ASMR BL female high-school student KU100 m office lady sadist SM SP strong, brawny man over-satisfied tits spanking elder sister buttocks bath gulp service whisper anal lovey-dovey masturbation support masturbation masturbation device that mimics female genitalia euphonic change of pronunciation countdown kiss clitoral torture cunnilingus cool (i.e. fashionable, attractive, etc.) very sadistic binaural paisley pants fellatio massage person (usu. female) with an unhealthy romantic obsession (has a connotation of mental instability) head-over-heels in love lotion underwear intravaginal (anal, etc.) ejaculation nipple nipple licking nipple torture bass used after the name of someone who is an older brother figure teacher senior (at work or school) virgin ejaculating into someone's mouth sigh confession heavy breathing whisper attachment metamorphosis service pregnancy my betrothed used after the name of someone who is an older sister figure envy conception school Heian-period student of government administration stopping just before little girl older younger childhood friend sitting posture younger brother enforcement her younger people lover love hand job finger-banging (manual stimulation of female genital organs) restraint everyday juice lewd indecent language sleeping together doting tide female ejaculation forcibly teasing snoop (i.e. a detective, a spy, etc.) sweet (taste, fragrance, etc.) indulging (e.g. in alcohol, women, etc.) living healing male virgin ear licking leg torture in which the victim is bound and gagged with words breaking (animals) continual climax

List of Contributors

Dai Kuki] Doting confinement

00:00 00:00



Shu Takasi is a loving man.

One day, Takashi fell in love at first sight with a woman he saw on the street.

I rented a room right below the apartment where she lived.

Start a life of watching her.

Build a house to live with her.

By the time you are ready to take her as your bride.

So that you can know everything about her.

One day when everything was ready

Takaji finally unlocked her room.

Exactly ten minutes later, he returns home from work to say goodbye to his girlfriend.

I wonder if she would be pleased.

She's shy and reserved.

You might be a little surprised at first, and show some resistance to your undesired happiness.

But if you are patient and loving.

I have no doubt she will return the love.

Just as my father did to my mother.

But sometimes Takashi remembers his mother, who looked so peaky and frail that she could not leave her room for a single step.

And then you get insecure about what the right form of love is.

But when the front door opened and she walked into the room.

Those little worries are gone.

And you are doomed to be deprived of your human rights.

Welcome back, my destiny.

Doting Confinement [with Japanese and Traditional Chinese script].

Track 1 (All)

Welcome back, you've had a great day.

Wait, wait, wait, don't scream.

It's okay, don't be afraid, just listen to me.

Shh, shh, shh, calm down.

Quiet. I don't want to hurt you.

Good boy. I'm sorry, okay? You scared me, didn't you?

Don't worry. I'll explain everything.

Nice to meet you, I'm Shu Takashi.

I've lived in a room directly below this one for a year now.

You probably didn't realize it, but I've been watching over you.

All the time. All the time is all the time.

I heard about your hard work at the office today.

You were following up with the new girl.

You did a great job. Great, great, great.

What's the matter? You seem restless.

Oh, a phone.

Maybe you feel like you have to call in work?

No, no, no, no. We've just been alone.

If you don't focus on me, I'll take care of it.

Uh, I'm guessing it's in your, uh, right pocket.

You always keep it in there. I'll hold it for you.

Hey, you must be hungry.

I was waiting for you to cook dinner to surprise you.

They're all your favorites.

Since today is the first time I'm meeting you, I thought I'd go all out.

See? You're not scary. Hey, you happy now?

Come here, I'll get you ready.

Your hands are shaking, aren't they?

Are you embarrassed, by any chance?

It's so cute how you get so shy just holding hands.

Just as I had imagined.

And these hands are so smooth and soft.

But it's a little cold. Cold?

My hands are warm, aren't they?

I'm so excited to finally meet you that my body temperature is rising.

Would you like to touch my heart and find out? Embarrassing.

Okay, I'll let you relax a little more.

Did you know. Who you feel comfortable shaking hands with?

He says they're sexually compatible.

We seem to be a very good match.

Sit down and wait while I prepare dinner.

Oops, don't move, just 'cause you're embarrassed.

I'd be very hurt if he ran away.

Can you promise me? That I won't run away.

Good. Then you'll put this on too, right?

What? Handcuffs?

See, the inside of the handcuffs are protected by velvet and cushioning.

This won't hurt, and it's safe, right? I had it custom made for you.

Don't you want to put it on? Why not?

You promised you wouldn't run away.

And you don't want to be handcuffed?

Are you going to do something that would get you in trouble with handcuffs?

Of course I believe you.

He knows I'm not the kind of boy who breaks his promises.

But if I'm wrong and she's more selfish than I thought...

I'll have to let you know what happens once I get there.

Are you trying to goad me into pretending to be a bad boy?

You mean you want me more than dinner?

Yeah, she's a good girl, and she looks just as good as I thought she would.

See, it's not as inconvenient as you think.

I kept the chain long enough for you.

You can even hug me with it on.

Yeah, but now you're hungry.

Wait for me, I'll have it ready in a minute.

Doting Confinement [with Japanese and Traditional Chinese script].

R18 Crossfade Sample

What's that? Your nipples are getting hard.

Did the licking turn you on?


The cocoa hasn't spilled, but I'll give you a good lick here too.

So how far would a man go to call himself your lover?

You're still a stranger to me after kissing me like this?

I licked your breasts too, didn't I? Was that not enough?

Then we need to go further.

Did I get your hopes up?

How would you like me to do it today?

I'll hurry you as much as I can until you cry because you want it so bad.

How about some cuteness?

Or do I suddenly screw it deep inside you, where it's still too small?

I like the idea of forcibly messing things up and seeing how many times I can make it before I pass out.

It's just getting more and more exciting. Are you getting aroused by the thought of being forced to do it?

Here, sit on the floor.

Good boy. You're a really good boy.

I'm so glad you're being honest.

It's so warm and sludgy in my mouth, I feel like I'm going to melt.

Lick me a lot.

Did you want me to set you up so badly?

They want a man's dick so bad, they kneel naked with their mouths full of it.

You really do look disgusting.

Keep licking.

Great. Tighten.

Hey, did you just do it? Did you just do it?

Sounds really naughty.

It's amazing how much they move when I'm doing it.

Squeeze me more!

No, I'm not going to stop, and I'm sure it'll make you feel even better.

I'll make you go over and over and over again until you break.

Can't you stop feeling good? I know what you mean.

I've been freaking out inside the whole time.

Are you scared? Don't worry, I'm here.

Doting Confinement [with Japanese and Traditional Chinese script].


Outline of the work

This is a work for M women that allows them to enjoy unwanted doting and confinement by a high-spec male who is completely out of his mind.
You will enjoy the scenario with a lot of echi-chi elements presented by the tag team of Mr. Vinyl Torishita & Mr. Kunihara, both active TL novelists, and the realistic rape voice of Dai Kuki, who brought out the male staff member's comment "It's very graphic, isn't it? ...... You can also enjoy the realistic rape voice of Dai Kuki, who drew out the male staff's comment "It's very graphic.

The full script can be downloaded from the trial version, so if you like Dai Kuki but are not sure if the M-oriented scenario is right for you, please check the contents before purchasing.

Purchase bonus: Recorded report cartoon & text report article & text interview
500DL bonus: SS newly written by Vinyl Torishita (a fun SS in which Takashi's house explodes) [implemented!
1000DL bonus: SS newly written by Vinyl Torishita (serious SS in which Takashi's house explodes) [implemented!
1500DL Commemoration: Newly written SS by Vinyl Torishita (Takaji is happy to be stepped on) [Implemented!
2500DL Commemoration: Newly written SS by Vinyl Torishita (Fun SS in which Takashi's camper explodes) [Implemented!
Traditional Chinese scripts are now implemented!
3000DL Commemoration: Newly written SS by Vinyl Torishita (a fun SS in which Takashi's waist explodes) [implemented!
Chinese translated version of the benefit SS! has been implemented!

Doting Confinement [with Japanese and Traditional Chinese script] [BoneCage].

◆Heroine (you)
Nothing out of the ordinary, a single worker living alone.
When she returns home, she is handcuffed, fed, brushed, raped, abducted, locked up, and beaten up by a handsome, high-society boy whose name and face she does not know.

Doting Confinement [with Japanese and Traditional Chinese script] [BoneCage].

It is a grueling rape piece.
The heroine is frightened and crying all the time, but the hawker is out of his mind and assumes it is all shame and embarrassment.
He does not quit threatening the heroine who shows resistance that he can't handle due to a misunderstanding.
There are scenes of violence in which objects are destroyed, although the heroine never suffers any pain.

Doting confinement

  • Welcome home6:52
  • Brushing teeth for the first time 17:30
  • Flare Lover (R18) 22:53
  • Let's go home3:08
  • I'm home(R18)15:05
  • Always together(R18)13:48


  • Scenario: Vinyl Under Bird
  • Illustration: Kunihara
  • Sound Director: Akinori Shiba
  • Sound Effects:Yui Ando
  • Recording coordination: Manjiro
  • Sound Production:Colorless Inc.
  • Special Thanks: Yuichi Imaizumi
  • Planning:bonecage
  • Translation: Tsuki Ei

The Chinese version contains the original text of the original work, but the content is in the original language used by the creator of the work.

Doting Confinement [with Japanese and Traditional Chinese script].


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