ASMR BL female high-school student KU100 m office lady sadist SM SP strong, brawny man over-satisfied tits spanking elder sister buttocks bath gulp service whisper anal lovey-dovey masturbation support masturbation masturbation device that mimics female genitalia euphonic change of pronunciation countdown kiss clitoral torture cunnilingus cool (i.e. fashionable, attractive, etc.) very sadistic binaural paisley pants fellatio massage person (usu. female) with an unhealthy romantic obsession (has a connotation of mental instability) head-over-heels in love lotion underwear intravaginal (anal, etc.) ejaculation nipple nipple licking nipple torture bass used after the name of someone who is an older brother figure teacher senior (at work or school) virgin ejaculating into someone's mouth sigh confession heavy breathing whisper attachment metamorphosis service pregnancy my betrothed used after the name of someone who is an older sister figure envy conception school Heian-period student of government administration stopping just before little girl older younger childhood friend sitting posture younger brother enforcement her younger people lover love hand job finger-banging (manual stimulation of female genital organs) restraint everyday juice lewd indecent language sleeping together doting tide female ejaculation forcibly teasing snoop (i.e. a detective, a spy, etc.) sweet (taste, fragrance, etc.) indulging (e.g. in alcohol, women, etc.) living healing male virgin ear licking leg torture in which the victim is bound and gagged with words breaking (animals) continual climax

List of Contributors

Tall, chubby childhood friend's unrequited love and forceful sexual exploitation 2 - School trip

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Tall, chubby, childhood friend's unrequited love and forceful sperming



Reverse Ekiben sex @ vacant room

Oh, oh, it's all in.

We're connected, aren't we?

I can't move when I'm in your arms. But I'll be fine.

All you have to do is stick with me.

I'm going to shake your waist.

Mmm-hmm. Mmm.

How's it feel? Does it feel good?

It feels good to do it while holding her in my arms, too.

I get a little hot.

I want to see your face when you are feeling. Look at me.

Let's chew, chew.

Promise to kiss during sex. Oh, my God.

He's so cute. Sorry, I drooled.

Is your arm tired? Are you okay? It would be dangerous if I let go of your hand, so please stick with me until the end.

Tall, chubby, childhood friend's unrequited love and forceful sperming

Restraints, Nakadashi, jealousy, reverse rape

Sex feels good. It's great.

It feels so good to be snuggled up like this and have our asses slapped together. It feels too good.

Does it feel good to have a soggy pussy?

Hey, you can keep all this to yourself.

I will never let anyone use it.

But instead, this dick is mine and mine alone.

A cute dick for my exclusive use.

I will never let another girl use it for the rest of my life.

I'm only allowed to insert it in my pussy.

Absolutely, absolutely not. Do you understand? Okay? Do you understand?

Feels good.

I don't have time to chat anymore.

Because it feels good.

My head is a little fluffy.

My hips, they move on their own.

I'm already soaked to the hips.

You might have soaked up a lot of pussy juice on the futon. Sorry.

But I shouldn't because it feels good to have a dick.

It's not my fault, it's my dick's fault.

Hey, hey, what do you want to do?

Do you want me to squeeze the sperm out of you soon?

Do you want to be piston fucked in the ass with all your might?

Hey, hey, hey.

Can I put my weight on your dick and force you to cum?

If you don't answer me, I'll do it, okay?

I'm going to cock you in the crack of your pussy and make you go blank. You like that? I'm good.

Let's say it's okay.

Tall, chubby, childhood friend's unrequited love and forceful sperming

Reverse wall-don knee job @ Shinkansen restroom

Do your tits feel good?

More importantly, do you want me to do it this way as soon as possible?

You love to be kneecapped, don't you?

Dick, I'm going to scrub it with my weight.

Hey, can I? Can I do it? Hey, hey. There you go.

Navel jobs feel good, don't they?

I'm sure my heavy body is making the blood vessels in my dick pucker.

I'm sorry, I know it's painful.

But it's the best you can do, isn't it?

You always ejaculate a lot, that's what it means, right?

Chicks can't lie.

What? What did you say? I can't hear you, your tits are all squished up.

Does it feel good? Hey, were you trying to tell me that your dick feels good?

Glad to hear it. I like. I love it.

He's happy to be in my lap.

Okay, well, I'll put more effort into it.

If you make it harder, it will feel better than it does now, right?

Take my weight, properly.

Here we go. Here we go.

Tall, chubby, childhood friend's unrequited love and forceful sperming

Back-to-Back Breath Hand Job @ Shinkansen Restroom

Hey, hey.

It feels good to be hand-fucked today, doesn't it?

Tell me it feels good, already.

Yes, that thing you love so much, I haven't given you much of it yet.

My, ha. Erotic breath.

You reacted with a cock jerk.

I knew you liked it. I'm glad.

Skeevy female breath.

I'm happy that she gets horny with me.

I'll give you lots more for your ears.

Don't move. Here, while cock cocking....

Does it feel good?

Dust with my breath in your ear.

It gets slowly hot and makes my dick sad.

Let's get itchy and feel good.

Chimp happy.

He's happy in my hand.

Shall I oppose?

You want my dirty breath, don't you?

You don't have to tell me.

Because it's her.

Let's both feel good and make sloppy, thick sperm.

Tall, chubby, childhood friend's unrequited love and forceful sperming

Fella@Ryokan Vacant Room

Then I'll take your cute dick before dinner.

I'm starting to get the munchies.

Doesn't it feel good in my mouth?

Tell me how good it feels. You're being shy again.


It's looking up and getting bigger.

Feels good, doesn't it? You must be so pleased with your dick, making it so perky.

Can I start the pistons?

Can I sip and sip? Can I suck it in your mouth? Can I?

We have sex together using mouth pussy.

Tall, chubby, childhood friend's unrequited love and forceful sperming

Waist up paizuri @ ryokan closet

I'll get started.

Hey, how's it going?

They're getting their dicks eaten by the slippery pussy made by her tits.

Pang, pang, pang, it's making naughty noises.

Thighs and lower tits. You're getting hammered. Does it feel good?

Isn't it warm and erotic in the hole?

Not only is it easy to put in and out, but with my sweat and body heat, it looks just like my pussy.

Which do you like better? Tits? Pussy?

Hey, which of my bodies would turn you on more to get your sperm squeezed out of you?

Hey, hey, are you ignoring me again? Oh, God.

But it's okay. Because you're making my dick so big and I'm feeling it.

You have to love me to respond to me.

Right? Heh.

I love it. I love it.

Dick feels good, feels good?

Your tits make me feel better and better.

Your ass is sweating. My thighs are getting moist.

Is it hot? It's a small place, and the two of us will be overheated.

But, that's kind of erotic. Doesn't it feel that way?

Hey, look, even your breath is making me huff and puff.

Are you getting excited? Cute.

Well, let's take a break, shall we?

Tall, chubby, childhood friend's unrequited love and forceful sperming

Programming in Logic

Hey, I'm looking forward to it.

Hey, hey, aren't you looking forward to it?

We can spend a lot of time together, you know?

It's three nights, three nights.

So you can have all the sex you want, right? You can fuck as much as you want.

I'm going to do it in a different place than usual, so it's definitely going to feel good, okay?

White pee view, view, view, maybe twice as much.

When I imagined having sex, I got wet.

You have to be patient. Patience.

Oh, by the way, we're a little far apart in our seats, aren't we?

You don't know what you're talking about.

But I'll be there to pick you up, so just wait for me.

You miss me when I'm not with you, don't you?

It looks like we're moving. Finally, we're leaving. Ikoiko, look, hands.

Wouldn't it be a disaster if you got lost?

Already, yes, I got you.

Enjoy your school trip.

Departure Departure!

Tall, chubby, childhood friend's unrequited love and forceful sperming


Tall, chubby, childhood friend's unrequited love for a one-sided love, force-feeding sperm injection 2 - school trip version - [Siltkrete].

He's 6'4" with a big, chubby body.
They were held down by force,
It is a story about being exploited as much as you want.

No matter how much you try to avoid them, they keep coming close to you.
Caught by a slightly crazy childhood friend,
Enjoy a school trip that will squeeze you even more than the previous one... ♪

You can watch it from this film without any problem.

▼ First in a series


Chinatsu, a childhood friend who lives in the house next door.

She likes small, cute things.
He loves you, who is shorter than he is, to an unusual degree,
Whenever I see them, they play sexual pranks on me.

--From today, the students will go on a three-night school trip.

And the time that is supposed to be fun,
You are a bit nervous at the thought of being squeezed by Chinatsu day after day.

They are still mistaken by those around them as boyfriend and girlfriend,
I have yet to tell anyone that I really hate it.

The bad attempts to get away from my seat on the bullet train were in vain,
Natsu comes from afar with a smile on his face.
After holding your hand tightly, he pulls it gently....

Character Introductions

Tall, chubby, childhood friend's unrequited love for a one-sided love, force-feeding sperm injection 2 - school trip version - [Siltkrete].

Track Description

Tall, chubby, childhood friend's unrequited love for a one-sided love, force-feeding sperm injection 2 - school trip version - [Siltkrete].

(technical) specification

  • Running time : 2 hours 13 min. + 4 min. of extras
  • Recording environment : Binaural microphone (KU100) / Studio recording
  • File Format : wav (48kHz / 24bit)
  • Difference : No water sound SE
  • Package illustration included


 Dear Tyrol Oyama
 Mr. Hayabusa
■Sound Effects
 Dear Mr. Minako Material
 Atelier Honey* Sound of Life
 Diblest, "100 Various Sound Effects"
 silt crete

Tall, chubby, childhood friend's unrequited love and forceful sperming


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