ASMR BL female high-school student KU100 m office lady sadist SM SP strong, brawny man over-satisfied tits spanking elder sister buttocks bath gulp service whisper anal lovey-dovey masturbation support masturbation masturbation device that mimics female genitalia euphonic change of pronunciation countdown kiss clitoral torture cunnilingus cool (i.e. fashionable, attractive, etc.) very sadistic binaural paisley pants fellatio massage person (usu. female) with an unhealthy romantic obsession (has a connotation of mental instability) head-over-heels in love lotion underwear intravaginal (anal, etc.) ejaculation nipple nipple licking nipple torture bass used after the name of someone who is an older brother figure teacher senior (at work or school) virgin ejaculating into someone's mouth sigh confession heavy breathing whisper attachment metamorphosis service pregnancy my betrothed used after the name of someone who is an older sister figure envy conception school Heian-period student of government administration stopping just before little girl older younger childhood friend sitting posture younger brother enforcement her younger people lover love hand job finger-banging (manual stimulation of female genital organs) restraint everyday juice lewd indecent language sleeping together doting tide female ejaculation forcibly teasing snoop (i.e. a detective, a spy, etc.) sweet (taste, fragrance, etc.) indulging (e.g. in alcohol, women, etc.) living healing male virgin ear licking leg torture in which the victim is bound and gagged with words breaking (animals) continual climax

List of Contributors

Distributor×Homeless×Childhood Friend] Rape Distribution - Your Erotic Face is Exciting Everyone! ~The first time I saw her

The second anniversary of the establishment of the "blood rain" circle! The campaign to celebrate the 2nd anniversary of the establishment of the "blood rain" circle!

7 days limited 330yen ‼︎! Distributor×Homeless×Childhood Friend]Rape Distribution - Your erotic face is getting everyone excited ? ~ blood rain]

May 2024
Blood Rain Circle 2nd Anniversary Campaign

Five new items released in May are available for a limited time at an unbeatable price of 330 yen including tax (limited to 7 days from the date of sale).

blood rain to all of you
Thanks to your support, we are celebrating our second anniversary this year.
As a small token of our gratitude to all of you who have supported us, we will be running a campaign.
Although I am not perfect in some respects, I will do my best to convey the appeal of audio works to as many people as possible.
Thank you for your continued support.

After the 330 yen period, the price will be 1540 yen including tax.

[Points of Interest

blood rain!!!! 61st work on sale!!!!!!!!
The heroine is attacked by her childhood friend who is a recluse and plays video games all the time. She is attacked by the heroine, who is made to climax many times without any resistance...?


7 days limited 330yen ‼︎! Distributor×Homeless×Childhood Friend]Rape Distribution - Your erotic face is getting everyone excited ? ~ blood rain]

When he makes fun of his childhood friend who is a recluse and plays video games all the time, he loses his temper and attacks her.
The heroine is a heroine who is always trying to get out of the room. Her resistance is futile and she is made to climax many times...

Character Introduction

7 days limited 330yen ‼︎! Distributor×Homeless×Childhood Friend]Rape Distribution - Your erotic face is getting everyone excited ? ~ blood rain]

Tatsuki Sonomura
Age: 25 Height: 170 cm
Game distributor. He is a good seller in his own right.
He is even invited to gaming events.
I haven't told the heroine because I'm somewhat embarrassed.
● Heroine
Company employee. Worried about Tree, who thinks he is a hermit all the time.

[Track listing

Track 1 [4:31].
Heroine, a shut-in, gets mad at Tree for making fun of her for playing games all the time, and is attacked.
The first is the "I'm not going to be able to do it" type of thing.
I'm not picky just because I work for a company."
I make a fair amount of money from distribution."
If you care about my life, you can be useful too."
He would activate the camera and deliver the heroine as he was raping her.
The heroine is frightened, but he does not allow her to escape and restrains her with handcuffs.
He grinned, "I guess that thing I bought for no particular reason has come in handy." "Now I'm going to deliver the leprechauns," he grinned.
After attaching it to the bed frame and making sure the heroine can't move
Maneuver the fixed camera on the desk and adjust its position.
Now the fun part of the show is about to begin..."

Track 2 [18:39].
■Restraint, nipple torture, handjob, squirting
Heroine resists being restrained.
The tree laughs amusedly and licks her nipples to show the heroine.
The heroine, whose voice is always in the air, is asked, "Are you more enthusiastic than you thought?" She licks his ear and says happily, "I didn't know you were an M girl.
Trying to tweak her nipples while tasting her.
The tree gets more and more excited.
Make sure the pubic area is wet,
The heroine's crotch is forcibly opened and a hand-held camera is brought close.
Shooting the face and pubic area, and making the heroine feel shame.
"They're all excited to see you in all your erotic glory, aren't they?"
"Ha-ha, you're excited too, huh?"
The heroine resists, but is made to come by hand.
She was also teased and squirted continuously.
He grinned, "This has got to be the best video I've ever seen."
Track 3 [21:28].
■Ear licking, squeezing Fuyo, verbal abuse, Nakadashi
Because it's not over yet.
Put down the hand-held camera and remove the restraints from the limp heroine.
Insertion with the crotch wide open from behind in the "squeezing Fuyo" position.
"Here, show the camera your eroticism..."
The heroine is a little sore from the insertion, but her hips move little by little as the tree licks her ears and continues to move her body.
"Erotic hips...I love it...squeeze it harder, my cock..."
Tree climaxes while verbally attacking her and tweaking her nipples and clitoris.
The tree also unintentionally ejects inside.
The heroine can't afford to worry about a Nakadashi because of the shock of what was done to the tree.
On the other hand, Tree begins to be puzzled because the heroine seems to be so pleasant.
"Do you do that to anyone?" Do you get crampy with anyone but me?
Heroine denies it and says she has never come like this before.
Her childhood friend doesn't believe her, but is even more upset when she tells her that she never had sex with a man in the first place.
I think he was in pain..." "But how eloquent is your body if you squirt for the first time..."
He is intensely upset and remorseful when the heroine begins to cry, "I used to love you...
He hurriedly pulled it out and faced it head-on.
He apologizes, "It's not a live feed, so don't worry about that," and "I'll delete the video."
Embracing a heroine who rejects you
I'm actually new to this, too," he confides, "I've only seen you for a long time."

The heroine said, "He has too much perverted knowledge and his technique was amazing...! This can't be my first time!" And she gets angry.
The following is a list of the most common problems with the
Tree, in trouble.
You're supposed to be knowledgeable. I'm a respectable adult male, so I watch a lot of erotic videos.
Of course, when I do it alone, the only person I fantasize about is Of course, when I do it alone, the only person I fantasize about is
For many years, I've only cared about the heroine, but she nagged at me so much that I lost my temper.
I regret that I did something irrevocable.
The heroine gets angry, but eventually says, "I forgive you depending on your attitude from now on.
The heroine has also had a crush on him for many years, so when she finds out he has a crush on both of them, the option of "not forgiving" disappears.
It was.
First, what do you want me to do?" and the heroine asks for a kiss.
The two make up with a kiss.
Track 4 [20:30].
■Abuse, Make-up sex, Kissing, Ear licking, Cunnilingus, Squirting, Normal position, Nakadashi
They kiss a lot and confirm their feelings for each other.
You scared me earlier, so now I only want you to feel what feels good."
The tree cums on the heroine.
Lick it generously while making them tell you what feels good.
The heroine squirts while making a more pleasant sound than before.
The tree can no longer stand the sight of the heroine.
Can I come inside you one more time?"
The tree has no choice but to apologize to the heroine, who is angry at him for forcing his way in earlier.
The heroine laughs at her depression like an abandoned dog.
She smiles, "Fine. I, too, want you to let me in," he smiles.
Struck by the heart, the tree is very excited.
Insertion in normal position.
The rhythm is progressively more intense with occasional ear licking.
You and I are both addicted to sex... this feels too good..."
At the end, they embraced each other, communicated their love to each other, and climaxed.
As we embraced each other in a deflated embrace, the heroine said, "Video, you don't have to turn it off."
He says.
"Why don't you have to delete the video?"
It's proof that you bullied me. If anything happens to me, I'll use it in court.
The tree turns blue at the heroine's words, which are not even considered a joke.
I will take good care of you. I will love you for life...!"
It's not because I'm afraid of the trial! No, of course I'm afraid! I'd rather leave you.
!" and closes in a hurry

Ci-en Support Plan

7 days limited 330yen ‼︎! Distributor×Homeless×Childhood Friend]Rape Distribution - Your erotic face is getting everyone excited ? ~ blood rain]

■ Format
Binaural recording of the entire film
File Format WAV