ASMR BL female high-school student KU100 m office lady sadist SM SP strong, brawny man over-satisfied tits spanking elder sister buttocks bath gulp service whisper anal lovey-dovey masturbation support masturbation masturbation device that mimics female genitalia euphonic change of pronunciation countdown kiss clitoral torture cunnilingus cool (i.e. fashionable, attractive, etc.) very sadistic binaural paisley pants fellatio massage person (usu. female) with an unhealthy romantic obsession (has a connotation of mental instability) head-over-heels in love lotion underwear intravaginal (anal, etc.) ejaculation nipple nipple licking nipple torture bass used after the name of someone who is an older brother figure teacher senior (at work or school) virgin ejaculating into someone's mouth sigh confession heavy breathing whisper attachment metamorphosis service pregnancy my betrothed used after the name of someone who is an older sister figure envy conception school Heian-period student of government administration stopping just before little girl older younger childhood friend sitting posture younger brother enforcement her younger people lover love hand job finger-banging (manual stimulation of female genital organs) restraint everyday juice lewd indecent language sleeping together doting tide female ejaculation forcibly teasing snoop (i.e. a detective, a spy, etc.) sweet (taste, fragrance, etc.) indulging (e.g. in alcohol, women, etc.) living healing male virgin ear licking leg torture in which the victim is bound and gagged with words breaking (animals) continual climax

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The bestiality of a wolfish colleague

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The bestiality of a wolfish colleague



01. Crossfade Sample

Yo. What's with the drinking pitch? Because I can see it from over there. That's right. What's wrong? Burnt sake? You liked Chief Sakai, didn't you? I had no idea.

And? Hmmm. You mean you got drunk. You should at least confess when you're sober. What the hell is wrong with you, you piss me off. I'm pissed off, so I'm going to get back at you with this cheek. You have a funny face.

Your cheeks are red. You're too drunk. They were red before I pinched them. I can't believe I kissed you. You've been drinking too much. Yeah, that's right. You were so enthusiastic earlier. Too bad. Chief, I'm all out of it.

I was stronger. That's right. On purpose. I told you, I'm going to fail. Should I have told you I was going to make you fail? That's annoying. You're right. If images like this spread, you'd be in trouble, too.

All right. I'll turn it off. In exchange, do me a favor. You're in my way. Now, if you don't hold still and you start rustling around, you're gonna wake up the Chief.

I did it. I have to hold back my voice when they play with my nipples like this. Don't worry. You just have to hold in your voice. He's been drinking a lot, so he won't wake up unless he's really drunk.

How far would you go? Well, I'll put up with just a finger if you'll be so sorry and be gentle. 2 minutes of penetration would be foreplay. She's giggling. Your legs are shaking.

Be patient, or I won't erase the image. If you can't, you'll just give up? I'll forward it to the Chief and to her. Yes, I will. Okay, okay. You're leaking. Me, suck on her tongue like I just did.

That's how you're going to have to endure the voices. Yeah. Yeah. Here, you see that? Your pussy is all messed up. My fingers are making such a mess. See, it's still twitching, like it's sucking on my finger. Did it feel good?

I can't hear you. Me? What am I? Say you want to be fucked by Naoki next to Chief Sakai? It feels good. What are you going to do with this? It's so bad.

It's too early to go. Come on, hold on. Your face is going to rub on the tatami. I don't think I can do it either. Let's do it one more time. You've got a lot of paint on here. I let it out. It's all your nasty juice. Oh, that feels so good. Hmm? What are you asking me to do? You want me to stop?

No, it's not. But I can't tell just by shaking my head. Hmm? More? Slower? Yes, slower. I'm so mean. Here, suck my tongue. That's it. Hold on tight. That feels good. Here we go.

Look, wow, that's a nasty sound. You're shaking. That's cute. Let's make it feel even better.

The bestiality of a wolfish colleague

02. Trial Version Limited Voice - About Naoki Mimine

I'm Mimine. I was a baseball player in school. I get that a lot. I can't imagine competing in a team sport. Do I look scary? People say I'm a loner, but I'm already a decent guy.

It's been three years since I started working for this company, but I still feel desperate. My colleague Osawa, for example, seems to be going about his business with an easygoing attitude. I'm the opposite. I guess I'm not very good at being tactful.

No, let's not think about it. Hmm? You're cold to your peer boss? Really? I think I'm just treating him normally. I can think of a few if you're alone for a minute.

You know what they say, right? You want to get involved with the girl you like, but you don't know how, so you just end up being mean to her. I know, I had a kid like that in my elementary school days. I'm talking about me, damn it.

I mean, come on, what am I supposed to do? Have you ever confessed your feelings to someone? Oh, you have? That's amazing. I went to an all-boys school all my life, so I've never had a chance. All my brothers are guys. Appealing?

So that's it. All the appeals are backfiring. I think he's scared of me. Yeah, you're right. We're going on a company trip soon.

What's with that meaningful face? You can't do it. You can't make a smart confession to me, so I won't do it. Stop, don't give me that expectant look.

The bestiality of a wolfish colleague

Countdown Voice 6 days ago

Three days and two nights. Company trips are just so boring. Well, it was nice to be with his department.

The bestiality of a wolfish colleague

Countdown Voice 5 days ago

Damn. I can't get close to him at all. No chance to talk to him.

The bestiality of a wolfish colleague

Countdown Voice 4 days ago

Ahh. Oh no. I've finished visiting the usual tourist attractions.

The bestiality of a wolfish colleague

Countdown Voice 3 days ago

The banquet hall is too big. Why are the seats divided into departments? They look like peas, or maybe that's an exaggeration, but they are the size of fingertips.

The bestiality of a wolfish colleague

Countdown Voice 2 days ago

What's up with that guy, he's looking off in that direction so much. Who does he care about?

The bestiality of a wolfish colleague

Countdown Voice 1 day ago

Tomorrow is the day I have to find some way to talk to him, some way to get him to talk to me. I have a bad feeling about this.

The bestiality of a wolfish colleague

Countdown voice day

In the end, I failed to speak to him. If I missed it tonight, the trip would already be over tomorrow. No time to be shy. Okay, let's go. Let's go.

The bestiality of a wolfish colleague


This is the story of "The Bestial Desire of a Wolf Colleague".

*:...... :+......*:.... :+・゜゜*:.... :+....

▼ Story ▼

I was gradually developing a longing for a kind and caring section chief.
Such a routine was turned upside down at a hot spring resort visited on a company trip.

At a banquet, Mimine, who had joined the company in the same year, approached me, concerned about my drinking pitch.
He used to be the one person with whom I could talk about anything and everything without hesitation. Now it is hard to see him, and Mimine-kun, who is popular with beautiful female employees, has somehow become unreachable.

So I was so happy that I said something I didn't expect to say, because I was tickled by my sealed love and got excited.

Unable to back out, I left the dinner party and went to the room where the section chief was, and there was someone there who was drunk.
I peek in to see if it is the Chief or someone else, and suddenly a flash flashes in the darkness.

It was Mimine who appeared.
"I heard you're engaged, Chief. Did you know that? What should I do with this picture of you kissing a sleeping Chief?"

I cower in surprise at his unexpected words earlier, when he said he would support me.

If you want me to delete the pictures, do me a favor.

His terms that flowed like poison into my ear.
I don't know him like this.

Bound by words, by those arms, I had no choice but to run away.

And the poison turns into an aphrodisiac.

*:...... :+......*:.... :+・゜゜*:.... :+....

▼Track Configuration▼

(1)story Heartbreak (06:40)
(Ryokan banquet hall/conversation only)
"All ...... men are wolves. ......

(2) story Inferiority (18:42)
(Chief and Mimine's room/behind, caressing)
He said, "Shush, don't talk so loud. See, that's where the Chief sleeps."

(3)Story: Intercourse (20:10)
(Chief and Mimine's room/backseat intercourse, normal position)
So you're not going to do it? I don't care. It's just a question of whether it's better for me to like the pictures or for you to like the pictures.

(4) story The Whore's Hour (15:59)
(Room closet/normal position)
"Your body is so slippery because of me. ...... Is this what you call marking. ...... I'm a kid. ......

Episode 4.5 [bonus SS novel].
On the last day of the company trip, she is driven into a lewd frenzy by Mimine's hands on the bus.

(5)Talking about Souko (30:57)
(Mimine's room/standing, hand job, cunnilingus, normal position)
Can't stop cramping? Your dirty pussy wants it so bad. Do you want me to pound it deep inside you? Would that calm you down?"

★(6)Episode [Bonus Track] Mimine's Room (23:09)
(Mimine's Room/Handjob, Cunnilingus, Normal Position, Cum Inside)
Are you okay? It's better not to take it out until you calm down. You have such a nasty body that you can cum just by pulling it out."

1 hour and 52 minutes total

Includes SE and SE-less versions
*Uses the highest quality, light-volume, high-resolution quality Flac format (24bit/48kHz)

What is Flac format...
This is a method of compression that does not remove sound from the original sound source. Therefore, no sound degradation occurs.
This is a sound source that will satisfy audiophiles, who can also perceive delicate expressions such as licks and breaths.

*:...... :+......*:.... :+・゜゜*:.... :+....

▼ Character ▼

Naoki Mitsumine

He is 25 years old and has been with the company for 3 years. He was a baseball player in his school days. He is in the same class with Sakurazawa "doggy junior beastly desire.

With a height of 185 cm, a sharply shaped face, cool eyes, and a taciturn demeanor, he is seen as a loner, and his uninviting atmosphere conversely attracts the attention of female employees.

In reality, however, because he came from a boys' school and was the middle of three male brothers, he just doesn't know how to treat women beyond awkwardness, so he doesn't approach them.
He had always been rather reserved, but a broken heart awakened his dormant instincts, and he began to bare his fangs.

*:...... :+......*:.... :+・゜゜*:.... :+....

breakthrough project

The bestiality of a wolfish colleague [white mist].

Once the number of units sold exceeds 300, an after-story track will be added!

★(6)Episode [Bonus Track] Mimine's Room (23:09)
(Mimine's Room/Handjob, Cunnilingus, Normal Position, Cum Inside)
Are you okay? It's better not to take it out until you calm down. You have such a nasty body that you can cum just by pulling it out."


Further breakthrough project.

The bestiality of a wolfish colleague [white mist].

If the number of units sold exceeds 700, a "Short Story Novel," a one-act story that takes place quietly in the book, will be included!

(txt file/pdf file included)


English content is only available in the included PDF file and not the main content.

The bestiality of a wolfish colleague


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