ASMR BL female high-school student KU100 m office lady sadist SM SP strong, brawny man over-satisfied tits spanking elder sister buttocks bath gulp service whisper anal lovey-dovey masturbation support masturbation masturbation device that mimics female genitalia euphonic change of pronunciation countdown kiss clitoral torture cunnilingus cool (i.e. fashionable, attractive, etc.) very sadistic binaural paisley pants fellatio massage person (usu. female) with an unhealthy romantic obsession (has a connotation of mental instability) head-over-heels in love lotion underwear intravaginal (anal, etc.) ejaculation nipple nipple licking nipple torture bass used after the name of someone who is an older brother figure teacher senior (at work or school) virgin ejaculating into someone's mouth sigh confession heavy breathing whisper attachment metamorphosis service pregnancy my betrothed used after the name of someone who is an older sister figure envy conception school Heian-period student of government administration stopping just before little girl older younger childhood friend sitting posture younger brother enforcement her younger people lover love hand job finger-banging (manual stimulation of female genital organs) restraint everyday juice lewd indecent language sleeping together doting tide female ejaculation forcibly teasing snoop (i.e. a detective, a spy, etc.) sweet (taste, fragrance, etc.) indulging (e.g. in alcohol, women, etc.) living healing male virgin ear licking leg torture in which the victim is bound and gagged with words breaking (animals) continual climax

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Yandere senpai no kinky affection - I won't pull it out until I'm impregnated - [28 days limited 20%OFF].

00:00 00:00

Yandere senpai no kinky affection - I won't pull it out until I'm impregnated - [28 days limited 20%OFF].




Heh, yes.

Ah, I'm tired. Too much work today. Hey, you think so too, right? I'm sure you feel the same way. It's hard for both of us this time of year, isn't it? Deadlines, deadlines, deadlines.

I mean, I noticed that everyone has already left. So it's just you and me working late again today. Oh, I didn't mean it in a bad way. I meant that I'm happy to be alone with you. Oh, did you just get embarrassed? That's cute.

Well, if you said I should finish my work early, I'm sure. You've been so serious since you were a rookie. Now you've grown up so well that you hardly need my follow-up.

I'm a little lonely. It's like you don't need me. I want to be depended on more. Oh, you're relying on me? I'm glad. I'll do my best to finish today's work. I have to work hard and show you how cool I am.

I was wondering earlier, isn't it a little hot in here? Oh, they turned off the air conditioning to save electricity. It's terrible that we're still here. I can't wear a jacket. Neither can you.

Oh, no, I thought, you're pretty bold to open your bosom like that...come on, no matter how many people aren't there? I'm here, though.

What, you think I'd be good at it?

You mean you're okay with me. I'm just a good senior to you anyway. Nothing more, nothing less. I'm not sulking.

Hey, you, come here for a minute. There's something on your neck... What is it? That. You didn't notice? You have a hickey on your collarbone. You're so upset, you think it's really a hickey? Damn, she had a boyfriend.

That's because she's not interested in me, right? I mean, was it on purpose that you opened your chest so wide just now? Did you want to show me your hickey to deter me? No? I don't know. You have a very coy side to you.

Don't you understand why I'm so mad at you? Did you really think I had no interest in you?

You are so dull. I've been taking care of you because I'm the older and gentler of the two. I've always wanted to have you. As a woman. That's why this hickey makes me so irritated.

It really sucks. I can't believe someone other than me put this on you.

Stay still, I'm not letting go of this hickey until I overwrite it. If you resist, it will hurt you.

Your smell is so strong here. I can't resist it.

Your boyfriend is very possessive. He left his hickey here like he's showing off.

It's a nice coloring. I wonder how a normal boyfriend would react if he knew I overwrote him here? I'm having fun just imagining it.

I think I'll put it on other places too. How about the backs of the ears, or the neck, which can't be hidden by clothes?

Cute resistance. That's not going to get you out of my arms. Besides, it will only make me want to tease you more.

Yandere senpai no kinky affection - I won't pull it out until I'm impregnated - [28 days limited 20%OFF].

In the conference room(1)

Good morning. Don't blush like that. You'll make me want to do it again.

I was plainly upset again. I'm telling you, I'm not sorry about yesterday. I don't regret it. I haven't given up on you either, so brace yourself. Now, I'm going to work hard today.

Hey, do you have a minute? Let's go to the conference room.

What's with that look of alarm? Are you expecting something like yesterday? Your face is bright red. What are you imagining? All I have to do is put together the materials for next week's presentation. If I don't get it together when I have time, I'll be stuck.

Now, if you get it, get your laptop and reference materials. Otherwise, you'll have to work overtime again today!

All right. This is how we're doing here. How about over there? ...which one? Yeah. Looks fine. Good, good, good. You're an excellent junior. Your documentation is already perfect. It's true. Now, save this. I'll forward this data to the director. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll get an OK.

Maybe it's because I've been concentrating on the work, but my shoulders are stiff. Yeah, I'm done working. Wait a minute, don't go yet. I still have something to tell you.

Yesterday, the hickey I gave you. How did your boyfriend react? Did he say anything?

Nothing, huh? Your own woman is about to be eaten by another man and you don't react? Does that mean he really cares about you?

It really sucks to have a guy like that as your boyfriend. I love you more than you love me. Why are you with that guy? Hey, why don't you just dump that guy?

I'll take care of you instead. Stick out your tongue.

Yandere senpai no kinky affection - I won't pull it out until I'm impregnated - [28 days limited 20%OFF].

In the conference room (2)

I'm kissing her, and she looks so comfortable, but she still doesn't have feelings for me, does that mean I can't just drop her with a kiss?

Whoa, what are you trying to get away from? You can't do that yet. Because if you can't just drop a kiss, you'll have to do more.

What's that? It's beyond kissing.

No, no, no. I told you I won't let you get away with it.

Don't be so scared. It's okay. I'll be gentle, and I'm sure by the end you'll want to ask for more. I'll make you feel so good that you won't be able to do without me.

Yandere senpai no kinky affection - I won't pull it out until I'm impregnated - [28 days limited 20%OFF].

I love it.

I'll have to untie the tie that binds your hands. Yes, I got it. I got it. And your clothes are in order. Okay, you look beautiful and cute as always.

Okay, I'll give you a hand. Get off the desk. Oh, look out! Your legs are wobbling. Did it feel that good? Having sex in a place where there is a wall between us and other people.

My face turned red again. You're really cute every time. What? Are you scared of me now?

Yes, I know, I know. I did something counterproductive. But I can't stop thinking about you when I'm in front of you. The thought of a man holding you drives me crazy with jealousy.

I hate you for being held by another man. Why aren't you my girlfriend?

I'm telling you this much, and you don't believe me? That I love you with all my heart.

I'm not lying, that's a terrible thing to do right now, but I really like you. It's true. I've always liked you. Ever since you were new.

You are simple but serious, honest, and you adored me a lot. It was cute how you innocently rejoiced when your work went well, and before I knew it, I fell in love with you not just as a junior colleague, but as a woman.

I was so excited thinking about when I should tell you how I feel about you, or when I should have a nice dinner at that restaurant to confess my feelings.... You have always relied on me.

To be honest, since you rely on me all the time, I figured you had a little bit of a thing for me. But I never expected to see a hickey on you. Do you know how I felt when I saw a hickey that another man had put on you, the man I had loved for so long? Shocked and jealous, my heart was broken. If this was going to happen, I would have told you earlier that I had a boyfriend.

I know I can't go back to the way things were before I fell so hard for you that I couldn't go back, before I raped you with all my might, and I know I can't go back to our relationship now that I'm saying this. But I really like you.

Likes. I can't help it. What was I supposed to do? How could I meet you before your boyfriend? To win your heart? Was I missing something?

I love you so much, but life is not going well. I really like you.

Love it. I love you. I love you more than anyone. I love you.

Don't look at me like that. It's one thing if you're angry, but if you look at me with such a sad face, it's even harder. It makes me feel miserable.

So what do we do now? You gonna take me to the cops? What, you're not even gonna call the cops? After what he did to you? Oh, wait. What did you just say?

Yandere senpai no kinky affection - I won't pull it out until I'm impregnated - [28 days limited 20%OFF].

At the Hotel

Yes. Here it is. Yes, it is. It's a nice room. The night view is beautiful. I'm relieved.

I don't care what the price is. It's a small price to pay to start all over with you.

More than that...I'm sorry for coming out of nowhere. But I've put up with you this long, so forgive me.

Because I really wanted to kiss you like this for a long time after we broke up in the conference room.

It can't be helped. I like you so much, I can't help it.

Are you breathing hard already? I was just kissing you gently. You're really cute.

Yandere senpai no kinky affection - I won't pull it out until I'm impregnated - [28 days limited 20%OFF].


[Points of Interest

blood rain!!!! start the second one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Limited to 28 days 20%OFF!!!!
I had a crush on the heroine from the moment she walked into the office and had my eye on her.
Therefore, he cared for and adored the heroine more than anyone else.
When the heroine finds out that she has a boyfriend, she changes from a gentle senior to a leopard.
They release the insanity that they have been hiding inside.

Character Introduction

Yandere senpai no kinky affection - I won't pull it out until I'm impregnated - [28 days limited 20%OFF] [blood rain].

Name: Shota Yanaginuma
Age: 28 Height: 178cm
Hair: Light brown hair


Yandere senpai no kinky affection - I won't pull it out until I'm impregnated - [28 days limited 20%OFF] [blood rain].

Just the two of us working late.
As always, seniors care for the heroine.
At that time, the senior finds a red thing on the heroine's neck and mistakes it for a hickey.

Jealous by mistake, the older man whispers sweetly, "I like the heroine more than you do," and "Don't you want to see who's a better kisser, your boyfriend or me? He whispers sweetly to the heroine and kisses her...

The senpai, still under the mistaken impression that she is the heroine, presses her every chance he gets, and finally gets physical with her.

[Track listing

Track 1 Jealousy
■Kissing, ear licking, neck licking, overwriting
→Heroine stayed in the company for overtime work.
Shota chatted with them, "So it's just you and me again today, working late," "But with you, it's not so bad," "Well, if you say I should finish work early, then yes.
But then again, it's a little hot today, and the air conditioning seems to have been turned off."
He takes off his jacket as he says this.
Heroine also agrees that it is "hot".

When the heroine relaxes her bosom on a floor that is no longer popular, Shota sees it and points it out.
I'm not sure why you would open your bosom like that, no matter how many people are around. I'm here too.
The heroine says, "I thought it would be nice if you were my senior," and Shota is disappointed, saying, "You mean I'm not eligible....
I'm just a good senior to you," he swallows.

At that time, I found a hickey around the heroine's collarbone (actually an insect bite).

Shota froze for a moment and blurted out, "What's that?
He stood up, looking annoyed, and went to the heroine's side.

The first thing to do is to make sure that you have a good time with your friends and family. I'm sure you're not interested in me. Did you think I wasn't interested in you too? He showed his jealousy.

He grabs the confused heroine by the shoulders and kisses her collarbone, frustrated with jealousy, "This hickey really sucks," and "Someone other than me, you ......," he says.

He holds the resisting heroine down and continues kissing her collarbone area, saying, "I won't let go until I overwrite everything.
He naturally licks her neck and ears, and the sweet voice of the heroine brings him back to himself.
Shota says, "I'm not going to be able to hold back any longer, so I'll stop," and leaves, saying, "I'm going home today.

Track 2 in conference room (1)
→The two met awkwardly the next day in the morning.
After whispering, "Good morning," and "I don't regret what I did yesterday," he leaves, saying, "I'm going to work hard today."

Time Lapse.

Shota says, "I'm going to put together the materials for next week's presentation. I've reserved the conference room for you," invites the heroine.
The heroine is wary, but Shota teases her, "What are you wary of? Shota teases her.
The heroine denies it, so we laugh and go to the conference room.

In the conference room.

Two people who made serious presentation materials.
Shota puts together the documents, saying, "Yeah, this should be fine," and "I'll check with the head of the department later.

He grabs the heroine's arm to hold her back as she tries to get up and leave.

A senior asks the heroine, "Did your boyfriend say anything?" the heroine asks.

The heroine was about to say, "They didn't say anything, because (I don't have a boyfriend)," when a sad voice said what's so good about such a thin-skinned boyfriend.
The older man kisses her bitterly, "I love you more than you love me..." and "You should dump that man.

The kisses, getting more and more intense, and the heroine's face begins to melt.
Seeing this, Shota felt better and said, "After all, I'm a better kisser than your boyfriend, aren't I? Shota teased her and kissed her again.

The heroine, who cringes a little, is told, "I won't let you go yet, because you look so good."

Kissing and licking ears while saying.
Shota begins to get excited as the heroine makes sweet noises.
She pleaded, "Ditch your current boyfriend and fall for me, love me, ......."
Close with a gentle kiss.

Track 3 In the conference room (2)
Verbal abuse, kissing, finger massage, squirting, and live penetration
It starts with a →deep kiss.
You look so good, but you don't have any feelings for me?" He says wistfully, "You look like you're feeling so good.

Then we'll have to do more," he grinned.
It starts to get a little crazy.

Heroine, unintentionally tries to run away, but he holds her by the waist and says, "I won't let you go.
She laughed, "I'm going to make you feel so good that you won't be able to do without me."
Reach for the heroine's pubic area.

When the heroine resists, he touches her with his fingers over her underwear, saying, "No, I won't let you go," "I'll hold you until you say I'm better," "I want to make you crazy about me.

He teases the heroine that she is also wet, and leans her against the desk,
He kissed her, whispering, "Such resistance, it's only cute."
Take off your underwear.

Did I lock the door?" I tease her and slowly attack her clitoris.
As the heroine got wetter and wetter, Shota asked her, "Does it excite you to do sex in a place where you don't know who might be coming? Shota asked her "Do you get aroused by having sex in a place where you don't know who is coming?

First climax early.
I teased her about it and said, "It's not like you haven't been with your boyfriend in a while, since you had a hickey, right?" You're early, aren't you?" She then continued to verbally assault me.
She kissed him hard, saying, "Let me see you get more wild.

After lightly restraining the resisting heroine with a tie to prevent her from escaping,
Excited by the heroine who is bound with her crotch wet.

Forced finger-manipulation. Squirting (second climax)

A gentle kiss, satisfied, "You really are a pervert, aren't you?"

Then he whispered, "Seeing you like that, I'm already like this," "I'm in pain in my pants," and "It's time to let me feel you directly. Of course, in my cunt," he whispered.

When the heroine is placed on the desk, she is inserted raw.
He is excited to connect with the heroine for the first time and attacks her.
The heroine's voice becomes more vocal than before, and he teases her by saying, "You have to hold your voice," "I'm busy supporting your waist, and you can't use your hands either," while attacking her.

Shota, Nakadashi as the heroine climaxes.
If you get knocked up by this, I'll take responsibility," he whispered suspiciously.

Track 4: Because I love you.
→ A heroine who was so embraced that she could not stand on her haunches.
Shota smiles with satisfaction as he undoes the heroine's restraints and dresses her up.
Was it that good?" he teased. She teased, "It's so nice to do it in a place where there is a wall between us and other people.

The heroine is perplexed by the change in her kind senior.
Shota is a bit distressed by the heroine's attitude.

In bitterness, she spits out her thoughts, "I can't stop thinking about you when I'm in front of you," and "I hate you for being held by another man.

To the heroine, who still doesn't understand.
I've been in love with you ever since you were new! Ever since you were a rookie! I've been in love with you ever since you were a newcomer!

Shota told her how much he liked the heroine and thought she liked him too. I can't accept that it was all a misunderstanding...I can't accept that. I'll be mine, I like you, I like you, I like you, I like you, I like you, I like you, I like you, I like you, I like you, I like you, I kiss you tenderly and repeatedly.

Shota said, "I know it's counterproductive if I do this, but ......" and stopped kissing her.
The heroine finally confides, "It's all a misunderstanding.

For a moment, the senior doesn't understand, but when he realizes that it's all a misunderstanding, he exclaims.

Apologize to the heroine. What do I have to do to get her to forgive me? What do I have to do to be forgiven?
Heroine: "Please love me properly."
Shota "I love you properly, eh? and after he was upset, he was embarrassed to find out that they were in love with each other.

I want to do it all over again." "I want to hold you again, properly and carefully," he said, and after hugging me, "Tonight, in a hotel," he whispered, "Because now that I know we're in love, I can't wait until the weekend. He whispered.
When consent is obtained, close with a gentle kiss.

Track 5 At the hotel
■Gentle ehchi. Gentle sex. Ear licking, ear attack, deep kissing, finger massage, squirting, and live penetration.
→Æ After working, the senior staff took the heroine to a hotel.

At the hotel, he gently kisses the heroine as he enters the room.

He tells her, "Let me start all over again, let me love you gently and carefully," and when the heroine agrees, he gently kisses her neck.
Ear licking from neck licking.
The heroine makes sweet noises as soon as possible, so I am satisfied and lay her gently on the bed.

Then, while kissing, he removes the heroine's clothes and finger fucks her.
He gently attacks the wet heroine, whispering to her, "You feel it so easily.

After making her climax once, she licks her clitoris in the middle of coming.
Seeing the heroine's body trembling, he teases her, "Are you about to cum again? and then he starts fingering her again.
Heroine squirts at her second climax.

The heroine looks a little tired after having climaxed continuously.
But it felt good, didn't it?" He said, "You were squirting so hard,
When the heroine nodded.
I didn't know that. I didn't know." "But I'm glad. I like you, too," he kissed her.

She inserted herself raw, saying, "Make me feel even better."
I couldn't resist and forgot to put on a rubber. But I didn't put one on before, so it's a little late for that." With a hint of insanity, he gently thrusts and brings the heroine to climax.

When the heroine tries to rest, he says in a sweet voice, "Dame," and then says, "I haven't come yet," and this time he penetrates her from behind.
Shota gets excited and starts thrusting harder and harder.

We climaxed at the same time, and after cumming inside each other, he said, "Hey, is this the second time you've cum inside me today? Did my sperm enter your womb?" She said, "Well, now that you're mine, it's okay, right? I really want you to conceive my baby. I really want you to conceive my baby. I'll cum inside you again and again," she whispered suspiciously.

Yandere senpai no kinky affection - I won't pull it out until I'm impregnated - [28 days limited 20%OFF].


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