ASMR BL female high-school student KU100 m office lady sadist SM SP strong, brawny man over-satisfied tits spanking elder sister buttocks bath gulp service whisper anal lovey-dovey masturbation support masturbation masturbation device that mimics female genitalia euphonic change of pronunciation countdown kiss clitoral torture cunnilingus cool (i.e. fashionable, attractive, etc.) very sadistic binaural paisley pants fellatio massage person (usu. female) with an unhealthy romantic obsession (has a connotation of mental instability) head-over-heels in love lotion underwear intravaginal (anal, etc.) ejaculation nipple nipple licking nipple torture bass used after the name of someone who is an older brother figure teacher senior (at work or school) virgin ejaculating into someone's mouth sigh confession heavy breathing whisper attachment metamorphosis service pregnancy my betrothed used after the name of someone who is an older sister figure envy conception school Heian-period student of government administration stopping just before little girl older younger childhood friend sitting posture younger brother enforcement her younger people lover love hand job finger-banging (manual stimulation of female genital organs) restraint everyday juice lewd indecent language sleeping together doting tide female ejaculation forcibly teasing snoop (i.e. a detective, a spy, etc.) sweet (taste, fragrance, etc.) indulging (e.g. in alcohol, women, etc.) living healing male virgin ear licking leg torture in which the victim is bound and gagged with words breaking (animals) continual climax

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Morning return] Yandere's brother loves me to death, and I can't sleep, voice drama.

00:00 00:00



Sis, are you still awake? Sorry, at this hour. I just wanted to apologize for today.

I'm really sorry I couldn't cook dinner for my sister because I had to do something I couldn't miss.

Of course I care. My sister always looked forward to my dinner.

I thought about making leftovers, but I wanted my sister to eat freshly cooked food.

But don't worry, I'll make it right from tomorrow. It's not like I don't like you anymore.

Seriously, either...pfft no, it's nothing, I didn't say anything. Because it's really nothing.

Oh, by the way, how was your lunch? I changed the seasoning...

I was thinking, "What if it doesn't suit my palate? I was wondering what if it's not to your liking, but... well, if it's good for you, I'm glad.

They don't have to worry about that anymore, because they are family.

I'm not good at cooking or washing clothes, and my sister always seems to enjoy my cooking, so that makes me happy.

By the way, I found this handkerchief when I was washing my sister's clothes, but it's not hers, is it? Whose is it?

Oh, I know, it's Yuta-san's handkerchief, right? I can tell by the smell.

So why does my sister have it? What? Are you hurt? You said you borrowed it, are you okay? Are you okay? - Yeah, yeah, yeah...

I'm glad it was nothing serious. The blood on this handkerchief was my sister's... what a waste...

If this is the case, I should have just cut off the bloody part and then put it away...oh no, it's nothing, just talking to myself.

You've been home late lately, haven't you? Studying in the library? Oh, it's that quiet-looking classmate of yours, isn't it?

I know. But isn't that guy more like a quiet person? If you talk to him, even your sister will become gloomy.

Hey sis, you used to listen to me, but lately you don't listen to me much, right? And you don't play with me anymore.

He wants to go to school with Yuta, and that guy doesn't know anything about my sister anyway.

I know my sister better than anyone else in the world. I'm the one who knows you better than anyone else in the world.

I'm sorry I yelled at you...I know you've always been a bit nieve in that area, I know.

By the way, what did you do for dinner tonight? I see you went out for dinner...I should have given you some money.

So you went to dinner alone? Hmm? You went out to eat alone? I knew I smelled that guy... my sister lied. Right?

Why would you lie to me like that? You've never lied to me before, have you? I see, so you went to see Yuta after all.

Heh...they gave you a home-cooked meal? That's great.

I knew my sister was kind and pretty, but a little prone to being carried away by the mood.

But my sister...I thought she would definitely understand my feelings someday, so I've been holding back ever since I thought that.

And yet he cheated on her behind my back. I can't believe it!

After all, he's a childhood friend or something, and he's rubbing off on my sister, but in the end he's a stranger. I won't give my sister to that guy... I won't give her to him...

Even if they come out as ghosts, we can take care of them again...oh, what do you mean, it's just a fixed meaning as it is.

All those nasty bastards who rubbed up against my sister ain't in this world no more, are they? Come on, sniff my hand?

I cleaned up properly, so you don't smell those guys at all, right? Yeah, I couldn't cook dinner for my sister today because I had to clean up after the guy who got in the way.

I don't want that guy by my sister's side, she'll rot... I'm the only one who can protect her, she only needs to look at me.

That's the best happiness.

Why? Why do you say that? My sister would never say such a thing. She would never say anything to hurt me.

I'm not that kind of sister. Oh...that's right...I'm poisoned from eating her food...then I need to get rid of it fast...

Oh, but if you ate the food, then your mouth is poisoned by him too...

My esophagus, my stomach... My organs are being poisoned by him. Then I'll have to clean them up...


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