

Yankee maid is a hot and slutty girl!


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