ASMR BL female high-school student KU100 m office lady sadist SM SP strong, brawny man over-satisfied tits spanking elder sister buttocks bath gulp service whisper anal lovey-dovey masturbation support masturbation masturbation device that mimics female genitalia euphonic change of pronunciation countdown kiss clitoral torture cunnilingus cool (i.e. fashionable, attractive, etc.) very sadistic binaural paisley pants fellatio massage person (usu. female) with an unhealthy romantic obsession (has a connotation of mental instability) head-over-heels in love lotion underwear intravaginal (anal, etc.) ejaculation nipple nipple licking nipple torture bass used after the name of someone who is an older brother figure teacher senior (at work or school) virgin ejaculating into someone's mouth sigh confession heavy breathing whisper attachment metamorphosis service pregnancy my betrothed used after the name of someone who is an older sister figure envy conception school Heian-period student of government administration stopping just before little girl older younger childhood friend sitting posture younger brother enforcement her younger people lover love hand job finger-banging (manual stimulation of female genital organs) restraint everyday juice lewd indecent language sleeping together doting tide female ejaculation forcibly teasing snoop (i.e. a detective, a spy, etc.) sweet (taste, fragrance, etc.) indulging (e.g. in alcohol, women, etc.) living healing male virgin ear licking leg torture in which the victim is bound and gagged with words breaking (animals) continual climax

List of Contributors

Rinya: When you lick a woman's ear after drunkenly having sex with her from the time she wakes up from sleep, you'll see each other's true feelings...

00:00 00:00

Lovely script (by Shiori): []



Good morning.


Why are we in bed together?

Don't you remember? You invited me.

I'm not lying. Yesterday, when I walked you to this room after you got really drunk at a company party, you stopped me as I was leaving and dragged me into bed, didn't you?

That's right. You asked me out passionately.

Huh...I'm shocked. If you make such a hopeless face, I'll be hurt too.

.... He's not wearing clothes...that's right, if he invites you to bed, you'll want to take them off.

Huh? Did you, by any chance? ask that?

Don't you recognize it in your own body?

Huh? Wait...ouch...what, why are you mad at me?

What's the worst....

I was pretty happy, you know? I thought you didn't like me at work, so to be asked out like this.

I couldn't take my eyes off of you because you are usually so cold, but your drunken and sweet gestures were so cute.

You had me hooked just last night, and you say things like that?

Can you just go? What, you really don't like me? You lied to me yesterday?

Don't you know? That's not me?

Hmmm... Hmmm.

Do you... do you do that to anyone when you're drunk? You invite even a guy you don't like, enjoy one night of physical pleasure, and then immediately say bye-bye? You're the worst, aren't you?

Let go of me? Ha, I said the same thing to you yesterday.

But you didn't let go.

...See, you can't get away with that level of resistance.

Okay, next, this way.

Cute. Oh yeah...that voice. It's like the body is being honest.

Hey... how does it feel to be sober and have me do this to you? Come on, how does it feel to be licked by a guy you hate?

...hey ...... are you crying? Why....

It's still better if you don't like it and get out of control. Don't cry...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.

I was just thinking that you're not interested in me too much....

Huh? What is an idiot?

Huh? ...the other way around? ...You like it? Huh? You mean me?

No, you're kidding me. You've been cold all day at the office, not making eye contact with me, not talking to me, not talking to me.

...I was so nervous that I didn't treat you well? Huh?

You wanted to be honest with me, but you hated yourself for being so hateful so easily? ...You wanted to talk to me a lot more, and yesterday you drank until you were so drunk that you thought you could talk to me when you were drunk...?

But you said earlier that it sucks that you can't remember your first time with the person you love...?

Ha, no that for real? That's the real you...? I mean, is that really who you were yesterday?

Did you want to touch me enough... to ask me out?

I don't know. I don't know. Oh, wait a minute. Don't run away under the covers. Come out. Let me see your face.

No, I'm not leaving. I can't go home if I hear that. What's so cute about that? I feel like I've just discovered a major weakness in your work ethic.

A shy person who is not very good at being honest...?

Oh, hey...come on out. I'm sorry I was so... horrible to you earlier. I was the worst.

Forgive me.

I said that because I was frustrated that you didn't remember anything... but I didn't do it yesterday.

Well, I was willing to do it, but.... I was going to do it, but........ I wouldn't do something like that to a sleeping person.

What, you still doubt me? I mean... you don't feel any physical discomfort, do you? I mean, why don't you know your own body?

I can't keep up with all the processing in my brain....

Totally. Okay, one more thing while I'm catching up.

I want to hold you properly now... okay?

I want you to remember my first time with you.

...Oh, it's frozen.

What the heck...the real you is so cute...look at me. First of all, I'm going to kiss you....


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