ASMR BL female high-school student KU100 m office lady sadist SM SP strong, brawny man over-satisfied tits spanking elder sister buttocks bath gulp service whisper anal lovey-dovey masturbation support masturbation masturbation device that mimics female genitalia euphonic change of pronunciation countdown kiss clitoral torture cunnilingus cool (i.e. fashionable, attractive, etc.) very sadistic binaural paisley pants fellatio massage person (usu. female) with an unhealthy romantic obsession (has a connotation of mental instability) head-over-heels in love lotion underwear intravaginal (anal, etc.) ejaculation nipple nipple licking nipple torture bass used after the name of someone who is an older brother figure teacher senior (at work or school) virgin ejaculating into someone's mouth sigh confession heavy breathing whisper attachment metamorphosis service pregnancy my betrothed used after the name of someone who is an older sister figure envy conception school Heian-period student of government administration stopping just before little girl older younger childhood friend sitting posture younger brother enforcement her younger people lover love hand job finger-banging (manual stimulation of female genital organs) restraint everyday juice lewd indecent language sleeping together doting tide female ejaculation forcibly teasing snoop (i.e. a detective, a spy, etc.) sweet (taste, fragrance, etc.) indulging (e.g. in alcohol, women, etc.) living healing male virgin ear licking leg torture in which the victim is bound and gagged with words breaking (animals) continual climax

List of Contributors

The sweet S childhood friend brothers attacked me and doted on me.

00:00 00:00


Opening (Track 1)

Oh, I don't get it. Hmm... hmm... this problem...

I see...that's my sister. I want to try it myself!

I could do it! Hehehe, it's because you teach me so well, my grades have improved since I started having you help me with my studies. Thanks again!

What, am I trying hard? Am I?

Oh, the eraser, my hand... sorry...

Hey, sis. I have something I want to tell you.

I've actually always loved my sister. ....

I'm back!

Oh, .... Welcome back, Aniki..!

What the heck, turn it over, are you studying it properly?

And I'm doing it!

Sorry, I've been asked to watch him study.

Well, thanks, that's dinner! I bought a bento, let's eat.

Oh, thank you! Yum! Which one do you want, sis?

.... It's okay. This one? Go ahead.

I wonder if you two are having fun right now?

I want to relax in a hot spring too, I want to be healed from work!

Hey, I want to be healed from the fatigue of the entrance exam too. I still can't believe my mom's luck to win a pair of tickets.

Hey, Dad said to look forward to the souvenirs.

Ehehe, it's a hot spring bun or a weird ornament anyway, right? ...What is this? Sweets?

Yeah, the Chief gave me that one.

Oh, Yalli! That's chocolate.

You'll have to wait until after you've eaten.

It doesn't matter. I used my brain, I need sugar. What about you, sis? Yeah? Bon appétit! Yum, but it tastes strange.

Is that right? Which one...? Hmm, it sure has a unique taste. It's not like alcohol... nor is it the same as alcohol. .....

But I don't hate it. I'll have another one!

Hmmm, me too. The chief was grinning at me and told me to eat this with my girlfriend. I got a few other things, but I don't have a girlfriend right now. Is he harassing me?

You always get dumped so easily, don't you, Aniki?

Huh? Shut up! I ain't being rejected!

Heh, what do you think? Hmmm, sis.

Even you...damn. Whose fault is it that you think it is?

Rinku is the one who has been a virgin without a girlfriend for 18 years, isn't he?

Bwuhhhh .... Don't say that kind of thing in front of your sister!

Hmmm...can't deny it, can you?

Shut up! Aniki no baa, baa, baa!

Ha, you're in elementary school.

Huh? It's not that I'm not popular! It's just that I don't have a's nothing...let's just eat dinner, I'm hungry.

Hmm, yes, I'll have some then.

We will take it.

Bilateral ear licking (track 1)

Nn.... Sis's boobs are yaaaayyyy big.

Hey, those breasts that are being squeezed by me and Rinku right now... can I touch them raw?

I want to see your tits.

Hey, all right? I'll undress you, okay?

[R18] Rinku to Amaechi (Track 2)

Ohhhhh... hey, that feels good... Oh, that feels good...

My sister's pussy is so soft and soggy, but she loves my penis and won't let go of it, doesn't she? Hmm? No? No?

Your penis tastes so good, you're swallowing pussy, right?

Please remember the taste of my dick more and more....

Huh, hey ..... Nn.... Ah, tongue feels good, sis, ah...sis, sis, sis, I love you. Suki...suki...suki...

[R18] Rinku to Amaechi (Track 2)

You're going to do that all the time? But it's okay, right? Because... you keep coming there.

Oh, too good to be true? More then.

Hahaha .... You're so good at cumming, show me like you just did. You want to come on my dick while you're cumming on your own clit dick?

Haha, it's not a yah. You can do it...oh? Are you scared?

To feel any better.

Mmm, it's all right. You're just a pleasant, pleasant person.

Hmm? Yes, you make me cum with your clit slurping....good boy cute.

R18] Yuushi and Raw Sex (Track 2)


"Let's get crazy together, sis. "We'll make you feel so good."

Aphrodisiac-induced rutting brain threesome~Sweet S childhood friend brothers attack and dote on each other, continuous Nakadashi Ecchi~ [BLAST] (in Japanese)

*Total length: 2 hours 30 minutes (main program + special features + free talk)

This is for people like this.

☑I have loved you since I was a little girl and I love you very, very much.
 I want to have my childhood friend's siblings beat my long-cherished feelings into the ground.
(firm older brother & sweet younger brother)

☑ sweetly lovey-dovey doting all happy but
 Anyway, I want to be mercilessly pleasured by Echigo.
(The feelings are pure, but the sex is sweet and mean brothers with a strong S-feel.)

☑I like the slutty verbal abuse that makes me look cute (but also makes me feel shame).

☑Going soggy while being slutted ∞Continuous climaxing threesome foreplay part
 The part of continuous Nakadashi insertion where each sibling's thoughts and feelings are poured into each other.
(*During insertion, it will be just you and either one of you.)
(The last one is still a happy ending!)


Please be careful if you are not comfortable with lewd language.
KU100 dummy head microphone + studio recording / binaural work, so please enjoy with headphones, etc.

'Are you going to come on my cock while you're fucking your own clit?'

Aphrodisiac-induced rutting brain threesome~Sweet S childhood friend brothers attack and dote on each other, continuous Nakadashi Ecchi~ [BLAST] (in Japanese)

Sis cunt, you love my cock so much, you're all tangled up in it..."

Aphrodisiac-induced rutting brain threesome~Sweet S childhood friend brothers attack and dote on each other, continuous Nakadashi Ecchi~ [BLAST] (in Japanese)

track list

  • Two guys who thought of me as a brother push me down (contents)Deep kissing / licking both ears / nipple torture (licking) / actual viewing of naked masturbation + licking both ears / cunnilingus + handjob + ear licking + nipple torture (continuous climax), blowjob + squirting / deep-throating / cumming / gobkumi60:50
  • ∞Continuous Climax Nakadashi Ecchi(Rinku)Kissing/Hamming/Word Blame/Squirting/Squirting/Ear Licking/Love Blame/Kissing/Kissing/ Nakadashi(Yuushi)Pleading for Insertion/Kissing/Hamming/Portio Blame/Masturbation Watching/Squirting/Ear Licking/Kissing/Kissing/Naked 34:49
  • Hey, Which Will We Choose? (Contents)Happy Ending6:48
  • 500DL privilege] Dating with Yuji / Thoughts of Yuji 8:19
  • 500DL Special】Date with Rinku / Rinku's Thoughts 5:32
  • 1000DL Privilege]Free Talk by Mr. Nigai & Mr. Mitsuhashi33:34
  • Total length: 2 hours 30 minutes (150 minutes)


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