ASMR BL female high-school student KU100 m office lady sadist SM SP strong, brawny man over-satisfied tits spanking elder sister buttocks bath gulp service whisper anal lovey-dovey masturbation support masturbation masturbation device that mimics female genitalia euphonic change of pronunciation countdown kiss clitoral torture cunnilingus cool (i.e. fashionable, attractive, etc.) very sadistic binaural paisley pants fellatio massage person (usu. female) with an unhealthy romantic obsession (has a connotation of mental instability) head-over-heels in love lotion underwear intravaginal (anal, etc.) ejaculation nipple nipple licking nipple torture bass used after the name of someone who is an older brother figure teacher senior (at work or school) virgin ejaculating into someone's mouth sigh confession heavy breathing whisper attachment metamorphosis service pregnancy my betrothed used after the name of someone who is an older sister figure envy conception school Heian-period student of government administration stopping just before little girl older younger childhood friend sitting posture younger brother enforcement her younger people lover love hand job finger-banging (manual stimulation of female genital organs) restraint everyday juice lewd indecent language sleeping together doting tide female ejaculation forcibly teasing snoop (i.e. a detective, a spy, etc.) sweet (taste, fragrance, etc.) indulging (e.g. in alcohol, women, etc.) living healing male virgin ear licking leg torture in which the victim is bound and gagged with words breaking (animals) continual climax

List of Contributors

Nagashima] [Voice version] Twin sons, Leo and Nao - 5 days of cuckoldry and pleasure depravity

00:00 00:00

Voice Edition] Twin Sons, Leo and Nao - Five Days of Cuckolding and Pleasure Falling



Track 1

I'm home. Reio, Naoo, can you come here for a minute?

Welcome back old man, what's that? What's that? Could it be my dad's...?

Ah, your new wife, I mean your new mother.

Your mother is not much older than us, right? She looks old, but she's not?

Hey, Reo. She's about the same age as you guys.

Heh, that's better, because it's more friendly.

Naoo, I've never seen you being friendly with people.

Reo, Naoo, let's talk later, first introduce yourself to her.

Hi, I am Reo Sawamura, Naoo Sawamura....

They are twins, the flirtatious Reo is the older brother and the less talkative Naoo is the younger brother.

What's that? I'm not a flirt.

I just don't talk about it because I don't have anything to say either.

We are like this, but I want you to get along with us. If you have any problems, please don't hesitate to tell us. We will do everything we can to help you adjust to this house as quickly as possible, Reo and Naoo.

Yeah, Pops needs to make sure he doesn't run away with his next wife.

Hey Reio.

Can I go now? I want to go back to my room.

Right, you can both go back.

I'm going to show you to your room now, but I'd like you to check the luggage you left behind. Let's go.

Track 2 sample

It's actually exciting when they don't like it. It's good that she's holding back her voice. It's cute.

I'm a gentle son and I'm going to make you cum just like this... make you cum right here in front of me and cum as much as you want.

I shake my head, but if you keep playing with my front like this, I'm going to bend over. It feels good to have your clit stimulated, doesn't it? Keep making noises like that. feels so good. It's squeezing inside of you. If you make too much noise, your father will come. Yeah... it's good. Hmm? Well, he's really here. What would your father think if he saw you like this? Stop it? I won't stop. Why don't you let him see you getting poked and prodded from below while having your nipples and clit tweaked like this? Shaking his head and saying no is useless.

Track 3 sample

Oh, this is a morning stand up. It will go away in a little while, but I want you to do it. I mean, I want you to do it.

If you can't, fine, I'll tell my dad and he'll tell my mom that she only cares for Reio...

Oh my goodness, it feels so good in your mouth. Move it more.

Suck my mot. Oh...nn...I'm getting a nice face. It's nice and hot in my mouth and down there.

You can use your hands, too, if you want, but you have to keep your head still and rub the root...

Mmm,'s flooding a lot. Good...move your head and hands more. And the base too.

Wow, I'm freaking out all the time. I think I'm going to cum soon in this one.

Naoo's sucking, clit licking, fingering, moaning. She's such an erotic mother...

Every time I go to the back, I get scared, licking and sucking like that. I'm cumming, I'm cumming, I'm cumming!

Track 4 sample

You sound like a child. No, I'm not. Thank you, you're sweet.


By the way, it's been 4 days since I've been here, have you gotten used to it?

Don't run away. If you make any funny moves, your father will find out.

You seem to be doing well with Reo and Naoo, but they don't bully you, do they?

If I don't answer, see?

Are you listening to me? Okay.

Soooo, it's hanging down to my thighs.

I was too busy working to take care of Reo and Naoo...well, I still am.

For that, I would appreciate it if you could get along with both of us. Hmmm...

Hey, don't rock your hips. It's hard to lick.

But if I poke you like this, all you can think about is me, right?

Stick out your tongue? Hmm...

Ah...nn...ah, why are you kissing Naoo? Does it feel good?

Voice Edition] Twin Sons, Leo and Nao - Five Days of Cuckolding and Pleasure Falling


1 hour and 25 minutes of continuous humiliation by Leo and Nao.

[VOICE VERSION] Twin Sons, Leo and Nao - 5 Days of Cuckolding and Pleasure Falling [NIGHT AQUARISE].

You married into the Sawamura family.
Her husband, Koji, introduced her to his twin sons, Reo and Naoo.

From the next day, you are played by Reio, Naoo, and sometimes by both of them.

After 5 days, will you fall in pleasure?

The Sawamura Family

[VOICE VERSION] Twin Sons, Leo and Nao - 5 Days of Cuckolding and Pleasure Falling [NIGHT AQUARISE].
[VOICE VERSION] Twin Sons, Leo and Nao - 5 Days of Cuckolding and Pleasure Falling [NIGHT AQUARISE].

Mitsuharu Sawamura Mitsuharu Sawamura

Your remarriage and father of Reo and Naoo.
He has a calm and gentle personality.

but this is the third time he's remarried...

Track List (Total 1:25:40)

1. Reo Sawamura and Naoo Sawamura (2:03)
You were introduced to Reo and Naoo by Koji, who became your husband.
I felt at ease with the friendly Reio and the quiet Naoo, but...

2. forced sex with Reo (23:20)
Unable to sleep, you go to the living room and meet Reo, who is drinking alone.
When you are told that you are the third person to remarry, Reo pushes you down and says, "I'll tell you why...
Kissing, whispering, ear licking, breast and nipple assault, cunnilingus, backseat position, backseat, lying back, and Nakadashi.

3. Naoo's morning stand treatment (17:02)
When I go to wake Naoo up, he asks me to handle his morning stand.
You refuse, and Naoo asks, "Can Reo do it and I can't?" Naoo asks you "Can Reo do it and I can't? You can't say no...
[threesome, whispering, sucking, burping, 69, cunnilingus, clitoral assault, normal position, Nakadashi, etc.].

4. behind the husband's back...(9:49)
You are enjoying a conversation with Koji in the living room.
While you are washing the dishes, Reo secretly plays with your body.
As she endures the pleasure that Reo gives her without Mitsuharu noticing, Naoo comes too...
[threesomes, sneaking, whispering, cunnilingus, fingering, ear licking, kissing, bucking, and cumming...]

5. The moment your husband finds out (30:55)
A stormy night. Koji and Reio are both late getting home and you are left alone with Naoo.
Blindfolded by Naoo, your hands tied, and doused with a mysterious liquid, your body is...
[Please refer to the full story for details of the play.

6. Conclusion(2:29)
Reo and Naoo have been playing with you, and now it's time for you to...

Enjoy even more different endings when you reach the 200DL mark.

Voice Edition] Twin Sons, Leo and Nao - Five Days of Cuckolding and Pleasure Falling


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