ASMR BL female high-school student KU100 m office lady sadist SM SP strong, brawny man over-satisfied tits spanking elder sister buttocks bath gulp service whisper anal lovey-dovey masturbation support masturbation masturbation device that mimics female genitalia euphonic change of pronunciation countdown kiss clitoral torture cunnilingus cool (i.e. fashionable, attractive, etc.) very sadistic binaural paisley pants fellatio massage person (usu. female) with an unhealthy romantic obsession (has a connotation of mental instability) head-over-heels in love lotion underwear intravaginal (anal, etc.) ejaculation nipple nipple licking nipple torture bass used after the name of someone who is an older brother figure teacher senior (at work or school) virgin ejaculating into someone's mouth sigh confession heavy breathing whisper attachment metamorphosis service pregnancy my betrothed used after the name of someone who is an older sister figure envy conception school Heian-period student of government administration stopping just before little girl older younger childhood friend sitting posture younger brother enforcement her younger people lover love hand job finger-banging (manual stimulation of female genital organs) restraint everyday juice lewd indecent language sleeping together doting tide female ejaculation forcibly teasing snoop (i.e. a detective, a spy, etc.) sweet (taste, fragrance, etc.) indulging (e.g. in alcohol, women, etc.) living healing male virgin ear licking leg torture in which the victim is bound and gagged with words breaking (animals) continual climax

List of Contributors

During the Second Round] Dosage Researcher's Extreme Kimexec - Aphrodisiac x Training - I'm Drowning in Nakadashi!

00:00 00:00

The Dosi researcher's extreme kimexec - I'm drowning in aphrodisiac x training for a Nakadashi!



Aphrodisiac melts your reason... (Aphrodisiac + kiss + ear licking)

I was still staying and working. Just in time. We've got a prototype of a new drug, and we need your help to get the data. Yeah. As you know, it's a sexual stimulant. It's an aphrodisiac.

If this is completed, our company will be treated a little better. Maybe. Yeah. You know how to take data, and I've asked you many times to assist me, so you know it well.

I'm taking this from you. There's no one in the office anymore, and this is your only chance to get some data. So, here, take a drink. Thank you.

After all, you are my indispensable and special junior. How's it going? Has the taste changed your body yet? Heh. It's working faster than I thought it would.

So, what's it like to feel your body heat up? Are your sensitive spots starting to tingle already? No, it's faster to see it in person than to ask. Let's touch your body now to find out.

You have to tell me how you feel when I touch you, and you have to do it in a way that is not hidden. Okay?

That's a great effect, you're not touching me directly, but you're writhing and writhing, and it's so disgusting. Which do you prefer, being played like this with your fingers or having your nipples pinched between your lips, yes, which do you prefer?

You can't tell the difference if you're separated by a shirt. If you can't take it anymore, you can always beg me. Then I'll knead your nipples with my fingers and make love to you with my tongue and lips. You've imagined it, haven't you?

I see you're rubbing your knees together. Yup. Where's the one who's getting off on your vulgar language? You've been pressing your breasts against my fingers for a while now. Yeah. It's okay, it's an aphrodisiac.

She says that the drugs are making her crazy, so she can't stand to be messed with all over, even though she's not normally such a dirty girl. Isn't she at her limit? That's a good boy. You said it right.

You have to be honest with me, or I can't proceed with the experiment. Now then, let's move on to the next step. I'm counting on you. I'll be fine.

I'll remove your shirt, underwear, everything, and caress you thoroughly where it feels good to you. And of course, down below. It's a nice view, isn't it? I can't believe that you, a serious man, are naked in an office where everyone is usually working.

The Dosi researcher's extreme kimexec - I'm drowning in aphrodisiac x training for a Nakadashi!

Squirting continuous climax by kissing and cunnilingus! (Cunnilingus + continuous climax + insertion drive aphrodisiac)

You don't even understand your own face. Now, you just kissed me. With me.

If this is all you can do, what happens when you touch your clitoris? I'd like to see it. You'll show me, won't you? It's so sludgy even before I touch it. And it smells disgusting.

I don't know how you can stand this kind of thing. Let me suck your erect clit. Yeah, yeah. That's all you're going to do. It feels good, doesn't it? I'll make you cum even more.

I've never been so stumped and excited in my life. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. Please get wild with me more.

Go crazy with me. Aphrodisiac, I'm glad I still have it ready. Let's take another bottle. And more. I'll give it to you with a kiss. You're good to drink all of it. I'll take some too...

The Dosi researcher's extreme kimexec - I'm drowning in aphrodisiac x training for a Nakadashi!


◆◆◆◆An experiment in aphrodisiac research...what is his real purpose? ◆◆◆◆

Dos researcher's extreme kimexec - I'm drowning in aphrodisiac x training for Nakadashi [sex worker].

◆◆◆◆Limited Time Offer◆◆◆◆
Campaign Sale to Commemorate Release!

>20%OFF for 14 days only! <

Don't miss this opportunity...!


Binaural recording using the KU100, an ultra-high quality dummy head microphone.

We produce music with a focus on raw sound.

◆◆◆◆Two-week limited time offer

Dos researcher's extreme kimexec - I'm drowning in aphrodisiac x training for Nakadashi [sex worker].

You can enjoy doting sex with various types of boyfriends!

The second film in the "Se*x Worker" series

The "Hairdresser Boyfriend's Pure Love✕ Extremely Sweet Sex: I'm Getting Nakadashi Over and Over Again in the Bath!"

Samples will be included until 4/22 23:59!

Try the sweet and doting bath time sex with the charismatic hair stylist boyfriend!

◆ ◆ ◆Researchers Introduction

Dos researcher's extreme kimexec - I'm drowning in aphrodisiac x training for Nakadashi [sex worker].

Kento Kubota (28)
A researcher in the planning and development department of a pharmaceutical company. He is quite a brilliant researcher, but for some reason, he only asks the heroine to be his assistant.
He studies stimulants, so-called aphrodisiacs, that resolve sexual impotence.
He treats the heroine in a special way and secretly does not want others to touch her...but he is not (yet) aware that this is a romantic feeling.

You (heroine)
He is an employee of a pharmaceutical company. She is sometimes used by Kento as his assistant. She secretly harbors romantic feelings for Kento, but she does not tell him how she feels because she believes that he is a person who is far away from love.


◆◆◆◆01. Reason melted by aphrodisiac... ◆◆◆

"It's okay, tell me it's the aphrodisiac ...... nn. .......
 She's being driven crazy by drugs, and she's not normally such a sexy woman.
 I can't wait to be teased all over my body. ......"

(Scorching play over clothes + full-body lip + ear licking)(10:42)

◆◆◆◆◆02. Resonating in the womb...S-sounding verbal abuse ◆◆◆◆

"I can't believe you're hanging on to yourself. ......
All you can think about anymore is having sex?"

I'd love to hear from you how it feels.
How does it feel to have me tweak your nipples with my tongue ......?"

"...huh ......, your voice and face are all mellow ......, you're so cute ......."

Don't start playing with your clitoris on your own.
 If you want me to touch you, you have to tell me.
 My pussy is tingling, please play with it. ......"

(Dosage verbal abuse + Intense nipple licking)(08:57)

◆◆◆◆◆03. Squirting continuous climax by kissing and cunnilingus.... ...and "aphrodisiac" ◆◆◆...and "aphrodisiac" ◆◆...
"Isn't this ...... better than a regular kiss?"

"Now you're ...... turning into a ...... sexual zone, and I'm sure your ...... mouth is turning into a ...... sexual zone, too.
 You can feel it, too, can't you?"

(Climax deep kissing + cunnilingus + kimekime piston)(13:20)

◆◆◆◆◆04. ◆◆◆◆◆Continuous Nakadashi Piston to convey our love

'I've wanted to do this with you for a long, long time. ...... ah......
I can't believe how... nice your cunt is. ......
Oh ...... I'm going to blurt it out as soon as I get distracted. ......"

"Isn't your clitoris also bouncing ......, quivering and shaking every time your hips sway ......
 He looks like he wants to be touched......
 I'm going to ...... finger you while thrusting ...... deep. ......"

(Grueling cumshot piston✕2 + continuous climax)(10:27)

◆◆◆◆05. After story....

(How many rounds now? + making out in the bathtub)(06:58)

(Total time: 50 minutes and 24 seconds)

◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ DL Benefits

500 DL] Achieved!
Cast Talk" has been added!

Feedback on the recording
What job did you want to be when you were a child?
What is your "personal research"?

The Dosi researcher's extreme kimexec - I'm drowning in aphrodisiac x training for a Nakadashi!


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