ASMR BL female high-school student KU100 m office lady sadist SM SP strong, brawny man over-satisfied tits spanking elder sister buttocks bath gulp service whisper anal lovey-dovey masturbation support masturbation masturbation device that mimics female genitalia euphonic change of pronunciation countdown kiss clitoral torture cunnilingus cool (i.e. fashionable, attractive, etc.) very sadistic binaural paisley pants fellatio massage person (usu. female) with an unhealthy romantic obsession (has a connotation of mental instability) head-over-heels in love lotion underwear intravaginal (anal, etc.) ejaculation nipple nipple licking nipple torture bass used after the name of someone who is an older brother figure teacher senior (at work or school) virgin ejaculating into someone's mouth sigh confession heavy breathing whisper attachment metamorphosis service pregnancy my betrothed used after the name of someone who is an older sister figure envy conception school Heian-period student of government administration stopping just before little girl older younger childhood friend sitting posture younger brother enforcement her younger people lover love hand job finger-banging (manual stimulation of female genital organs) restraint everyday juice lewd indecent language sleeping together doting tide female ejaculation forcibly teasing snoop (i.e. a detective, a spy, etc.) sweet (taste, fragrance, etc.) indulging (e.g. in alcohol, women, etc.) living healing male virgin ear licking leg torture in which the victim is bound and gagged with words breaking (animals) continual climax

List of Contributors

No, no, no, junior-kun, you're only good at night - you can't get enough of me, can you?

00:00 00:00


Chapter 1

Yes, yes, yes. Sorry. I'll fix it right away. 

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Why am I so bad at my job? I'm trying my best in my own way.

Wow. Excuse me. Senpai, are you hurt? Thank goodness. 

Ah. I'm sorry. No, it's all my fault. I'm the one who did this important job, and now I'm actually causing trouble.

It's no good, right? I wonder how I got into the same company as someone who can work like my seniors. 

But even seniors are entrusted with one project. 

But I can't have you helping me. It's just a matter of me being strong enough in the first place.

But I don't think I can be that firm in one knife and one stone.

Why am I so bad at this? I can't even do a good job, or I don't know what I'm coming to work for. 

I wish I could work like my senpai. I wish I could do my job as well as my senpai, because she can handle most things with ease, is a good communicator, and is kind to me,

I always thought it was really great.

I can't do it. I can't do the work in the first place, and public presentations are beyond my breath. 

I had just messed up on a job that I had been entrusted with, and I got a big eye roll from Chief Okubo. 

I'm really no good. And I'm sorry to talk like this at work.

I've been asked to make coffee, so I'll go. Senpai, please go back to your work.

No, I don't think so,

It's nothing. Then, I'm sorry.

Please comfort me tonight. How can I say that?

I can't even make a cup of coffee properly? How useless am I?

I have to put it back in and get back to work. I'll get scolded again if I work late again today. I hope I can go to my senior's house tonight.


Artwork Points

No good, no good, junior-kun is good only at night - Senpai wa me or else she won't be satisfied [Citrus Paradaisu].

At the company, he is a no-good, no-good junior kareshi-kun who is constantly making mistakes.
But she's good at night (sex).

Because you can't get enough of me, can you?"

--He always has sex with a rubber (contraceptive) because of his super, super, super negative thinking.
"Wouldn't you hate to have a child of mine ......?"

The truth is, we want to have raw sex with each other."
Can you and your junior boyfriend take it one step further and have raw sex? ......

* * * * * * * * ** * * * * *

★... About 80 minutes of the main story plus <> with bonus track !!!!!
★... Binaural work using a high performance dummy head microphone â
Please enjoy with earphones or headphones.
★... Lots of lovemaking scenes with a pampered junior boyfriend who loves you very, very much!
★... <<You can listen to the whole track 1.


No good, no good, junior-kun is good only at night - Senpai wa me or else she won't be satisfied [Citrus Paradaisu].

Truck Introduction

01. all I did was fail today -04:10
At work at the company. Yuu makes a lot of mistakes.

I'm really no good, you know?
I wonder how I got into the same company as someone who can do the job like my seniors. ......"
I had just messed up on a job I had been entrusted with, and I got a big eye roll from Chief Okubo.
It's a real ...... no-no, me."
'Seniors, get back to your work. Also ......"
"How can I ...... say, 'Please comfort me tonight, ......'?"

... . . . . . . ...

02. i have confidence in the night -15:06
Continuation of track 1. Heroine's home at night.
Yuu lamenting his own inadequacies.
Lovey-dovey sex while being pampered by you

"Only senpai ...... can comfort me like this, because senpai ...... is the only one who can."
I thought if my senior was happy with me having sex with me, I might be able to repay him in some small way. I was thinking ...... I don't like that?"
Don't be so shy. I'm happy, aren't I?
 It's proof that our seniors are happy."
I mean, there are so many better men out there than me, and don't you want a boyfriend who can't do anything but have sex with you?"
"Ha, ha! Unnnn, senpai, it's good!
 I feel like I'm going to come ...... soon!

Kissing, Nipple torture, Fingercuffing, Normal position (with rubber)

... . . . . . . ...

03. what is your relationship with that man? -12:13
Yu sees you and a man talking happily at work.
He has sex with her while questioning her out of jealousy.

That guy ...... you were just talking to, who was he?
 You seemed to be getting along pretty well with your seniors."
Because you can't get enough of me, can you?"
But it's still not enough. ...... chu!
 This place is all ...... mine, too, so ...... chug, chug!"
Yes, I'm angry now.
Because I can't ...... stand the idea of my senpai being intimate with a man other than me."
I've got a lot of ...... practice with it, so it goes in smoothly ...... even though it's rubberized,
I can feel the heat inside my senpai's pussy! It feels so good. ......
I really, really like you too much....kuuh ...... can't take it anymore!
...... mmmm, ah, koooah--!"

Verbal abuse, Full-body lip, Fingercuffing, Normal position (with rubber)

... . . . . . . ...

04. sleepover with lots of sex -12:53
The morning after track 3.
Morning sex as you wake up...

"Senpai ...... chuchu! I like your nape, don't you?
It's so sexy and ...... chumming, chumming!"
"Oh ...... I knew I like my senior's breasts. ...... they are beautiful and comfortable to touch."
"Do it raw, I don't want you to have a baby with me in case I have a baby with you. ......
Thank you." Okay then, go to ......!
 Hah, mmmm, kuhaha!
 It was soooo tight, so tight, so tight ......!"
"I like seniors ....... Damn, ah--!"
It would have felt so much better if I could have really fucked it up. ......

Kissing, Breast Penetration, Back Penetration (with rubber)

... . . . . . . ...

05. this is not who I am ...... -16:52
I made another mistake at work and was scolded by my boss ...... Yu.
She is a very sweet girl, and she is very sweet to you.

"Senpai? No, it was the first time for me to be kissed by a senior.
...... Huh? I'm not crying.
I'm going to be really lenient with you, senpai. No more 'wait' now, right?"
'Whew ...... senior's ears, they're so red. It's cute."
I wonder what would happen if I lick this place ......churrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!"
"I love you, I love you, senpai ...... look only at me, feel only me, nnnn!
 Fill your seniors up with just me. ......!"
"Senpai, I like ...... you, no, I love you. Please accept me ...... more!"

Ear licking, kissing, cunnilingus, normal position (with rubber)

... . . . . . . ...

06. i love seniors! -18:30
Continued on track 5.
While confirming their feelings for each other, they have live sex for the first time.

I'm sorry, sir. I mean, I'd like to confirm ...... that, you know, it's really okay for me to be like this?"
"Hah ...... senior's tongue, it's so ...... nasty, tangling with mine."
'I'll lick it and make it even cleaner. Shoo!
 Picha, reroo......, picha! Mmmm, chooooooooo, chooooooooooooooo ......!"
"I felt like I'm inside you, I'm inside you, I'm inside you, I'm inside you, I'm inside you, I'm inside you, I'm inside you, I'm inside you, I'm inside you. ...... is the best!"
"Haha, you're not very articulate ...... cute ...... chuuuuch!"
I feel like we've really come together as one, and I'm very happy about ......."

Kissing, Cunnilingus, Normal Position, Nakadashi, Pillow Talk

* * * * * * * * ** * * * * *

★... Introduction of bonus tracks. ★.
Cosplay sex in each other's school uniforms...
Costume play, tie and tie fastening, normal position → Bukkake (going out)

... . . . . . . ...

★. . 500 DLs have been added... **Added.
Ai Ichiya's free talk open to the public -05:56

★*... Autograph Paper Present Campaign.... **.

No good, no good, junior-kun is good only at night - Senpai wa me or else she won't be satisfied [Citrus Paradaisu].

Two winners will be selected by drawing for an autograph card signed by Ai Ichiya, who plays the role of Yuu Yagami, exclusively for those who purchase this title.â

Monday, May 29, 2023

<How to apply
(1)Follow our account @CitrusParadiseR
(2)Send the password to DM
(3) Completion of participation in the lottery

*Please check our Twitter account for details.
Winners will be announced upon delivery.

Equipment used/included

No good, no good, junior-kun is good only at night - Senpai wa me or else she won't be satisfied [Citrus Paradaisu].

★... Studio recording using high performance dummy head microphones: !!!!!
★... Includes "wav/mp3" with & without SE for all tracks


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