ASMR BL female high-school student KU100 m office lady sadist SM SP strong, brawny man over-satisfied tits spanking elder sister buttocks bath gulp service whisper anal lovey-dovey masturbation support masturbation masturbation device that mimics female genitalia euphonic change of pronunciation countdown kiss clitoral torture cunnilingus cool (i.e. fashionable, attractive, etc.) very sadistic binaural paisley pants fellatio massage person (usu. female) with an unhealthy romantic obsession (has a connotation of mental instability) head-over-heels in love lotion underwear intravaginal (anal, etc.) ejaculation nipple nipple licking nipple torture bass used after the name of someone who is an older brother figure teacher senior (at work or school) virgin ejaculating into someone's mouth sigh confession heavy breathing whisper attachment metamorphosis service pregnancy my betrothed used after the name of someone who is an older sister figure envy conception school Heian-period student of government administration stopping just before little girl older younger childhood friend sitting posture younger brother enforcement her younger people lover love hand job finger-banging (manual stimulation of female genital organs) restraint everyday juice lewd indecent language sleeping together doting tide female ejaculation forcibly teasing snoop (i.e. a detective, a spy, etc.) sweet (taste, fragrance, etc.) indulging (e.g. in alcohol, women, etc.) living healing male virgin ear licking leg torture in which the victim is bound and gagged with words breaking (animals) continual climax

List of Contributors

CV: Wataru Mitsuhashi × Sen Yagami] MONSTER IN THE CLOSET 2 "Willa the Wisp" -Morning Fog-.

00:00 00:00

CV: Wataru Mitsuhashi × Sen Yagami] MONSTER IN THE CLOSET 2 "Willa the Wisp" -Morning Fog-.



PR comment (Eito Kanose: Sen Yagami)

Monster in the Closet 2, I am Sen Yagami playing the role of Eito Kanose. Hello everyone. I've just finished recording the show.

This time, we have Monster Closet 2, a sequel to the popular Monster in the Closet, which takes place 10 months later.

When I received the offer, it was a surprise to me that I would be asked to be a part of the sequel.

I am sure that the impressions of the last series are still very much with you.

Eito Kanose, who I played this time, is an SP who is by the heroine's side.

I would say it is a different kind of love from the previous work. The way love is directed and directed. It is exactly the same world, but I think it has a different atmosphere from the previous work.

I had a strong image of the previous work in my mind, so I put a lot of emphasis on not destroying the image and the world, and I also tried not to destroy the image of the new character, Eito Kanose, so that the listeners would like him. I also tried not to ruin the image of the listeners and to make them like the new character, Eito Kanose.

Well, it is a continuation of the previous work, but I would be happy if you could listen to it as one of the new stories.

Then it was Sen Yagami as Eito Kanose in Monster in the Closet 2.

CV: Wataru Mitsuhashi × Sen Yagami] MONSTER IN THE CLOSET 2 "Willa the Wisp" -Morning Fog-.

Track 1: A Secret Nightmare Full Publication Sample (updated 12/24)

Doctor, this is Kanose. I have come to report. If you'll excuse me. May I have a few minutes of your time? Sensei, I'm coming in.

Teacher. Sorry to startle you. But I knocked twice. Please, take a little break.

How much of a push is too much for you to not even notice that I came in. I was probably working all the time without eating again anyway.

Yes, yes, yes. I understand. I'll get right to it. Now, here are the documents. The latest investigation report on Ichihara has come in.

His home and villa are both unchanged and empty. He has not been seen in any place related to the victims. However, the whereabouts of several luxury cars owned by the victim are still unknown. We believe that he may have fled in his car and is hiding out, so we have strengthened our wide-area investigation system and extended the period of simultaneous checkpoints throughout the country.

Also, regarding the drugs he left at the lodge, as you indicated, I have run them through a more detailed analysis and have come up with new information.

The true nature of that drug is a female-only sex track that acts on female hormones and leaves strong aftereffects. Once used, its powerful aphrodisiac effect and stimulating effects cause daily seizures, and the body becomes so hypersensitive that repeated orgasms are triggered by the slightest stimulation.

The release of male bodily fluids and sexual urges is essential to stop the seizures. It is truly a heinous substitute that turns women into sex slaves.

But I was really relieved to hear that fortunately Sensei was not harmed by the drugs at that mountain lodge. Sensei, what's wrong? Are you all right?

Sir, I have never seen you take a vacation since I joined the investigation and became the exclusive SP. It must be a stifling experience to live a life with an escort on my back 24 hours a day.

It's been almost a year now, and while we have not been able to catch Ichihara's tail at all, there have been a number of inexplicable injuries and missing persons from the investigation team.

And all of them, for some reason, were assigned to be your SP. The existence of an exclusive SP is a super-secret mission that only a few people inside the company know about.

If it's leaked, there's a good chance there's an inside man on the team, or Ichihara is already lurking right next to us. And the target is clearly you, sir. You've long been aware of this.

I was to be the sole teacher escort for a few weeks until all the members were washed out as instructed by the teacher.

If I were Ichihara, I would go after you right now, when everyone on the investigation team is suspicious of you and your security is stretched thin.

Perhaps you are aware of this and are using yourself as bait to lure him out?

I will not let you do such a dangerous thing. Doctor, look at me. Can't you just stay away from this case? It's not your fault what happened to your team, but you keep blaming yourself.

You've suffered enough already, haven't you? I will talk to the top. Your mind and body must be at their limits. Say yes, doctor.

I knew you would not nod your head so frankly. I have seen the doctor closer than anyone else these past few months.

The teacher's mind is still stuck in that mountain lodge. You know it yourself, don't you? You have been fighting alone, trapped in that place ever since that night. Even at this very moment.

It's painful to watch you doctor. All my life, as a police officer, I have been working hard, believing that there is nothing more important than solving a case.

But when I'm with a teacher, I don't know. I think you are more important than that. I'm sorry.

Please remember one thing. I will never disappear from your life. No matter what. I will not be like my predecessors. And I will always protect you. Even if it costs me my life.

Can't I turn it into life? Then I will not let anyone hurt you in front of you. Including myself. And I'll properly catch Ichihara and make him do it. How about this? Don't look so worried.

I may look like just a young guy to you, but I am a member of an elite unit. I would like you to trust me a little.

You have been chosen to protect you. Never try to do something dangerous by carrying it alone. Yes, sir. Give me your pinky finger, too, teacher. Let's promise each other.

CV: Wataru Mitsuhashi × Sen Yagami] MONSTER IN THE CLOSET 2 "Willa the Wisp" -Morning Fog-.

Track 2: A Secret Left In The Closet Crossfade Sample (updated 12/16)

I'm sorry. I'm sorry to barge into your bedroom at this hour. The Captain insists on meeting with you before the next plenary session, and he was wondering if you could spare an hour or so tomorrow morning.

Are you all right, doctor? You seem a little off. Doctor. Are you all right? Hang on. Hurry to the emergency room. Doctor, you noticed.

You want to settle with Ichihara by yourself, don't you? Then, doctor, may I also ask you one thing? I couldn't say it yesterday, but the truth is, if I can protect you, I, I will throw away my life without hesitation.

It is not because of my duties. I lick and serve you. The teacher's body is reacting so jitterily just by having his breath on my ear.

Are you afraid? You're afraid the pleasure is too strong. Keep relaxing. Are you going to go just by kissing? That's fine. Go ahead.

I don't put on the brakes and let the urges go on and on. It may be painful, but can I spread it out as wide as I can with my fingers here?

It plays hard while baring even the base of the clitoris. You can't go on like this forever. Do you want to suck clitoris all the time?

Are you going crazy? Then please show me your madness as soon as possible. If that will save you from Ichihara, I won't hesitate in any way now.

CV: Wataru Mitsuhashi × Sen Yagami] MONSTER IN THE CLOSET 2 "Willa the Wisp" -Morning Fog-.

Track 3: A Secret Bomb Crossfade Sample

Sir, over here. Hold on. There is a conference room at the end of the hall.

Sir, are you all right? I can't believe you had a seizure in the middle of an investigative meeting. Let's give you first aid here. We have to finish this when people don't show up, so I'll let you go for real.

I'll make it easy for you right here too. Would you like other investigators to see that rutting face?

Until now, when you had a seizure like this, you've been alone and frightened of Ichihara's shadow all this time, haven't you? From here on out, you can only feel me now.

CV: Wataru Mitsuhashi × Sen Yagami] MONSTER IN THE CLOSET 2 "Willa the Wisp" -Morning Fog-.

PR track (Wataru Mitsuhashi as Sei Ichihara)

Merry Christmas. I'm sorry, Doctor. Can you just keep listening and don't turn around? You know what I mean. If anyone else senses you're talking to me right now and says anything, they're not going to get away with it.

That smell. It reminds me of... That night. I'm sorry. I want to grab this beautiful hair right now and suck on her frightened, moist, sweaty neck. I can't even look at your face.

But I'll see you soon. Soon. Wait for me, doctor. I love you. I'm always watching you.

CV: Wataru Mitsuhashi × Sen Yagami] MONSTER IN THE CLOSET 2 "Willa the Wisp" -Morning Fog-.


Who can "really save you": ......?

CV: Wataru Mitsuhashi × Sen Yagami] MONSTER IN THE CLOSET 2 "Willa the Wisp" -Morning Fog- [Looney's Cat].

Ten months have passed since the nightmarish night at the mountain villa with the suspect of a heinous crime, "Sei Ichihara.
Public criticism focused on a new case of confinement by a thug and the police who allowed him to escape. The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, putting its prestige on the line, is still trying to track down Ichihara, whose whereabouts are still unknown.
Meanwhile, the heroine (Anata), a psychologist/psychiatrist who has been targeted by Ichihara even though she is a civilian, is escorted by an SP team that has been secretly established since the incident.
However, in this short period of time, the team was devastated by a string of disappearances and injuries.
The police, suspecting Ichihara's involvement, have selected Eito Kanose, an elite man trained by the FBI to deal with special crime cases, to be your new exclusive SP.
In secret, he was to live in your home and office and provide you with 24-hour security. ......

In fact, you have a certain "secret" that you have been desperately trying to keep hidden...
I was alone and alone struggling with that pain, which was growing day by day.

Character Introductions

CV: Wataru Mitsuhashi × Sen Yagami] MONSTER IN THE CLOSET 2 "Willa the Wisp" -Morning Fog- [Looney's Cat].

Eito Kanose /CV: Sen Yagami

Special Crimes Investigation, Civilian VIP Protection Section, Metropolitan Police Department (Task Force Affiliation)
The Metropolitan Police Department, under public scrutiny for numerous blunders, sent you as a trump card to protect you from the clutches of Ichihara, a talented SP in their elite unit.

His mother died when he was very young, and his father, a police officer who raised him with his own hands, was killed in the line of duty.
 Became a police officer while taking care of his sister.
After hard work, selected for the task force, an elite unit of the Metropolitan Police Department
He is also a champion in kendo at the inter-high school individual competition. She is adored by her younger sister.

CV: Wataru Mitsuhashi × Sen Yagami] MONSTER IN THE CLOSET 2 "Willa the Wisp" -Morning Fog- [Looney's Cat].

Mizuki Ichihara /CV: Wataru Mitsuhashi

■Former young businessman and fugitive criminal
Ten months have passed since the incident at the villa, and still nothing is known about its whereabouts.

High IQ, good at controlling people's minds, but lacks empathy and will not use any means to achieve a goal.
He is a sportsman and a smart person, and was admitted to a famous private university as a special student.
While still in school, he started his own business, winning numerous business contests and cash prizes.
While earning wealth and fame as a businessman, he also actively participates in charity events.
  --but behind the scenes, he is a psychopath who makes a lot of money in a black business.
Hobbies include strength training, reading, and listening to jazz music (+confinement rape)
I like to blame the sensitive parts of a woman's body.

■ Psychiatrist and Criminal Psychoanalyst
A beautiful psychiatrist who led the arrest of Jyoti Ichihara, a suspect in a series of unsolved kidnappings that have gone down in criminal history, through precise psychological analysis.
He was an unusual choice because of his profiling skills honed in the real world of the United States, but after the meeting at the mountain villa, even though he is a civilian, he is being followed by Sei.
Although he is suffering from certain "symptoms" and trauma, he is still cooperating with the investigation to close the case by his own hands.
Currently, he lives in a tower apartment that doubles as his home and office, with his exclusive SP, Eito Kanose, living there in secret.

☆☆☆☆☆Please note

● This work is a sequel to "Monster In The Closet".
Since there is a connection between the stories, we hope that you will enjoy this work to the fullest if you have listened to it after watching the previous one.

This work is weighted toward the track with "Eito Kanose," which is connected to "Monster In The Closet.
⇒Saint Ichihara appears on only one track.
 As with any piece, we don't want the person who gets it to be disappointed, so please be sure to check the contents before purchasing and consider whether it suits your taste...!
 (Of course, the weight of the volume is small, but the story is weighted both ways, and there is a lot of soul in one track of the Holy...!)
*There are no threesome scenes.

● Ci-en's followers and Youtube are showing a PR talk by Mr. Ichihara Sei Minitruck/Yagami Sen.
 Please check this one out if you like!


◎This work also has a serious suspense story and a lot of practical, specialized and S play.
...The main play is for those with a strong sense of rape and humiliation for those with a strong sense of M.

Once you enter this world, we cannot guarantee your safety no matter where you are or what you do. ......!
 So, please be sure to confirm the play, content, etc,
 I can stand this much! I'd rather be treated like this! I'd rather have it done to me!
 Please consider purchasing only if you have a precious M nature...!

! ◆! Included plays ! ◆!
Pleasure Blame, clitoral licking and lip play (tongue kissing, nipple sucking, tongue insertion, anal licking)
☆ Emphasis on close whispering scenes
☆ Ear licking and lip sound oriented
Lovey-dovey, so-so sex available

There is a hint of NTR throughout. (Not recommended for those who do not like it...!)

 Forced erotic sex, continuous erotic sex, aphrodisiac, shame, humiliation, outdoors available
 Long cunnilingus, anal licking, voice endurance, tongue insertion, lewd language
 Focus on threats, force, verbal abuse, clitoral abuse

We won't hurt you! We will not make you do anything painful!
! ◆!!! ◆!!! ◆!!! ◆!!! ◆!!! ◆!!! ◆!!! ◆!!! ◆!!! ◆!

*With and without water sounds ver./WAV and MP3 data are available.
*The version with water sounds contains ejaculation sounds.
Extra: Includes Japanese script of Sen Yagami's free talk, transcription of Sen Yagami's free talk, and jacket illustration.

track list

A Secret Nightmare/Eito 11:07
...Situation Description

Eito visits your room again tonight to report on the investigation, while being concerned about your workaholic tendencies.
He thought he had gotten away with it, but when he noticed that you were acting strangely, he got to the heart of the matter. ......
You know that, don't you? You know that yourself, don't you?"

2.A Secret Left In The Closet/Eito 37min 12sec
...Specialized in lip play (tongue kissing, nipple nipping, and clitoral licking), continuous sexual intercourse, and aphrodisiacs

What choice did Eito make in the face of your secret finally being revealed?
Please show me the crazy part.
 If it will save you from Ichihara, I won't hesitate to do ...... anything now."

3.A Secret Bomb/Eito 13:58
...voice endurance, clitoral licking, anal licking, cunnilingus, hand job, close whispering, aphrodisiac

Doctor, let's get you some first aid right here.
In an empty conference room at the Metropolitan Police Department, where I visited for an investigative meeting...
Please feel only for me, not for him."

4.A Secret Liberation/Eito 32min 51sec
...Lovemaking sex, ear nudging, nipple torture, clitoral licking, handjob, fellatio, penetration, and rubber ejaculation

What are their feelings for each other that transcend their positions?
"Tonight, ......, only for now.
 Can I assume it's not because of his meds ......?"

A Secret Punishment/Holy 38min 18sec
...Threats, Rape, Forced, Outdoors, Shame, Voice holding, Handjob, Clitoral licking, Continuous cumming, Close whispering

I'll ruin everything.
 I'll destroy "everything and anything" that you value.
 I don't want there to be anything left but me... you know?"

Free Talk/ Sen Yagami 9min 56sec
...Free talk by main cast member Sen Yagami

Total playback time 143 min. 22 sec.

*Sei Ichihara Minitrack/Yagami Sen's PR talk is also available for free on Ci-en!

CV: Wataru Mitsuhashi × Sen Yagami] MONSTER IN THE CLOSET 2 "Willa the Wisp" -Morning Fog-.


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