ASMR BL female high-school student KU100 m office lady sadist SM SP strong, brawny man over-satisfied tits spanking elder sister buttocks bath gulp service whisper anal lovey-dovey masturbation support masturbation masturbation device that mimics female genitalia euphonic change of pronunciation countdown kiss clitoral torture cunnilingus cool (i.e. fashionable, attractive, etc.) extreme masochist very sadistic binaural paisley pants fellatio massage person (usu. female) with an unhealthy romantic obsession (has a connotation of mental instability) head-over-heels in love lotion underwear intravaginal (anal, etc.) ejaculation nipple nipple licking nipple torture bass used after the name of someone who is an older brother figure teacher senior (at work or school) virgin ejaculating into someone's mouth sigh confession heavy breathing whisper attachment metamorphosis service pregnancy my betrothed used after the name of someone who is an older sister figure envy conception school Heian-period student of government administration stopping just before little girl older younger childhood friend sitting posture younger brother enforcement her younger people lover love hand job finger-banging (manual stimulation of female genital organs) restraint everyday juice indecent language sleeping together doting tide female ejaculation forcibly teasing snoop (i.e. a detective, a spy, etc.) sweet (taste, fragrance, etc.) indulging (e.g. in alcohol, women, etc.) living healing male virgin ear licking leg torture in which the victim is bound and gagged with words breaking (animals) continual climax

List of Contributors

The brain and ear licking melt] Reflexology at home?

00:00 00:00

Total Length 237 mins [Brain Trot Ear Licking Melt] Reflex at Home?



Preliminary Free Talk Part 1

Hello everyone!

Nice to meet you.

Good evening evening.

Good morning to you in the morning. For Hime-chan, I am Haruka Mezaki.

Yes. QD, the second work Reflex at home?

The information has been released.


Thank you very much. No, I am finally, finally able to get to this point.


Well, I feel like I said the same thing in my preface for the first one, but there were really many twists and turns, and the release date was a little off, but thanks to all of you, we are on track to release it, and here we are today. Thanks to all of your support, we are on track to release the product, and here we are today.

Good morning. Good morning. We are working hard on this product, so please wait for a while until it goes on sale. Please wait for a while until it goes on sale. So, last time, when I was talking about the first album, I suddenly realized that the concept of QD, or this label, is to fulfill the listeners' desire to hear what they want to hear now.

We have a concept that everyone discusses what they want to hear, and then we create works that they like. I would say exactly the same thing as with the first work, but there is no concept in our company that says we will continue to create works in this style for a long time.

That's right. The more works you want to listen to, the brighter the cucumbers will shine. I had talked about this in the interview for the first film in the previous section, but I went with the idea that we might be able to create a work that is 180 degrees different from the first one.

The first one was a complete 180 degree change from the first one, and I would be happy if you could remember it as "Vibe Chu at Home" for short this time, but the last one was really about a junior colleague who had an office romance, a secret office love, and so on. The last Vibe at Home was a pure love story, but this time, there is no pure love story at all. If you have seen the main visual, you may have guessed that it is a work like that.

Yes, that is correct. That is correct. I don't know what to call this time's Vibe at Home, but it's really a story-like work, or a specialized erotic work, or a really erotic work, although it might be a bit of a misnomer to say that it is erotic and erotic, but it's like that.

I feel like I just said something nice, in a light way. I know I said it myself, but I really want people to enjoy the eroticism in a lighthearted way. There are probably some parts that make you giggle, or are just stories, or words like that, so please, by all means, enjoy the eroticism.

If you can enjoy laughing while feeling erotic, I think it would be something right about this work. I hope you will enjoy this work. This is the second QD work that I will be presenting to you. Yes. So, in this second work, there is a little trick that we didn't do in the first work. I can't tell you the details here, but I'll tell you what it's called.

If you go to the bottom of the work page, you will see a section that says "Download Achievement Commemoration", and in the "100 Downloads" section, it says that track 0.5 and track 7 are released. Actually, these are tracks that were not included in the first release.

What I want to say is that, actually, this time we have created two tracks, or rather, tracks 1 through 6, which are complete in themselves, but if you listen to tracks 0.5 and 7, which are distributed afterwards, in the order of 0.5 and 0.5123567 from the beginning, you will have a slightly different perspective and enjoy them differently. So, it is a work that is twice as good as the first one, so I hope you enjoy it as well. I hope you will enjoy it as well.

Yes, I am. I am sure that some of you may have looked at every corner of this page, but I would like to introduce a character in the introduction. In the introduction of the characters, there is a section that says "Yukito Kanamori," yes, the character of this year's movie, is an actor by the name of "Akaada-kun," and in the introduction, there is an article that says he won the number one male actor in 2020 as voted by MDS past female users, just above the middle. If you can guess what MDS stands for, or if you know what MDS stands for, you may be able to guess what this 0.50.7 is, or if you know what this 0.50.7 is, you may be able to guess what this 0.50.7 is. Before you see it, maybe you can understand that this work was actually this kind of work.

So, please try to make a prediction before the release of your desired work. I know it's not easy to get it right, but I'm sure you'll get it right, even though I'm saying some crazy things without any hints, so by all means, please try that one.

Please think about it. I have my own "Tweekas," which I do about twice a month, and we have planning meetings, which I will talk about later, along with planning meetings, I have been talking a little about it in my Tweekas, as well as in our planning meetings. I thought up the idea of a "charlatan" and the setting of the meeting, but it was a combination of a "charlatan" and reflexology, or "reflexology" for short, which is the opposite of relaxation or massage, or whatever you want to call it. I am not sure if this is something that will be accepted by everyone, but I have just finished shooting the film, and I am feeling a little uneasy about it. I've just finished shooting the film, and I've got to say that I'm somewhat satisfied with the way it turned out.

I'm sure you will think so, so please do. I know that there may be some people who think, "What's going to happen if this isn't what I'm looking for? I would be happy if you could taste the work and see what kind of chemical reactions the new combination of the two has created.


Total Length 237 mins [Brain Trot Ear Licking Melt] Reflex at Home?

Preliminary Free Talk Part 2

I have already given you a brief explanation in the preamble to the first QD, but I would like to take this opportunity to briefly explain the benefits of QD, in case some of you may not be familiar with it.

If you are tired of hearing about it, and you are already familiar with the scoring, you can skip this track and go right ahead and watch the video. If you don't mind at all, you can skip this track and go ahead and watch the video right now. I'll explain the details now.

QD, the support plan that I have been working on at Himezaki, has various plans, and this time, the benefits are linked to the support plan. Yes.

Let's start from the top. First of all, we are going to have a Himechama Plan, and there will be two benefits for those who are on the Himechama Plan. One is that we are going to distribute 20% off tickets for this work, Vibe Chuchu.

The other one I mentioned before is the Tweakath that I do about twice a month. It's like a binaural Tweakath, where we all get together and have a drink at home on Hanakinis, and everyone who is tired from work can make a toast. But...

The main part of the tasting part is about the toast, but in the main part, we are actually having a planning meeting.

As I explained earlier, the concept of QD is to create works that listeners want to listen to. The Himechama Plan comes with a ticket to participate in the planning meeting.

If you participate in this meeting, you will be able to enjoy a cleaner work, and although I am basically the CV, if you tell us what you would like to hear in Himezaki's CV, such as the setting of the work or the character you would like to hear, it may be realized. If you can tell us what you would like to hear from Himezaki's CV, we may be able to make it happen.

Yes. Now, let's continue with the Hime-chan plan. This one is also for the second QD movie "Vibe at Home", 30% off-line ticket distribution, a ticket to attend the planning meeting mentioned earlier, and this one? We are not sure if we will be able to offer the same benefits this time as we did for the first one, so it may be different or the same, so we are not sure yet. So, we are still not sure if it will be the same this time around. I'm not sure if it will be the same this time, so I'm not sure yet.

We will be sending out more information through our official Twitter or support, so we hope you will check there as well. I hope you will check it out. Next, more Hime-chan plans. Yes. You will receive 100% off for the 2nd QD "Vibe at Home", in other words, a free ticket.

No, it's not Japanese, it's not right. It will be distributed. Yes, plus likewise? Yes, plus the right to participate in the planning meeting, yes, plus one track of good friends. Plus the right to participate in the planning meeting, yes, plus one track of good friends. one track, in this case, I think the fourth and fifth track.

Maybe, I think I was right. In the first part of the story, Ben calls the heroine "sister" because they are just meeting for the first time, but later on, when they get to know each other or become close, he calls her "you". Later on, as they get to know each other, or rather, as they get closer to each other, the name "you" is changed to "kun." The name "you" is changed to the name you specify on the ticket. Of course, you can use your real name or your first name or your first name, and of course you can use your handle name as well. I'm sorry, we've closed it. We are still planning to release the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth titles in the future, and the same thing will apply to those titles as well. The plan will be the same for that work.

I'm sorry. Yes, I'm sorry. There is one more benefit to the Hime-chan plan. This is the 500 downloads anniversary, and it's quite effective. The lottery ticket for the lottery project QD will be added for 3 tickets, so the lottery multiplier will be tripled by simple calculation.

Yes, I am. Next is the Dokkan Himechama Plan. This plan is similar to the More Hime-Chama Plan, but comes with a ticket to change all second person names in one track to a name of your choice. And here is also a free ticket for 100% off for the second Vibe Chu at Home.

What about the plus? We are still in the process of deciding on this as well, so we will send out information on Twitter or EC later. Yes, we will send out information on Twitter or EC later. Plus, we will be adding tickets to attend the planning meeting and 5 additional lottery tickets for the raffle. The previous plan was for 3 tickets, but the Dokkan Himecha plan is for 5 additional tickets, which means that the lottery will be multiplied by a factor of 5, if you do the simple calculation.

Yes, I am. I will continue and this will be the last one. I am the Hime-chan plan, if you will. I know the name is a bit silly, but this is the same plan as the QD Home Vibe Plan, with 100% off, plus free ticket distribution in the past. I will be sending out more information on this as well, so please check back. Plus tickets to the planning meeting, plus an additional 10 lottery tickets for the raffle project. The lottery multiplier is simply calculated to be 10 times higher.

And one more thing, and this one is pretty big. The Hime-Chama plan was a ticket that allowed you to change the second person's name on only one track, but I am the Hime-Chama plan. I'm sorry for my Japanese. This is a ticket to change the second person of all tracks to the name you specify, making it the most powerful ticket ever.

Yes, these are the linked benefits of the support I am offering. Yes, I will also offer the same kind of discount as the first one. I will also be offering the same kind of advance discount as I did for the first project, and since I already did this for the first project, I think it will probably be applied.

I guess the Hime-Chama Plan, which I was explaining to you earlier, is the same as the Hime-Chama Plan. If you are an advance customer, you can get a 20% or 30% discount on the 20% or 30% off tickets, which is a very good deal.

That's about it. We will also be offering various other benefits to celebrate the achievement of 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, and 1,000 downloads, and so on.

We are also preparing other campaigns, so we hope you will enjoy them as well. I hope you will enjoy it as well. So, that's all for now. Thank you very much for taking the time to read this long-winded story about a princess.

Yes, so here you go. Yes, here we go... Reflex at home? So, here we go.

Total Length 237 mins [Brain Trot Ear Licking Melt] Reflex at Home?

Track1 Sample version

I'm sorry. May I take a moment of your time now?

Oh, no? Please be careful going home.

It's no good. I can't catch it at all. What should I do? Should I talk to her?

Excuse me, I'm doing a TV interview right now, can I have a moment of your time?

Azars. Azaas. Saas. By the way, I've heard of it. It's a project of ours. We are interviewing people who missed the last train on the street, and if they say yes, can I go to their house to hang out with them?

Of course, the program would cover all the cab fare to the sister's house.

You really don't know? I's quite famous.

Not everyone watches that kind of variety, right?

No, it's totally fine. Local is also the bottom of local.

Speaking of which, what was your sister doing until this late? Working overtime? Or is it a hellish drinking game where you have to keep up with your boss who is a bit of a loop in addition to being a lame talker.

Yes, that's right. With friends after work. It's nice, isn't it?

But she looks tired, or maybe she doesn't seem to be very excited.

You didn't enjoy drinking at all?

Well, it's the weekend and you're tired for the week.

If you'd like, we can have a light refreshment.

I didn't mean it in a weird way. I'm sorry, this makes it sound like I'm picking on you.

It's part of the program's plan. Massage.

I am very good at massages, and although I look like this, I am a certified anma massage shiatsu practitioner and reflexologist, so you can leave your body in my hands without worry.

In fact, since it is late at night on weekends, most of the people who appear on the program are tired from work.

Even when I go to visit them at their homes, in reality, it often ends with a quick chat and massage during the interview.

I also want to unwind my tired body and give it a little massage.

I want everyone to be cheerful in various ways.

That is one of the concepts of the program.

So, if you want, why don't you join us, sister?

Why don't you try it without thinking too hard?

I'm exhausted and my vibes are soaring.

Of course, as I explained at the beginning, we don't take any subjects.

Seriously? Thank you.

She is a real angel.

Thank you very much.

Well then, let's get on with it, pom-pom.

Total Length 237 mins [Brain Trot Ear Licking Melt] Reflex at Home?

Massage Track Crossfade

Sorry. Is the oil cold?

I should have kept him a little warmer.

But it was cute when he jumped.


Then I'll warm it up with my hand and spread the oil on it.

Then relax your body.

I'm going to unwind a little bit.

Yes, yes, yes.

Oh, I can hardly put my finger on it.

You are quite elaborate.

It's good to work hard, but not too hard.

I'll massage your ears, too.

The ear region is a sensitive area.

Gently with artificial oil and tongue.

It's okay. It's okay.

Here, trust me.

Relax more.

I'll gradually apply tongue pressure, too.

Total Length 237 mins [Brain Trot Ear Licking Melt] Reflex at Home?

Good Friends Echichi Track Crossfade

I'm starting to feel my body heat up, aren't I? Let's take off the top, shall we?

It's better to touch them directly so you can rub them while checking their warmth, killing two birds with one stone.

That's good. The fact that the tip is getting pointy is the best proof that you're relaxing your body well.

Yes, I'll do that. It is more effective to give a careful massage with the mouth using artificial oil here, so let's do a tongue licking reflex with the tongue as well as fingers.

I have to use a stick to reach the pressure points in the back, so I'm going to use my dick to give you a good pussy treatment.

Yes, because if you stop halfway without stimulating the back of the vagina at the end, you may get a rubbing back, and you may feel refreshed, but on the contrary, you may get tired.

Let's make you feel good from the womb as a final touch. Understand? That's a good boy. All right, all right.

If you feel this way, you don't need to add oil, just apply a lot of love juice overflowing from the inside to the whole cock.

Nice natural oil involved.

I'll let you in then.

She just squirted and is wet, so my dick goes in easily.

The inside is undulating, inviting you to come back for more. It's cute. Yeah, it's cute. Let's get her used to the shape of your dick and pussy without moving it.

Let's do a pussy riffle with my dick.

Total Length 237 mins [Brain Trot Ear Licking Melt] Reflex at Home?


Special points

Total length: 237 mins [Brain Trot Ear Lick Melt] Reflex at Home?

Better sound quality than CD mastering!
â- 48000Hz, 24bit, reproduces realistic sound.â- 48000Hz, 24bit, reproduces realistic sound.â

☆ There is a scene in the work where reflexology (massage) is performed,
There is a description of burning the aroma of "bergamot."
You can enjoy a more immersive experience if you listen to it while burning the aroma of "bergamot" with it.

Total playing time: approx. 169 min + additional track approx. 5.5 min + free talk approx. 24 min + bonus track approx. 38 min
The total playing time of the track is about 135 minutes.

☆Treatment details

Total length: 237 mins [Brain Trot Ear Lick Melt] Reflex at Home?

Kanamori offers a "custom-made" type of reflexology
The approach to the body differs depending on the treatment partner.
Therefore, we have received many comments from our clients that they feel good after the treatment because there is little rubbing back.

Preparation before 0-penis pressure reflexology
The following are used as needed during the Chinatsu Reflex treatment.

Thoracic rubbing
Thoracic licking
Nipple torture
Clitoral torture
chestnut rub
Crispero Reflet
Tension relief through full-body kissing
Bello pressure type extra massage
Shiatsu-style omassage (approach to the G-spot)
Squirting and Gokkun

0-penis pressure reflex 1st (normal position type)
Penis shape memory for preparation before insertion
Penis pressure style massage (approach to G-spot/porcio)
Ear licking piston
Breast-rubbing piston
â-... waistband â-... vibrator spiston...

0The second pressure-type reflexology (face-to-face sitting type)
Ear licking type relaxing cock pressure
Point pressure penis at the uterine cervix
Ear Cock Internal Resonant Licking
Bounding and bouncing method of hitting the back of the man
Massive Ejaculation Cunt Pressing Method

Third time (Doggy Style→Handled Style (Low Zero Loose Style))
XXX-framed vibrator piston
Cock Thrusting and Cock Tightening Method
Point-pressure cock at the uterine orifice with a thrusting approach from below
Penis-pressure massage (advanced approach to the portio)
Pressurized uterine opening penis

0-penis pressure reflex 4 times (normal position type)
Trombone and uterine opening compression method by reinsertion
Ear Cock Internal Resonant Licking
Ear licking and tit rubbing piston
Screwed-in crotch
Vibes bubbling up↑↑Gun-thrusting piston
XX Hame-0 mass ejaculation method of pushing the back of the cunt

Works ☆☆☆ Works

Total length: 237 mins [Brain Trot Ear Lick Melt] Reflex at Home?

Character Introduction ☆☆☆☆Character Introduction ☆☆☆Character Introduction

You meet such a Kanamori, who missed the last train after a drink with his friends.
My friend was a bit bewildered that her boyfriend was able to pick her up after she missed the last train.
Just as I was having trouble deciding what to do in front of the station, I was approached by Kanamori.
The room itself is of the type that is small and neat.

But actually...?

☆ Story ☆
I was recently dumped by my boyfriend and I just had to complain about it.
After work, you invite a friend over for a drink.
However, he gets carried away by the conversation and inadvertently misses the last train.

My friend has her boyfriend pick her up...

At a loss for what to do, I heard something in the distance.
A man (Kanamori) with a handy camera.
A voice is doing what sounds like an interview with someone in front of the station.

Somehow that voice was getting closer and closer...

Excuse me! I'm doing a TV interview right now, can I have a moment of your time?"

The voice said to me...

☆Queens↔DOM's long-awaited second film☆ Many special offers and campaigns available!

Hear what you "want to hear now" from participating listeners at the Tweeks planning meeting.
We have fun coming up with ideas and creating wonderful works of art.
Why don't you join us to realize the wonderful "I want to hear it now" you have in your heart?

For more information on Ci-en linked benefits, check out the following page!

Production:Queens ↔ DOM ( )
Scenario: Natsuki Juryokuya ( )
Illustration by Kuta ( )


  • Track1 Interview startup↑↑PONPON!
  • Track2 Koi-chan's house search begins☆(13:10)
  • Track3 Refresh at home..._x bub~x correct answer is pak(ry *Massage Track(48:22)
  • Track4 Pakorimakkuup↑↑Chest fir momma nakapappa♪ *Best friends ecchi Track(63:42)
  • Track5 Vibes Bumping Pacori Mashikuchu↑↑Vaginal Pressure vs Dick Pressure Fight *Best Friends Echichi-Track(33:44)
  • Track6 I'll be your friend from now on.
  • Additional contents are listed below.
  • Track0.5 From confirmation of arrangements ~buchiage OP↑↑↑(3:47)
  • Track7 ED ~Tomorrow will be a good day~ (1:52)
  • Free Talk(23:58)
  • bonustrack Ochi-no-shimashitaekchuup↑↑ *Nice friends echichi-Track(37:48)

I was recently dumped by my boyfriend and I just had to complain about it.
After work, you invite a friend over for a drink.
However, he gets carried away by the conversation and inadvertently misses the last train.

My friend has her boyfriend pick her up...

At a loss for what to do, I heard something in the distance.
A man (Kanamori) with a handy camera.
A voice is doing what sounds like an interview with someone in front of the station.

Somehow that voice was getting closer and closer...

Excuse me! I'm doing a TV interview right now, can I have a moment of your time?"

The voice said to me...

Total Length 237 mins [Brain Trot Ear Licking Melt] Reflex at Home?


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